BetweenTwoWeedscommentedweek 86 years ago
@Dunk_Junk, Well this is strange... I swear I replied to this comment but now it's not showing that I did. Am I crazy? haha.
The funny thing is I never used Cannabis. I did when I was younger but it just made my anxiety worse. Back then you got what they had. When it was legalized in Canada it really opened my mind to the possibilities of it's uses and I went in head first. I've gardened for years but for Cannabis it was a first.
Watching these plants in real time, I work construction. I would get home, take my work clothes off, wash my hands and head straight to the tent. Every day without fail. Even sneaking peaks in the morning and before bed. All the time really. What surprised me was how fast and drastically they could change.
I learned a TON. Before I just bought soil that had everything it needed for a 3 month course of growing vegetables and growing in coco coir was a whole other world. I was advised not to, it's for advanced growers only. I don't ever want to go back to soil.
Future grows I will start training my plants sooner and add more cal-mag. I was told I had used too much cal-mag but after chopping one of my plants and seeing the hollow core on it I realized it was a deficiency not using too much. However that plant turned out to be the tastiest, and most potent of them all.
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