
Amateur Hour x 4

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 1
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Pisstank85 Pisstank85
5 years ago
First week popped seeds , planted directly into 3 gal fabric pots of pro mix hp . Started out with a 35-40% humidity in the tent but the light and temperature fluctuations here have dropped that to 25% ..added humidifier set humidistat to 50%. Sprouts look green and healthy so far watering with ph 6.5 filtered water , no nutrients added yet . Hopefully didn't do too much damage the first 5 days having low humidity .
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Grow Questions
Pisstank85started grow question 5 years ago
Week one of my grow ..just a little sprout right now . When should I start feeding ?
Techniques. Defoliation
Watersanswered grow question 5 years ago
I grow in coco coir and have learnt to start feeding ASAP. My latest little one,not even having a true set of leaves yet, was given full feed yesterday and I see no signs of burn. I say go close to full feed.
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
It depends on the quality and nutrients in your soil. If you use a good mix, it should have at least your first 2-3 weeks of feeding in it. Especially since you went directly into the 3 gallon pots and won't need to water them too often over these next few weeks, id watch the plant for feeding about weeks 3-4. Good luck with the little babies.✌️
amazingautoflowersanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey @Pisstank85, First, since there are all different strains you should expect each to have its own characteristics. They are not going to grow the same. They also will probably handle the Nutrients a bit differently. As far as the Fugue, the brown spots just look like you got a bit of Nute burn. when you feed tey to keep it off the leaves and if you get the leaves wet you can dab them with a bit of paper towel to get the mix off of them. The Nute spots are common and should not an ongoing problem. It does appear that the leaves are a bit turned down on the Fugue, that is usually a sign of a bit too much watering. Since each of these plants is growing at a different rate you are going to have to watch your watering/feeding, with each one. Don't dry it out, but you might try to back off a bit on the watering on this one. The rest all look good at this point. You PH is a bit low in my opinion. When you get down to 6 you start to get out of the range where the plants can utilize the nutrients both in the soil as well as what you are giving them. 6.3 - 6.4 is pretty much the standard for soil and Autos. To answer your main question about feeding. @ExperimentGREEN is correct, the soil (If Quality Soil) and the seed itself has enough to carry the plants for a couple of weeks. However, having said that I personally start light feeding right after I finish the misting period, usually by the 5th or 6th day they are above ground. But I go light. and I watch them closely. Lastly, you can not beat good genetics. Not all Autoflowers are created the same, even the same variety from different breeders can be quite different. Always try to get the best genetics you can afford, the extra few dollars can save a fortune of heartache. Good luck with the grow. Just really look at them, each as their own unique plant.

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Philindicusweek 5
Brother easy with the nutes. Always gradually increase them. When your dealing with auto flower plants less is usually better. Typically when in full bloom you would be at about 1/2 strength. You just started to flower. I would cut your nutes back to 6 ml per gallon. You just dumped a lot of nitrogen on her I would give her plain water a couple of times before you try to feed her again to make sure she didn't get any root burn. If she looks good with no sign of brown leaf tips by week 7 go up to 7 ml per gallon. If she's still good 8 ml per gallon week 8. Then see how she looks you may be able to go a bit higher but it depends. You should also pick up a TDS meter so we know whats going in and out of the pot. If you keep adding too many nutes and she's not using them they will build up in the pot and you will have to flush them out to lower your ppms.
@CRiSPrGrow, I have had quite a few spikes in heat . Should I add more calmag ? I have 190 cfm exhaust , 100cfm intake from outside with cooler air . 2 circulating fans in tent and two vents open as well so there is nothing more I can do about the heat at this time . It's been holding stable around 26-28 for a few days and I can tell the plants like those temps better for sure
@Pisstank85, @Philindicus is right though, your micro:nutrient ratio should be reversed, more micro less nutrients. If I may make a few more observations and give you some totally unsollicited tips : i'm seeing some slight cupping on the leaves that and the magnesium deficiency symptoms lead me to think that the "deficiency" might have been induced by environmental factors like heat or air circulation. problems with these sometimes lead to magnesium deficiencies. Could be that or a number of other things. Anyway, looking at your video, I'm seeing signs of overwatering maybe dial it down a bit the plant will recover within days. Hope this helps ! 🚀
@Philindicus, I dont know why the conversion works the way it does on here , but I used 3ml a liter so 6ml total of each nutrient plus 1ml per liter cal mag .
