Pictures : DAY 33 (since sowing) / DAY 8 of flowering :
Smallest plant is 32 cm
Biggest plant is 46 cm
All plants are growing nicely. I grew Amnesia (clones) before, but these babies look much different than the Amnesia I'm use to growing. Although the plants have the growth rate of Sativas, the leaves are more like those of Indicas (see the leaf on the last picture). mmm.. a promising Hybrid....🙏
During the first weeks of flowering I strive for a high humidity (with the help of a humidifier). In this way the VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficite) does not get too high. Because with a 600 watt HPS it can sometimes get a little too hot. Fortunately my Dimlux controller calculates the VPD and so I can always make adjustments.
info about the soil mix used : WEEK 3
@dancingshrubbery, Thx. Nice to hear you like the growth percentages. Especially because they are sativas, the increase is spectacular. Now (week 9) they have stopped growing.