Blue Shark is still doing great, it's not the tallest, but definitely has the best deep green color and the largest leaves. Got a handful of the Coast of Maine fertilizer around the base watered in with some lime water. Bugs are looking for snacks so I used a bit of neem oil spray and put up a sticky trap. I've had so many bugs this year it's crazy. The cucumber beetles are out in full force and fornicating whenever I catch sight of them, and I've never had them as a pest before! Also, please forgive my slurring speech in the video, it's been a long week and my brain is completely addled😜
and they are outdide, they will soon look much better- Youve had a lot of wotk with your garden looks nice. But aint they alittle to close together=? or du you use a trellis to " catch them up"?your garden fence looks great for that
@Fibro_Witch,ok just watched half of video, cause my internaet is sooo lame... iam follwing and look for the girls.. and yeah kinda tomato.. thats what i told my granny in the late 80ties when i brought her a plant to nurse ... "its american tomatos granny... but she knew what it was, she told me her fatherr had it in his garden and smoked it, he planted tobacco in his garden and some weed, it was ususal to have weed around the house.... greetings and just the bet for the tomatoes
@Mrs_Larimar, like I said in the video, they are close together, but since the Caramel and Widow Remedy are regular seeds I'm figuring at least one of each will be male and I'll have to cull them so that will make more room 😉. I'm not planning on doing a trellis, I'm actually thinking of using tomato cages once I take off the row cover tomorrow. And I am planning on doing a tomato roof this year as per your recommendation from last year so hopefully I won't have as much of an issue with mold, so thank you! If anyone comes to my garden and asks I'll try to tell them "It's an heirloom variety of tomato... See? They're in tomato cages under a tomato roof so they must be tomatoes"😂
hi your girls look great, they made a big shoot. And iam the master of mixing the plants . I did it several times... but,, yeah anyhow ifound out . From now on iam making notes on the pots +using a sticker, before i just used stickers and swapped them when i transplanted... always fun. Most time i grow 2 of each strain so i coud do some " memory " after they grow up a little and looked for similarities..and i flower it was always possible to match the right couples. but if you grow only one from each .. well i just would smoke it out
@Mrs_Larimar, Haha 😄 I used masking tape on the seedling pots and then used plant markers when I put them in the ground. I went back and looked at the diary from last year and I think I may actually have the correct ones. The two Cures I had last year were very different, and I think this one us the more hybrid phenotype. My Shark did have rather broad leaves so I'm 99% sure I didn't switch them during transplant. I'll know for sure when they flower out from the smell😊