Our favorite CBD strain to date.
Great morning get up and go and excellent pain relief.
Nice citrus and pine flavors and smells just put the cherry on top.
What can I say, its the easiest growing strain I ever touched. Had it not been for my changing nuet methods halfway through there would have been zero issues. Again far prefer the dark large leaf (Indica) over the light narrow leaf (Sativa) phenos, they are just more resilient not to mention easier to trim. The light leaf is also more sensitive to heat and light in particular it seems to me in the presence of a bit of phosphorus deficiency. Yeah while trimming I found all the signs. That may have cost a few grams at worst though. Will be be ponytailing AND Fiming next grow on these, just seems to cry out for it.
Nice job Fast Buds
All done everything is either decarbed or in cure damn good grow. Did not over dry this time and the weight shows it.
Trying to get better at this.
*for some reason it wont let me update some fields so smoke description is here:
Smooth, pine, sweet and citrus undertones. Nice feel good from it that does not get in the way of your day
Was surprised how all this decarbed down to a bit over 9 oz and fit in a brown quart mason jar. Only kept out an oz for reasons in cure
@rhodes68, not a bad ide at all! I've been switchin from 10 to 20 L air pots it makes a huge diference, bigger roots = healthier plants and bigger yields 💚 love the cbd crack!
The gain just from increasing pot size 66% (from 3 to 5 gallon or 19 liter) is remarkable though I will take all the credit I can get :)
It has me thinking about 7 gallon containers
It looks like a a load of Cricket bats, lol.
again, nice to see the CBD side of the plant, maybe I'm too newb to realise theres more, I'm still exploring the site.
CBD variants are something I plan on in the future when I have more experience.
Good work and I look forward to seeing what you have in the future.
Thanks heck I have been down with some bug myself trying to get all the summer grows harvested and dried, still have two more plants to get this week... so thanks :)
Following, off to a good start I see.
The transplant problems is why I use coco fiber starter pots, love em.
Thanks lot of things seem to be coming together, the genetics are just the best with solid bones, I stopped trying to kill them, the 707 soil is performing marvelous, I stopped trying to kill them, Biobizz is just exceeding all expectations on all three grows, I stopped trying to kill them, and 5 gallon pots! (roots roots roots).
All I seem to have to do is be attentive and watch them for feedback. Easy peasy
Wish I could say it was a green thumb man would that be handy. :)
Good luck