Growing side by side in a 40x40x120cm tent with 11,000 lumens of LED above.
I shall channel my inner bonsai master to train them accordingly..
Soil has a 2.5 liter perlite reservoir and the rest is freshly hydrated coco coir
@Psilocubensis, Now that would be interesting; to get this tested in a lab! I just don't know any labs in the Europe that do these sort of tests.. or how much it would cost 😵
@w33dl3, Only now i see that you will post news soon...I'll follow! I wish to see this lab test. Never saw one here, maybe it has something to do with it not being present in here. How much for it to be made? And how easy is that?
@Sknips, During first few weeks I feed ~once a week, just to keep the top from drying out too much. Then I switch to feeding twice a week for a while.. Then every 3 days and eventually every other day.
During the first 3-4 weeks I only do light feeding around the plant with ¼ - ½ strength nutes (+cal-mag @ full strength) and I refrain from watering too much to have runoff at this early stage.
Once the plant seems properly rooted to the bucket I start with full size feedings with 10-30% runoff per feeding.
I'll be updating with more information in 1-3 weeks. 😘
NL Auto harvest update coming tomorrow🙌
PS. I don't know why the photo labels aren't showing (for me at least) 😰