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First grow back

Approved by Dutch Passion
5 years ago
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/600W
Fission 300W Light Emitting Diodes/600W
Room Type
weeks 8
Grow medium
14 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
10 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
65 %
21 °C
14 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
Good afternoon.  So, after a very long hiatus of buying mids or having too pay through the roof for something half decent, I decided too get the tent out again and do it myself. Its not worth my hassle anymore searching for good smoke when I can just grow my own. Enough rambling. Here's my specs -    Tent size - 1.2m long, 60cm wide, 1.8m tall Light - Galaxy Hydro 800w full spectrum Extractor is a Rhino Pro - Currently running at 160sqm of air an hour, with a function for 280. Carbon Filter - Rhino pro  2 Circulating 7 inch fans  14l - 16l Plastic Pots   I'm running 3 Dutch passion, 1 Dinafem, 2 Critical orange Punch, Glueberry OG, Sour diesel. Were in plastic pots (been advised material pots are better - I will upgrade next grow. ) using a soil mix of Irish peat, vermiculite and i added perlite, too help with drainage.   I've been giving the plants a light cycle of 18 / 6, temperature lights on is between 27 and 28c , lights off drops too 22c as that's my room temperature when I dont have a window open.   Currently giving them about 500ml of water every 3 4 days , depending on weight of pot or how the soil feels. Thier currently 2 weeks old tomorrow and have had one feed of Bio bizz root juice, they will be given one more small feeding of it alongside Biobizz Biogrow too help in begging. That will be the last feed out root juice, the feed after will be just biogrow up until week 5, when I will give a massive flush, then too change the feed too bio bizz bloom and possibly Topmax depending on reviews as I haven't looked into it. (Any reviews welcome)    I've had some tinkering problems, my thermostat gives me a temperature inside and out, I had been getting muddled between the two, thinking the tent was at 22c when that was actually the outside room temperature - the real temp of the tent being 27 too 28c. I think its first time growers worries but I'm getting past it and I feel this small room will be great for the temperatures I've recorded over the last 2 weeks.    So now all it really leaves is me unveiling them. The first 4 photos are 3 or 4 days since sprouting, the next set of photos is today, 13 days in. Comments and help welcome, if you think I've missed anything or I could so something different next time, then let me know.    I've also got an idea too run past everyone about an idea I've had.    Cheers Bash
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
12 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
65 %
21 °C
14 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 1 mll
So, this week has been alot of roots being out down, alot of growth on top too, I listed in week 1 they were 10cm, but that was the size at the time, They were very tiny in week 1 as u can see from the photos and they are now putting on alot of layers and getting third nodes. I think I need to PH my water down some as one of the Dutch passion Critical orange punch seems too be stalling slightly, but we will see this week when I give them a flush or PHd water too 6.3 6.4. Other than that everything is fine, growth and heat seem too be fine, temps are fine on and off. Any suggestions welcome
1 comment
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
65 %
25 °C
23 °C
21 °C
14 L
0 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Magne-Cal + - Plant Magic
Magne-Cal + 0.5 mll
So technically this is week 2 still , but I've had some major growth and some disappointing results. 2 of my plants from the photos are doing great, One Auto blueberry OG from Dutch passion and 1 of the Auto Critical Orange Punch, one of Criticals oranges are showing signs of stunting, but its leaves are completely different too the leaves on the other Crit Orange. Anyone from @dutchpassion have any idea if thier is a pheno that is smaller bushier krinkle type leaf? Growth on all the others is great all showing new layers and great colour. Enjoying every bit of this. Water intake up too 2ls per plant per 3 days.
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
15 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
65 %
25 °C
23 °C
21 °C
14 L
1 L
20 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Magne-Cal + - Plant Magic
Magne-Cal + 0.5 mll
Hello everyone, reporting to you as of day 24 / 25 as of my count and seeing as 2 of the girls are doing so well, were on a somewhat scattered watering cycle as the 2 larger ones are demanding way more Litres than the others. Massive growth on the @Dutchpasion Auto Critical Orange punch and Auto Glueberry OG, 2 of the larger plants. The 2 smaller plants have put on growth since the last photos that I posted, I am noticing changes so we haven't completely stunted them, but possibly some mistakes / things I didnt do (like Cal Mag) that might have helped.The Sour diesel from @Dinafem is the smallest of the bunch but dont you worry little Runt, Sour diesel is one of my favourite strains so if you only grow a little I'll still be happy too smoke you. Also possible chance that my roots were somewhat cold so adding a greenhouse heater this weak has really improved my temps holding steady and I've noticed much more growth since this. Any advice is welcomed. Raising water temp when feeding seems too have done alot too, not shocking the roots everytime I water them. Much more efficient now. Really enjoying this again, 50 odd days and counting, less than 2 months now!