DailyBreadweek 1
I see an lb in your future
@DailyBread, Haha I hope your right! I cant wait till they start flowering . So far Double Grape and Ghost toof are looking strong ! Fugue state is a bit behind and NCH is still stunted ..but I'm holding out hope !
Fingersweek 1
Fellow Promix grower. welcome and have fun! I'll tag along. What nutrients are you planning on running?
@@Fingers, advanced nutrients micro bloom ph perfect .
DailyBreadweek 3
Looking good. Buy some garden ties, and start tying her down. I have never grown a cheese.😈 That grape is living its best life
DailyBreadweek 1
cycle them
DailyBreadweek 1
Look into gh maxi grow, and bloom. I just mix to ppm I need each week, and its super cheap. No need for tons of different stuff I think.
DailyBreadweek 1
hardly shit had the $12 bad forever. Just put a couple scoops in a 5 gallon bucket. Less is more in dwc. I veg @ 300- 500 then flower 500 550 600 650 700 650 500 400 Look up lucas formula on youtube. You can start more outside tent. They do not stink much till flower. When you take those out you should have some going in.
Experimentgreenweek 1
If you're worrying over the humidity at all, you could put plastic wrap over the top of the pots until they pop and then place a clear cup over them to hold in the moisture until they outgrow the cups (usually 4 leaves or so).
Philindicusweek 8
Nice buds brother getting closer to harvest looks like your going to have a huge haul. I think for the stage of flower your in the leaves look good I do see what your saying with some leaves starting to yellow but it doesn't seem extreme. If they are the lower older fan leaves it's perfectly normal to see them yellow up and fall off. Did you get a TDS meter? You may be seeing a bit of nutrient lockout starting. Sometimes excess nutrients like calcium build up in the rooting medium and block the roots from absorbing other nutes. They should be drinking a lot of water at this point. If you have a TDS meter you can measure the ppm of the feed water your putting in then measure the ppm of whats coming out. If whats coming out is higher than whats going in then you have too much salt build up in the medium. It's a bit late in the grow but you can try to do a small flush of say 1 to 2 gallons of ph correct water to flush some of it out then the last 1/4 gallon add your nutes back in. Let them dry out a bit before your next watering. Some times the leaves look worse for wear by the end of the grow anyways. As long as your buds are fattening up your in good shape.
@Pisstank85, 45% is ok with good air circulation 35- 40 % would be best in the last couple of weeks. With your lights I would leave them where they were until 40-50% pistils are brown or the trichomes are changing to half cloudy and you start to flush. You can play it safe until you feel more comfortable with your light distances. But I see no signs of light burn. humidity will probably go up and down between waterings. It's hard to tell in the photos but it looks like you still have a lot of white pistils. Just a guess you still have at least 2 to 2+ weeks to go before harvest. Have any of the pistils started turning brown and curling in yet? It's tough because you have 4 different strains to deal with there may still be a bit of time for all of them or a couple of them to stack on a little more weight. It's your grow you get to try different things until you get everything dialed in.
@Philindicus,I decided to dim my lights quite a bit rather than turning them off completely . I got it down to 27 but the humidity went up 10 degrees to 45 . I'm happy with that at the moment m Do you think 45 is too high for humidity. I got 3 fans and an intake , plus exhaust going so there is lots of air movement going on .
@Pisstank85, I have the same issue with keeping the heat under 80 F running my bloom light. I like to run mine at 20 hours start to finish. I turn my lights off at 10 a.m. back on at 2 p.m. seems to help keep temps lower during the hottest parts of the day especially in the summertime. It's definately a bit late to add more stuff to your nutes.
