SmithicusAlbertaCanadacommentedweek 46 years ago
Thanks for the responses to my question! Lots of good advice 🙏 My light cycle is set to run from 6pm to 6am for the flowering period, I've already got a big oscillating fan and a clip fan inside the tent, a duct exhaust fan at the top of the tent, and a duct intake fan at the bottom, I've been placing big movie cups of ice at the intake filter. The exhaust fan does a decent job at full blast, but then my RH drops from 60 to 40. I'm going to try adding a humidifier outside the tent, and add a second intake fan to try and force more cooler humid air into the tent. Failing this, I might dismantle the tents, run a long extension chord, and put my powered AC unit right in the grow room. If only I had more than one breaker for each floor, this would be so much easier! (no money for electrical work right now 😟 - oh well, I'll make it work! Thanks again everyone!
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