
Critical + 2.0 [Dinafem] PT :(

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
2 L
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
15+ conditions after
Commented by
WeedLoverPT WeedLoverPT
5 years ago
PT 15/06/2019 - 23/06/2019 Boas, isto é a minha primeira vez a cultivar. Tinha 3 sementes mas 1 delas não germinou. Germinei as sementes dentro de um tupperware com um papel de rolo da cozinha húmido e em 2 dias tinha já as 2 sementes prontas a colocar na terra. A água que estou a usar é engarrafada da marca Fastio. Todos os dias reguei um bocadinho sendo que exagerei um pouquinho na rega. Tenho uma pequena ventoinha de 15W a fazer movimentar o ar dentro do grow, um intrator de 100mm (107m3/h) montado na parte inferior do Grow ao lado de uma entrada de ar passiva e um extractor de 125mm (280m3/h) na parte superior do Grow. Vou usar HPS tanto em vega como em flora e a minha HPS de 400W tem cooltube tambem para não me aquecer tanto o Grow. Estou a usar terra Light-Mix da BioBizz e tenho um Grow da ProBox, o HighPro Basic 80 (80x80x160cm), e este é o resultado ao fim de 9 dias já na terra 👌 ENG by Google translator 15/06/2019 - 23/06/2019 Well, this is my first time to cultivate. It had 3 seeds but 1 of them did not germinate. I germinated the seeds inside a tupperware with a roll paper from the steamy kitchen and in 2 days already had 2 seeds ready to be placed on the ground. The water I am using is bottled Fastio brand. Every day I showered a little, and I exaggerated a bit in the watering. I have a small 15W air blower inside the grow, a 100mm (107m3/hr) intrator mounted on the bottom of the Grow next to a passive air inlet and a 125mm (280m3/h) extractor on the side top of Grow. I'm going to use HPS in both vega and flora and my 400W HPS has cooltube too so it will not warm me up so much the Grow. I'm using BioBizz Light-Mix ground and I have a ProBox Grow, the HighPro Basic 80 (80x80x160cm), and this is the result after 9 days already on the ground 👌
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Pseudocommentedweek 65 years ago
J'ai des araignée rouge, je traite avec du savon noir diluer dans de l'eau sa marche pas mal, sinon tu peu fair une décoction avec de l'ail de l'huile de nem et une goûte de produit vaisselle tu pulvérise puis rince à l'eau, tu même éventuellement et littéralement les passer à la douche 🚿 ! Sa décroche pas mal de nuisible et sa rince ce que tu met dessus, perso abuse sur le traitement et le rinsage de la plante intégralement à la douche avant que tes fleur soit trop grosse et prenne le goût du savon et que tu ne puisse plus les rincer à la douche par peur de moisissure I have red spider, I treat with black soap dilute in water its not bad, otherwise you can make a decoction with garlic oil nem and a taste of dishwashing product you spray then rinse with water, you even possibly and literally pass them to the shower 🚿! It picks up a lot of pests and rinses what you put on it, perso abuses the treatment and rinsage of the plant integrally to the shower before your flower is too big and take the taste of soap and you can not anymore rinse in the shower for fear of mold Eu tenho aranha vermelha, eu trato com sabão preto diluído em água não é ruim, caso contrário você pode fazer uma decocção com óleo de alho nem e um gosto de produto de lavar louça você pulveriza então enxaguar com água, você possivelmente até e, literalmente, passá-los para o chuveiro 🚿! Ele pega um monte de pragas e enxágüe o que você coloca nele, perso abusa do tratamento e da lavagem da planta integralmente para o chuveiro antes que sua flor seja muito grande e tome o sabor do sabão e você não pode mais Enxaguar no chuveiro por medo de mofo
Pseudocommented5 years ago
@WeedLoverPT,avec plaisir mec !
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@@Pseudo, Merci pour les conseils 👌
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 25 years ago
Happy and healthy just what we want to see at this stage of growth 👌 Our Critical+2.0 Looks great, not long now and you'll be putting this Dinafem girl to bloom (12/12) 👍 All the best ✌️ Mark..
DinafemSeedscommented5 years ago
@WeedLoverPT, My pleasure mate 👌 Your well into bloom now and the buds are filling out a treat 🤗 Really nice work so far my friend 👊 Keep it up and please keep the updates coming 👍 All the best ✌️ Mark..
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, Thanks for comments Mark :D
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, I do 27 days of veg because i dont have too much space and in 11/07/2019 i put my 1st Auto White Widow XXL on earth too and more 2 on the next day so i put 12/12h for grow all +- in the same time (Auto White Widow XXL i think it will take more 1 or 2 weeks compared to Critical + 2.0 in flower stage, 56 days in max for Critical + 2.0 and 80 days max for Auto White Widow XXL)
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Islandcommentedweek 25 years ago
Elas estao lindas e vigorosas na segunda semana, Boa sorte no cultivo =)
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Island, eish xD estou a ver que ainda me falta uns mesitos pela frente :D
Islandcommented5 years ago
@WeedLoverPT, como seu desenvolvimento esta sendo bem satisfatório eu deixaria por baixo umas 5 semanas. Mas eu deixaria mais xD
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Island, Obrigado eheh :D Quanto tempo mais achas que devia de dar de vega? como é a primeira vez não sei ao certo e tinha alguma pressa porque queria começar a ter da minha weed o mais cedo possível depois a próxima já dava para durar mais xD quanto menos $ der a traficantes sempre melhor xD Obrigado pelo comment e bons cultivos e fumaradas :D
amazongrowcommentedweek 15 years ago
Nao deves dar biogrow pra ela antes de umas duas semanas... somente bioheaven.. eh muito forte, ves que ela ta reclamando? vai so na agua.. tens humus na terra? :) bom grow..
