Week one of veg has come and gone and these girls are looking on point at the end of the week. Everyone praying for sunlight, no burnt tips, and already working on their third set of leaves. Have each plant a bit of support on second day of the week as they were tilting over, they were quite top heavy already for their poor little stems. Oscillating fan giving them all a breeze with visible slight movement so I'm attributing it to the very fast growth. Same thing happened last run and no issue because of it. At this rate the taps will be on sometime next week!
Man I love growing strains by Crossbone Genetics, all have been very healthy hearty plants with little to no issues and great yields. Nice to support a fellow Canadian
@Hattiwatti, ended up lifting the plants and the reservoir accordingly, nice even canopy now thanks for the advice! Milk crates and plant risers to the rescue