1) Amnesia haze - we give her medium dosages of nutrients at EC of 2 and pH of 5.5. Because of her longer flowering we estimated that she'll get the whole grow space for at least 3 weeks after the harvest of the other two plants. Both strains we water with minimum 20% runoff. The plant releases tropical lemon scent, which is just lovely.
2) Gold Bar Kush - buds still growing in size a bit, but mostly they're fattening, producing gazillion of trichomes that releases intense and strong kushy-kush aroma with fruity tones. We pushed the EC to 2.4 and we consider that for maximum, at least in our experience so far.
Awesome buds with nice frost , i'd use sort of same method " coco hydroponics ", it works great with my auto's as well. your plants look very nice ;-) good work !