This week, I discovered that my local tap water's PH has changed. It used to be pretty stable around 7, but for the last couple weeks it has been nearer 8.5! I found out just a little bit too late. Roots have died off, leaves shriveled in response. It was very close to the end for these plants. However, I finally got a grasp on it once again. While stable, I'm not entirely sure she'll fully recover this time. Fingers crossed!
So everyone that tries this Tutankhamon has raved about it except me. I don't know what it is. I certainly feel stoned when I vape it. But it's just kinda generic to me, nothing particularly notable. Others seem to describe it similarly, but in a very, enjoyable, relaxing, happy way. I prefer a more uplifting high, so will lean towards different effects, but would certainly recommend this auto. It was tenacious and tough and super bushy! A great little plant overall, despite my noob efforts. 😁✌️🏻️