.BOSSLED LED 1800W full spectrum, real power consumption is +-250W.
.Grow space 60X100X200(a simple shower box.
.AN nutes and other simple additives.
.Grow medium is 60% peat, 30% perlite, 10% organic correction(worm castings), 5 gallon fabric pots(18l).
Hi there, I have tried already done this genetic outdoors, in poor lighting and a general purpose nute from Neudorff, yielded 25g dry, in 3gallon pots same medium.
So this is a good experiment, lets see indoors how she will compare.
My germination process always start by scarifying the seeds, i created a little tool for that. I just a little container with sandpaper walls. Shake gently for about 60 secs+, this allows for the water to penetrate better in the seed shell, once you soak. Then i soak overnight from 12 to 20 hours max.
From there i either plant straight or use the paper towel method to see the tap root before. If you are a bit on the impatient side seen the tap root is advisable so you see some movement before planting. Lol!
Chose this strain because is basic and I have to travel for a month soon, and someone else is going to take care for this time. :)
Quick One is a fast-growing autoflowering strain. This was one of the first autoflowering strains developed. When it was first released, it was one of the quickest growing strains on the planet.
THC: 13%
CBD: Low
Yield Indoor : 275 - 325 gr/m2
Yield Outdoor: 100 - 150 gr/plant
Height Indoor: 50 - 60 cm
Height Outdoor: 60 - 100 cm
Flowering: 5 - 6 Weeks
Harvest month: 8-9 weeks after sprouting
Genetic Background: Strong Indica x Ruderalis
Type: Sa 10% In 60% Ru 30%
Effect: Physical
Climate: Mild
My mood said to me to plant straight, so scarify > soak 18 hours +- > plant straight.
Seedlings look a bit odd, with a yellow center, let's give her some days in and see what happens next.
@ClubRiot, Ahh yap, you are right, both are more basic indeed, made them out, would like to compare inside. 👊👍 I imagine they can get similar to the SKR, very bushy and lower. Let s see. Happy growing!