Silverback_Guerillacommentedweek 106 years ago
Yes, though I've never purchased the bundle itself. The first grow I used just the "trio" of Grow Big, Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom, and I got the Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching for flowering.
The next grow I started foliar feeding with Flower's Kiss and added Microbe Brew, Kangaroots, and Bembe to the regimen, and started using Sledgehammer for flushing. I also bought some Boomerang to try and save a few plants that were almost killed (it worked!)
In my current grow I've added Kelp Me Kelp You and it really seems to help with the occasional stress I put on them due to unstable temperatures in the tent.
I also use Happy Frog, Coco Loco, and Ocean Forest soil..and when recharging my soil between grows, I also mix in some Happy Frog Bat Guano fertilizer.
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