So end of the third week, -1day, so we are in day 20 since sprought.
Big difference between the two girls, one is developing like crazy shooting up stems, drinking a lot, and the cousin is more chilled taking her time.
I think my grow can be defined as ying-yang, one is coming problematic from seed the other is superb lol... Anyhow lets battle for life and maybe I will be surprised at the end?
So the first set of leaves are gone spotted, they were born with some markings like scratches, honestly never have seen something like that... The spotting developed as calcium deficiency which is kind of impossible by the age and also the light organic soil that gives a bit of feeding out of the box. It might be the pheno, the dry weather, the led, honestly I don't really know, drop a comment if you have a guess, contribution is always welcome!
For the rest I pause the regimen till i figure what a hack is going on, and just gave a very light dose of big bloom, seen is light and organic, and supplemented with cal mag, thats it for the feeding, today seams do be everything ok and I will start the Sensi bloom regimen asap.
@ClubRiot, Ahh yap, you are right, both are more basic indeed, made them out, would like to compare inside. 👊👍 I imagine they can get similar to the SKR, very bushy and lower. Let s see. Happy growing!