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
101.6 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
25 °C
23 °C
20 °C
14 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1.75 mll
Magne-Cal + - Plant Magic
Magne-Cal + 1 mll
Well well well... Day 35 in the big brother house and jesus they have surprised me. I've been giving the bigger plants 4ls of water every 2 days and thr smaller ones still 2ls. The bigger ones are having feeds of 3.5ml bio bizz to 2ls of water and also 1ml of cal.mag too those 2ls. The smaller two are getting half this as they showed signs of stress and of nutrient burn. The larger plants canopy have stretched now top 40cm, having one week left of thier pre flower stretch, I'm not feeding them bloom nutes till I've noticed no more upwards growth. Bloom nutes should start next week and these ladies are already looking frosty round the leaves. Super duper hash for me I guess. Super having with these, the Sour diesel seems too be doing better and it stretching out let's just hope she gives me a heavy yield even so! One of the smaller plants is a slight lighter green than the others, I thought this was nitrogen deficiency in my previous posts but it turns out this was caused by light stress from having my light too close. We all live and learn, I forgot too higher the light from the start, cos I didn't realise LEDs cause light stress! After a very productive week with these ladies I'm super excited for the next stage... FLOWERING! Thanks for reading Bash
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
62 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
25 °C
23 °C
20 °C
14 L
2 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1.75 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 0.5 mll
Day 46 ... The girls are out growing thier home slowly but surely, we have signs of flowering, I'd definitely day thier in flowering now, had abit more stretch in them too I will list the sizes below. One plant seems pretty unhappy, maybe next time I run I will only do 3 and see what happens but who knows, this is my first grow in 6 years so I'm sure it will improve as we go on. I'm glad I decided I didnt have the cash to start 4 more a week ago otherwise I'd be regretting it now. Enjoy the trichomes starting too form, o took as many close ups with out a macro as I could! Glueberry OG - 62cm Sour Diesel - 46cm Crit 1# 52cm Crit 2# 47cm Possibly the last time I'll be able to get noce shots out of tent as they are getting large and I really dont want too disturb them! Happy growing!
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
62 cm
18 hrs
25 °C
65 %
25 °C
23 °C
20 °C
14 L
2 L
35 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1.75 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 0.5 mll
So its Day 55 from my count, technically these ladies have about 22 days left, but from thier progress so far I'll probably push them too 90 days too get the most from them, but we will see over the next 3 weeks of how much growth is actually has, using bio bloom and top max too boost bud production but the ladys are getting seriously hairy. Glueberry OG is now 75cm and has stopped stretching Critical orange Punch 1# is at 65cm Crit Orange Punch 2# is at 52cm Sour Diesel is at 65cm as well. Very happy all 3 plants are very near thier maximum growth, my plants have started too out grow thier tent, their about 12inches from the light now - but bud production is through the roof - temps down slightly and a few feeds of just water as I saw some lower leaves with discoluring from possible nutrient burn but nothing serious. Really looking forward too Harvesting these! The Glueberry smells so much of berry's and Gas! Happy Growing - stay high Bash
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
80 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
60 %
25 °C
23 °C
20 °C
14 L
2 L
15 cm
Nutrients 4
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1.75 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1 mll
Day 62 as of my count so tomorrow is 9 weeks, Plants are really into thier flowering now, last night i did the last defoliation as the tent was getting so crowded / light wasnt getting through the canopy, the photos are taken from today 18 hours after defoliation so they all seem happy! Crit Orange Punch 1# is at 70cm Sour Diesel is at 70cm Glueberry OG PUSHING IT 80CM!!!!! Very happy with this along with the Sour diesel from @Dinafemseeds Very nice bud sites, lots of Colas round the sides and the smell coming over them when they come out of the tent is lovely. They packets say 75 77 and 80 odd days, but these are definitely going too go longer! The crop should be ready for Christmas which will be a great present for me! Happy growing and thanks for following along! Bash - Grows - It - All
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
80 cm
24 hrs
23 °C
60 %
25 °C
23 °C
20 °C
14 L
2 L
15 cm
So its day 71, 3 of the ladies look lovely, one Critical Orange Punch lacking behind badly, probably by 3 or 4 weeks which is pretty annoying. But this has been an experiment in it's own as I didnt know the wattage of my light, I guessed from looming at other models. The max this light can be is about 400w, as 2 plants have done great, one has done semi ok and one has just stalled out, so my theory is just another light more powerful and recommended by a few people on here, giving me 600w more in the tent. Anyway, rambling over, The critical orange Punchs Trichomes are really starting too change along with the Glueberry OG, they have been receiving just water for the last week, flushing for another 10 days and 3 of those flushes will be massive flushes in the shower done with Ice too try and trick those girls into thinking dieing so they produce even harder for me! Sour diesel.... well what can I say Dinafem.. that is the most crystal ridden plant I have seen, she might only give me an oz of actual bud maybe even less but boy it's going too be worth it with the Crystal's on thier, also they leaves are coated so I will be making some bubble hash in the bags and will be using some of the smaller trim so make sugar syrup! What an epic Christmas this is going to be ! Happy Growing Bash - Grows - It - All
