04.25 F29
So I just posted all of these this week, so Ill give a little more background for documentation’s sake and those curious.
Started with 30 beans. Selected down to 19 in veg by vigor and further down to 15 after culling males. The passion berry, deadstar and star pupil are feminized - the rest are regs, so should have some pheno variability.
I made a few different types of living soil at the beginning of this grow due to the a availability of different composts. All roughly 1:1:1 base(reclaimed living soil):aeration:compost with appropriate amount of amendments from a coots kit on buildasoil. Composts are my homemade bokashi based quasi-vermicompost, OLY Fish or NaturesLivingSoil concentrate.
I use cal mag and Neptune's Harvest fish hydrolysates drenches and foliar in veg to balance deficiencies and top dressed before flower with Organic Maine lobster compost. Just applied my first homebrewed compost tea made with worm castings, OM lobster, NH hydrolysate, kelp meal, and black strap molasses and looking forward to a second half(+) of flower.
Most of veg was under COBs, but I upgraded to meiju qb288s for late veg and flower - loving them!
05.01 F36
As for lazy about making single strain diaries...I dont blame you.... you have such a variety, it would take ages to do. And that means less smoking time 😉
@Puffer_Bill, @fullmetalchemist , i did some single strain diaries and even went as far as following individual plants... it was a shitton of work, then i reached the max number of weeks, ended up losing loads of pics and effort, yeah i'm not doing that again! plus it's not like anyone really cares one bit right?
“... Just keep growing just keep growing just keep growing just keep growing just keep growing...”
Agreed. And if you breed and have an abundance of seeds, keep spreading them outdoors. MAKE CANNABIS GREAT AGAIN
Amazing diary! i'm glad you didn't make separate ones, all the good stuff is right here easy to find!! i don't think you are going to be low on weed for a while!! 👌👊