NOLOGIKcommented5 years ago
@amazongrow, Hy friend I am not very convinced that this is completely right ... bio grow helps the soil and the plant and root systems ... in excess can be annoying but if used with alternating frequency for a long time ... hello and pleasure!
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@amazongrow, Só terra Light-Mix da BioBizz, não meti mesmo mais nada brow
Majormolassescommentedweek 35 years ago
Looks good 👀
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
amazongrowcommentedweek 25 years ago
Ate que elas aceitaram bem... mas cuidado, o biogrow eh facil de queimar principalmente no começo. Bom grow pra vc! Tchau, do Brasil =)
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@amazongrow, Tens toda a razão, como é a minha primeira vez quis experimentar a pensar que elas cresciam mais rápido xD, na primeira semana exagerei um pouco na rega e foi o bio-grow tambem que não devia ter dado, algumas folhas até começaram a querer enrolar para cima mas depois reduzi as regas e elas lá foram ao sítio :D Da próxima vou buscar um frasquinho de bio-heaven :D Que produtos mais achas que devia usar ? Abraço aqui de Portugal e grandes cultivos meu brow :D
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 65 years ago
For insect, I spray with a fungus call beauveria bassiana. Has to do once in a while.
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
De nada @WeedLoverPT, by the way the fungus is not chemical. It takes two or three days to make insects sick and die. What I like is that it also kills mites and centipedes. I use it on my bathroom drain. No danger to human, of course. It was promoted here as a health improvement to rice farmers. Main use is for aphids, thrips, and grasshoppers. It is sprayed in big area. For human contact, it is safe. However, It is devastating for for bee farms. One bee that takes back a fungus spore can kill the entire hive. For your indoor grow, I think the bees are safe.
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, ty mate in my country I need a license for buy that fungus 😥 but I will try buy in spain or online 👊 really thanks for advice 👌 I do a search and that fungus is really good and strong 💪 but yeah in my country is hard to buy 😥
Med_in_Tropiccommented5 years ago
@WeedLoverPT, I use local brand call “cut off”. I think you have to google what brands are convenient to you. The find fungus and bacteria are sold under different brands but the do say what it is.
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BuddingBuddacommentedweek 55 years ago
Looking good! Ive always been interested in FIM but never tried it, will follow along! Good luck mate 🤞
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@BuddingBudda, Yeah FIM is for doing real big buds 👌 Top is really good too but in my Critical is real big buds on FIM 💪
BuddingBuddacommented5 years ago
@WeedLoverPT, ah nice one love a comparison 😆 im going to give the FIM a go on my OG Cookies im nervously looking forward to doing it 😂
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@BuddingBudda, it's my 1st grow so I try top and FIM and i just loved FIM 😍 Top are really cool too but in plant with FIM a principal (mid) cola is really big in 1st week of flower 💪 and have more 4 or 5 main flowers in FIM all in middle 💪 In the end I say which yielded more 👌 Thanks for likes and comment mate 👍
BigDaddyKcommentedweek 45 years ago
Looks good so far 👍 I would remove the bottom leaves to make the tops stronger 🙏
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@BigDaddyK, I will try on my next seeds bro 👍 (Sweet Zkittlez of Royal Queen Seeds is my next fem. seeds 😜)
BigDaddyKcommented5 years ago
@WeedLoverPT,the bottom leaves only give very small buds , if you remove them the tops are nigger 👍
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@BigDaddyK, I will try with leaves on because the plants supposedly need to do photosynthesis and its my first grow ever so it's an experience of mine, next time i will remove leaves for i choose what is better in my experiences 👌 I read very about this and some people say it's better to take the leaves and others say it's better not to cut anything so I don't know what is really better 😵 Thanks for your comment bro 👌
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 95 years ago
really nice brother😎👍
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, thanks bro 👍
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 95 years ago
Patience brother - have you inspect the trichome? Looks like if you wait a little longer the buds will be denser and more sweet. I also like to give molasses and milk on the penultimate week .
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, yeah have a white milk color i will try molasses and milk in my next grow :D i do water now for try all things :P thank you for your tip 👌
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 95 years ago
i hope i grow this one next
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, I think this is very good plant! Very strong, very buds, very fast and the buds have a intense sweet and strong smell! It's my 1st grow but I think this is very good :D
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 85 years ago
Looks nice 🤘😎
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, Thank you my friend 👌
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 85 years ago
Looking good brother.
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, thanks bro 👌
Pseudocommentedweek 75 years ago
Elles ont l'air très bien et en bonne santé chef !
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@@Pseudo, merci beaucoup ami
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 75 years ago
They Look amazing Bro😃💪👍
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, thank you mate 👌
Islandcommentedweek 75 years ago
suas plantas estao lindas amigo!
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Island, Muito obrigado amigo :D Grande abraço e bons cultivos 👌
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 65 years ago
Looks nice Dude 😎🤘
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, ty mate :D
Pseudocommentedweek 65 years ago
Jolie mec !
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@@Pseudo, Merci 👍
Pseudocommentedweek 45 years ago
Follow, je vien de germer une c+2.0 il y a 15 jours alor je vais suivre votre évolution
WeedLoverPTcommented5 years ago
@@Pseudo, J'espère que vous l'aimez 👌