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Week 12 and I've harvested, dried and started too cure my buds. Everything looks great, the trichs are a nice colour along with the build up of Crystal's even on smaller buds. Still haven't had the chance too enjoy it properly as it needs curing properly, but it smells diesel and of blueberry - alot of blueberrys coming through on this one! Overall a great plant too grow specially for a novice grower / Auto Glueberry OG has a special name that comes with it as its voted top strain for autos 2019! Definitely recommend! I've also discovered that the light I'm running is a 120 too 300W bank, probably on the lower side and the PAR is off when the plant isnt centred under the light. So... New light ordered today a Meilju lighting company 480W LED 1008 samsung white led tech and 450 of red from Epistar. Other lights on the market like this are 700£ to a 1000£ were as this light ordered from China and recommended too me was £350 in total with 75£ delivery. Totally worth it as it's going too be running around a 4000k spectrum.
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Spent 66 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
220 g
Bud wet weight per plant
50 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Berries, Diesel, Woody

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Last but least, we will leave this section blank for now as I will to update this in a few weeks when the flavours straight too come through even more after a real good curing!
1 comment
Equipment Reviews
Week 12. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
The buds were nice of what I got from them, Its was more of an earthy sour taste rather than the diesel lineage I thought it might lean too, but its has been the favourite out of the 3 that I have grown. The most crystallized plant too. All round great plant too grow, just wish I had the better light that I have now when I started!
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Spent 66 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
40 g
Bud wet weight per plant
17 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Happy, Hungry
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Diesel, Earthy, Sour

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Overall a really great plant too grow and the smoke was lovely. When I reorder from Dinafem I definitely will run another Sour diesel auto as I want too see it's TRUE potential
Equipment Reviews
Week 16. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
So this plant has been very confusing, I think too begin with the light I had wasnt sufficient enough for 4 plants, along with the fact that the bud I produced off the other 3 was alot airer and was alot hairer compared too the ratio of bud, dont get me wrong I still got nugs, but this time round, my top cola weighs 42g wet.. thsts over a half oz bud for the top! I've read COP can go for an extra 4 weeks past its 11 week period, it was worth keeping this girl in thier on her own specially once I upgraded the light and now have a true 480w of led power in thier. Fat buds, alot more Granddaddy purple structure and look compared too the other COP I did which held alot of its Orange bud lineage - great plant too grow and under the right light and right conditions even novice growers could achieve 2 to 3 ozs of very nice bud. Definitely a winner from Dutch passion. I have another one of these running again as I want too see it's full potential under this new light! Flushed with cold water at the end too bring out more resin and that purple colour that the bud is showing!
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Spent 66 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
220 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Equipment Reviews


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MicrowGrow420commentedweek 15 years ago
Nice looking ladies, good selection and a healthy look start. Always better to grow your own, i live in the uk and the street weed is pretty poor quality, u never know what strain your getting and what the growers do with it. I gave up buying it years ago and decided to grow my own as organically as possible, the pleasure of this alone enhances the experience. My golden rule is... No Sell, No Smell, No Tell...keeps you off the radar until prohibition ends. gl with ur ladies bro 😉
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@MicrowGrow420, Thanks alot dude I also live in the UK - I get good smoke down my way but I'm also more about growing my own so I know what's in it and so I can smoke the strains I want too try! Keep in contact dude I'll follow you're diary!
KCMOR8RH8Rcommentedweek 55 years ago
I've noticed you removed the sucker (water) leaves from below each node. Does this aid in plant growth in height? Ive wondered if i should be doing this but felt like i would be taking away too much of the plants photosynthetic potential if i did. But seeing your growth rate I'm wondering if that's what I'm missing because mine bushed out from the LST but never really grew vertically like yours. Well done! It's either got to be that or the nutes you're using, or a combo of both.