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Philindicusweek 4
They are coming along nicely. Bro you need to feed your girls more they are hungry for more nitrogen that's why they are light green and the lower fan leaves are yellowing. Increase your cal/mag to 2ml per gallon to start. Then increase the rest 0.25 ml per gallon for the next couple of feedings. See if they green up and love you for it.Then take it from there. Also a couple of the plants have the tips of the leaves starting to curve/point down a little this is a sign they are too wet. Let them dry out a bit before your next watering/feeding. Good luck.
@Philindicus, this is just the first of many grows to come as I stocked up on meph beans for the next 2 years worth of grows ! I think I'll do runs of the same plant from now on though or at least until I dial in my nutes and what medium I'm going to stick with . I think I may try some dwc this next go around and switch my nutes to megacrop
@Pisstank85, I've been sticking to just one strain at a time. But am going to try 2 different strains on my next grow. It's definately challenging because each one may have different needs. I'm still trying to learn how to read the leaves to judge what they really need. Also I'm very cautious like you with the nitrogen been lucky so far not to gave any nute burn issues. Great bunch of growers on this site. Even the best growers are always willing to take the time to check out your grows and give some good advice.
@Philindicus, good idea I just didnt really know how much to give them . Also they are all different strains and seem to be growing at different rates so it's hard to judge
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Fingersweek 2
get that pH down to around 5.8-6.2 for promix hp
@Pisstank85, just things I've picked up and learned over the course of a few grows, and learned from reading and talking to great growers.
@@Fingers, I cant wait either ! So far the plants seemed to have really responded to the first dose of nutes . Did you run into problems with ph or have you been ph'ing at that level the whole time
@Pisstank85, yeah thats a little higher than you want. Feed at the same pH each time, within a tenth, I use 5.8-5.9 and my runoff stays put at 5.9-6. Excited to see what these ladies do, you got some killer genetics there!
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Philindicusweek 5
You can also add some beneficial bacteria and mycos to help break down the nutes to a form that's easier for the roots to absorb.
@Philindicus, well i could tell the seedlings felt it when i repotted them in direct contact with spores as per @biotabs_f69 instructions but what I learned is the mycos litterally contaminate then become the roots, litterally becoming a hybrid organism. let me put it this way if you catch a bug by stubbing your toes and it litterally turns into a vital organ , do you think that would be a painful or painless process... then again plants are plants and my logic is probably off lol @Budofpray maybe he can help you more with the details as i'm certainly no expert ! 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, intresting point but I have never heard of mycos causing stress to the root zone. I will have to do a bit of research on that.I do feel that the ectomycos are able to establish themselves quickly enough for autos but I have doubt the plants live long enough for the endo to penetrate the root system as it grows to reap the benefit from them. Also people believe adding more is better approach could be damaging but the size of the root zone should be more than large enough to support a colony of mycos of the proper species to benefit the plant. The truth is only a few strains actually benefit cannabis the rest are wasted. Beneficials should be added seperately from your nutes.
@Philindicus, idk about adding beneficials with the synthetic feeds, maybe though. I would be more worried about the mycos at this stage in flower , the fungus literally contaminates the plant causing stress its root zone, and I would be wary of doing that to a mature plant 🚀
Puffer_Billweek 5
Is this your 1st week of flowering? They look mighty fantastic. 💪🏽🌲👊🏼
@Puffer_Bill, started half way through week 4 so , week and a bit of flower already but ya they seem to be ramping up . Ghost toof is gonna be my heavy yielder I think
DailyBreadweek 2
Hey bro I started giving my clone I have in Veg orca?? @ days ago, an she doubled in size. You might want to look into it.
@DailyBread, is it for the roots? Mychorizial formula ? I found something on Amazon but I'm not sure its the same stuff
DailyBreadweek 1
Id be already starting your next run👍
@DailyBread, I'd love to start more . Space is the issue , as well as lighting ( and technically legality ) . How much nutes would you say you use on a full grow growing that way ?
DailyBreadweek 2
Yes. I got the 12 dollar bottle.
DailyBreadweek 2
Looks good