DAY 26 :
👉 I selected 8 of the 12 seedlings and repotted them into 8 AutoPot XL containers. These pots hold 25 litres, but because of the AirDomes there is only room for a 22.5 litre potting mix.
👉 My potting mix for this diary consists of 100 litres of recycled soil mix (50/50 soil/perlite) from a previous harvest, mixed with 40 litres of fresh potting soil and 40 litres of perlite. I enriched the mix with 1000 grams of Biovin (dry organic compost made from grape residues), 100 grams of Flower Safer (mycorrhiza), 120 grams of Outdoor Bloom (Gen1:11) and 40 grams of Oudoor Grow (Gen 1:11).
👉 I placed 4 growth tablets on the bottom of each pot. They are prototypes from Their old tablets are no longer available, but they are working on new tablets.
👉 Before repotting I sprinkled some Flower Safer (mycorrhiza) in the planting hole.
👉 During the day I place a plastic propagator over each plant to keep the humidity high. During the night I remove the propagator and turn on the oscillating fan so that the plants catch some wind and therefore develop a stronger stem.
DAY27 :
👉 I mixed 10 liters of water with 50 ml of liquid thick organic fertilizer (NK 5-3) from the regular garden store and 2.5 ml of Pep Roots (not liquid, more of a pasta) that I got for free from the local grow shop. Then I divided the 10 liters over the 8 plants.
Biscotti is one of my all time favorite strains. Following to see how she grows!
I soak my seeds in water for 48 -72 hours max. Usually there's at least a tiny root poking out by then. Either way I put it in soil after that and they pop within 3-5 days later. If 1 week passes and it don't sprout then it's a dud.
@Qutro, I'll do my best 😋 It's been a while since I started a seed diary. I had cuttings of some nice varieties, but the urge to start with a new strain was unstoppable. 😖 I'm looking forward to the moment I can test my first Biscotti bud😙✋