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@KCMOR8RH8R, The time before when I grew Autos, the first 2 I didnt butcher cos they were my babies, the 2nd two I trimmed and chopped and pulled leaves off everywhere .. then they go even more mad than what they did before. My feeding schedule for the big big plants is every 2 days, giving them 4ls of water between 2, also, every feed I have done I've given bio bizz bio grow. Only at the start did they have clean water feedings! Thanks for you're kind words bro
NewbieDoobiescommentedweek 55 years ago
Looking good mate 👌🏻👌🏻
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@NewbieDoobies, No bullshit I haven't even trained them, all I've done is spin the pots every couple of days too even out the canopy growth and its kept my whole canopy very even. I dont like tiring plants down when they could go crazy!
NewbieDoobiescommented5 years ago
@Bashgrowsitall1989, good stuff mate they look nicely trained as well should give you a nice yield with nice flowers 💯
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@NewbieDoobies, Thanks man thier getting thier last little stretch and then onto blooming nutes!
DinafemSeedscommentedweek 35 years ago
Best of luck with the grow buddy 👍 I hope our Auto Sour Diesel grows well and produces some fine end product 🤗 Let's see what you can do 👊 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, Thanks alot Mark, I really rate you're customer service through this app. I hope too get some nice buds off of her now.
DinafemSeedscommented5 years ago
@Bashgrowsitall1989, By the look of things our Auto Sour Diesel is now entering bloom 🤗 Let the flowering fun begin 👍 Keep the updates coming mate 🤘 All the best ✌️ Mark..
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@DinafemSeeds, Hi Mark, it's my first time back too it in a while, this time round I'm sure thier will be some teething problems, but the Auto SD is doing ok, I'm waiting for the vegetative explosion from it atm as I'm on day 24 and it's the smallest one in the tent, but I'm not worried as I think it's more my own error , I've realised what I've done wrong / not done. Bash
Ferenccommentedweek 25 years ago
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@Ferenc, Thanks alot, getting more pictures tonight as we have had some explosive vegetative growth
Cheezy_Gcommentedweek 95 years ago
Tasty chrimbo coming up mate👍
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@Cheezy_G, 100% my man! Last day of so I've got a fair bit of swelling but I think thiers about 2 or 3 weeks left so hopefully they will swell massively now
Cheezy_Gcommented5 years ago
@Bashgrowsitall1989, Exactly mate even if it was a replicated set up the seed could be different!
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@Cheezy_G, Ok cool thanks alot my man! I'm definitely going too get myself a mini microscope or eye scope for jewelry too harvest from the trichs telling me, but I hope they swell man! Yeah the seeds give a rough guide I agree and that's at optimal conditions - we dont know what lights they have used and what substrate they also used, Litre size of pot and many factors, so growing it how you can too you're ability snd environment is the most important thing I feel!
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GreenHeart420commentedweek 105 years ago
Hey there my friend! Your grows are really comming along nice! The frost is building up beautifully aswell as the buds are perking up in weight. The COP is looking like its missing either calcium og magnesium. My guess would be calcium but looking at the time of its life cycle and your plans for harvesting, im saying just ride it out and let it finish as it is. Happy growing, good luck on these last couple of weeks and have a wonderful day whenever you are reading this.✌️
GreenHeart420commented5 years ago
@Bashgrowsitall1989, yeah its a very common marketing gimic in the grow light industry. Sadly 😔
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@@GreenHeart420, Thanks man I appreciate the advise, I'm just riding it out atm, I also think my light isnt the 600 or 1000w I thought it was and is more likely a 400w. This has all been an experiment for the first try
FrostyBlaze420commentedweek 95 years ago
Lookn gud brother congrats. I bet the glueberry yields nicely for ya. Dam the colas on that bitch are huge lol. I got a few autos going myself in some hibrix organic super soil and then a few more im doing as a breeding project to get more seeds an not lose some auto strains i got. But those are in normal promix using synthetic nutes. Even still they made some nice buds even tho i reversed the bottom 4 branches using sts for fem pollen. An i didnt top them either but they still made one nice cola an some nice side buds. So not bad imo atleast alil bit of nice buds and some pollen. But once im done breeding they will really be put to the test lol. Normally i top my autos and do way bigger pots. Shit even in 3gallon pots now they made some nice buds so i cant wait to see them in 10 gallon pots from the start lol. So do u start ur autos in there final pots right from the start? Or do u start them in small pots an uppot them as u go?
FrostyBlaze420commented5 years ago
@Bashgrowsitall1989, Ive thought of tht exact method wen i used to grow hempy style i always wondered how it would with autos an not stunting them lol. Well shit now im really excited to see wen u do tht run lol gud luck bro.
