Week 19 Day 1
Begin UVB Wk 19 (or when attached to crossbars or flower stretch complete and able to maintain canopy +24”) Stretch this grow was to 36”. Canopy fixed at 24.”
Wk 19, Day 1 start UVB between 10am - 3 pm @ 15 minutes on the hour. (1½ hours total exposure).
Wk 19, Day 4 footprint: 10 am @ 30 minutes; 12 pm @45 minutes; 2 pm @ 30 minutes. (1¾ hours total exposure).
1/64th tsp of both P & K added to the existing nutrient mix. Experiment! On week nine of soil feeding schedule.
Week 20 Day 1
Feeding Schedule @ Wk 10 (start of week 5 of flower).
Wk 20 Day 1 UVB footprint: 9 am @ 15 minutes; 10 am @ 30 minutes; 12 pm @ 45 Minutes; 2 pm @ 30 minutes; 3 pm @ 15 minutes. (2¼ hours total exposure).
One heater running. At sunrise tent temperature 64° F. (outside air 28°F) Thought was, in the mountains at night it gets cold and then hot during the day. So now I am running 60°± - 78°.
Week 20 Day 4 flush all plants @ 1 gallon per plant using FoxFarm’s Sledgehammer. Plants starting to get ugly. Calyxes these plant are quite large. Makes the buds look like oatmeal with a sprinkling of brown sugar. The plants will never be extremely frosty. Probably mid range not high THC. Of course this is only one week of UVB exposure. Result of extra P & K Wk 19 Day 1 - plants reacted differently, some had a little crimson in the stalks and stems, others a little yellowing a few leaves. Might have caused the flowers to stretch some. Not at toxicity stage. Two of the sevenplants were effected. Stick to the soil feeding schedule stupid!
Looking for heavy foliage indica plants before and after defoliation. Point me to your grow. After 50 years of top at four nodes, never remove fans I decided to add defoliation to the toolkit.
Woow 💚👍 i don't think i should summerise in words what the pictures already say.
Top tier work. They look lovely. Keep it up. Thank you also for your good answer on my grow question😊.