She's very healthy and growing vertically like a beast, but I'm pretty disappointed in how stretchy she is between internodes. I'm sure that's because they're only getting about 4 or 5 hours of direct sunlight a day and spending the rest of the day fairly well shaded. Can't really do much about it...maybe a little more tree trimming will gain an additional half hour of sunshine for her...
I foliar fed her and gave her a little douche of Bactrex this morning. I carried my pole saw down to the site at daybreak and removed a few smaller branches above her and to the West. I will visit her this evening and see if it is allowing some evening sun to reach her.
I just watered and foliar fed Thursday, foliar fed on Friday, foliar fed let her dry out some more on Saturday, and douched her with compost tea on Sunday.
She popped a few pistils last night. I only stared at her and took a photo today...tomorrow begins week 5.
Yep...I already did some judicious branch removal or they wouldn't be getting any direct sunlight at all..I opened up the tree canopy enough for them to get morning sun(from the east) from about 9:30am until about 2pm, then it's shaded the rest of the day. I'm considering opening up the western exposure so that they'd get a little bit more direct sunlight from around 5pm until 5:30 or maybe 6:00pm.
I kinda doubt it's N lockout....besides the biotabs, she's only received minute amounts of organically derived sources of nitrogen, like kelp, earthworm castings, and compost tea, and the occasional boom boom spray..unless maybe it's a K lockout..
If she hasn't improved when I go out to see her today, I'm gonna transplant her into a 5 gallon pot. I really hate to at this late stage, but I'm hoping she'll recover quickly.