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@FrostyBlaze420, I started these ones off in thier final pots as that is what I have always done, I've come up with a prototype method that I will eventually use on one of my next runs which will be having them in smaller pots as in Litres but the depth of the pot will be the same depth as the final pot so no stress on that tape root is caused - therefore I'm hoping no stunting of growth on top. I'll keep you posted
KCMOR8RH8Rcommentedweek 45 years ago
Your week comment got me thinking that maybe my grow needs some heat added to it. My tent and my room under the stairs are both in my basement so temps run between 65-74°, do you think adding a space heater to the room outside so the passive air intakes would help my plant growth like yours?
KCMOR8RH8Rcommented5 years ago
@Bashgrowsitall1989, thanks I'll def ask when I'm not sure about something. Yeah i don't worry as much about ph as others. My tap water is really high alkaline, comes out at 8.3. I ph down it to 6.0 and the runoff is still reading at 7.5. My plants don't seem to mind either. Other than the nute burn i experienced from nuting them back in wks 2-3 they're doing great now in week 6. But little tweaks here and there like temp control and how im watering ect all helps the end process. Ive been growing vegetables for a decade now and perfected that. That's simple. But now that I'm diving into Cannabis it's opened a whole new complexity to gardening with all the variables. I'm loving learning it and perfecting it while being able to grow my own smoke!
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@KCMOR8RH8R, Yes I would, hearing the air that's on the intake is the best way to do it, my green house heater is in the tent under the pots helping keep the roots warm too, No one likes cold feet ey! (quoted from a fellow grower) The more you get that climate too what they want the more they thrive. PH of water with soil really isnt as important as people might think, I've got 3 plants running all doing well and run off is 7.2 after feeding with nute, 6.6 with just water. Message me anytime you need some help bro! I've not got many grows under my belt, but I have alot of knowledge from all the research I've done. Enjoy you're plants my man!
KCMOR8RH8Rcommentedweek 95 years ago
Damn i haven't checked in in a few weeks and your plants have exploded in growth! Those colas are gonna be huge! I think I'm gonna let my autos go and do less LST this next go around so they have a chance to grow more vertically like yours. I didn't realize i only really had 5-6 weeks of real veg growth until they were pretty much done and by the time i was done tying them down they never got a chance to reach up like yours. Those are impressive man! Leaving the autos alone and turning the pots every few days looks like a hell of a strategy to me
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@KCMOR8RH8R, Ah thanks so much man! I definitely recommend final pot, no lst and just rotating you're plants every couple of days too even out that canopy. The Glueberry OG is 80cm, I'm very impressed with its vertical growth. I've really enjoyed the little journey with these ladies. it's been great. Happy growing Bash
FrostyBlaze420commentedweek 85 years ago
Lookn gud so far bro congrats. Im down to watch the rest of this grow bro gud luck man.
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@FrostyBlaze420, Thanks alot man, thier coming along lovely and getting super hairy and starting too fill out :D
Mackinnoncommentedweek 65 years ago
Looking good man!
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@Mackinnon, Thanks dude thier packing on weight now gonna give them a feed today and take some more photos
SirSmokeAlot14commentedweek 55 years ago
Plants look really healthy! Keep it up! 💪🏼
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@@SirSmokeAlot14, Thanks dude I'm really happy as it's my first grow in over 6 years and it's just coming back too me ! thier loving the enviro
KCMOR8RH8Rcommentedweek 15 years ago
Your growth rate looks great to me. From week 3-4 they really packed on a lot of weight. Are you planning on any training techniques?
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@KCMOR8RH8R, Yeah I'm pretty happy with the rate of growth now, they're going into thier pre flower stretch stage so I'm sticking with veg nutes till week 6 or 7 then going too bloom!
Blacksheepcommentedweek 45 years ago
The SD is just different genetics I think that’s all. It maybe a little smaller buds overall but there are quite a few budsites I think it will take a little longer and be well worth growing. Good SD is nice to smoke
Bashgrowsitall1989commented5 years ago
@Blacksheep, Thanks Sheep
Buddha2commentedweek 165 years ago
Congratulations! Looks great!
Denzulcommentedweek 165 years ago
Welcome back my friend. Lady looks great. Looks like you still got it. Keep up the good work and best of luck with the rest of the grow my friend.
Johnsonfam777commentedweek 105 years ago
Looking good bro let me lnow how it taste
Johnsonfam777commentedweek 55 years ago
Looks really good i might have to grow some of that
btcywtsitwcommentedweek 45 years ago
Looking Great, Nice wide and healthy looking plants.
the end.
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