The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Landrace West African Sativa (Togo)

5 years ago
Landrace West African Sativa (Wild Collected) - Togo/Nigeria
Phlizon Light Emitting Diodes/600W
Custom Light Emitting Diodes/50W
Room Type
weeks 8
weeks 8
weeks 8
weeks 8, 10-11, 13, 15
weeks 8, 12
weeks 8-10, 14-16
Grow medium
4 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
3.05 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
50 %
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
12.7 cm
Day 1-7 • After holding for 3 years onto a batch of 5 West African landrace seeds I brought back from Togo, Africa in 2017, decided to pop them. • I've never grown Cannabis before. • Followed the paper towel propagation method. • After 7 days without a sign of germination, I let them sit for 3 more days. • When I checked again, 1 out of 5 had popped. • Other seeds never germinated. History of the seeds: • Found them myself in Lomé, Togo (West Africa) directly in buds from a batch of local Jane I got from a local contact • Buds were full of seeds, showing the plant had grown in the wild and had gotten pollinated naturally - there's no cultivation over there • Kept the seeds sealed and in the dark for 3 years
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
3.81 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
65 %
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
50.8 cm
Day 8-14: • Steady seedling growth • First rebellious fingers appear at the top on day 10 Day 14 • First set of leaves coming out messy but healthy • Transplanted to rich organic soil mix (clackamas coot) and 1gal fabric pot • Heavy pH 6.8 watering with root juice to mesh soils
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
6.6 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
664 PPM
65 %
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 7
TOP-DRESSING: Bat Guano 0.26 mll
TOP-DRESSING: Alfala Meal 0.26 mll
TOP-DRESSING: Malted Barley 0.26 mll
Day 15-21: • Plant growth stunted due to transplanting too early, intense light, wrong lighting schedule, slight overwatering • Growth started again at end of week 3 after new soil mix + transplant back into smaller container, better pH, equatorial lighting schedule Day 20: • Almost a week later, felt like plant development drastically slowed down overall despite absence of deficiencies • Decided to transplant back to a red cup, from the 1gal fabric pot • Root ball in 1 Gallon fabric pot proved out to be tiny and root growth felt even smaller than when I originally transplanted from red cup • Probably caused mild damage to roots during transplant but hopefully the new soil mix will help them recover • Mixed a new soil with actual organic compost from a local nursery, in lieu of Miracle Gro Organic Potting Mix • Followed clackamas coot mix reco (1/3 spaghum peat moss, 1/3 aeration, 1/3 compost (=50/50 compost / worm castings), added 2 tbsp acidifier at the top after new soil mix pH tested at 5.0 • Top-dressed with 1/4 tbsp bat guano, 1/4 tbsp alfala meal, 1/4 tbsp kelp meal, 2 tbsp mulch • Drenched soil in an Alfala sprouted seeds tea containing 1/8 tbsp silica, 1/8 tbsp aloe vera powder, 0.5ml hydroguard to boost root growth and let runoff water exit at the bottom. • Light schedule update: switched to equatorial conditions found in Togo and Nigeria to mimic the local environment conditions where I found this landrace seed. At that latitude, day/night cycles are almost even, at 13/11 during the summer days and 11/13 during the winter. • Plant Light hours will now go from 7:30AM to 8:30PM. Dark hours from 8:30PM till 7:30PM. • Humidity reports in Togo also rarely fall below 60% during the dry season - Boosting to 65% cap DAY 21: • At 24h post transplant, plant is looking healthy and no signs of leaves drooping • No apparent transplant shock • Stem growth seems to have resumed • Red cup weight: 15 1/2oz / 440g
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.67 cm
13 hrs
25 °C
No Smell
664 PPM
60 %
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
55.88 cm
791 PPM
Nutrients 7
TOP-DRESSING: Bat Guano 0.26 mll
TOP-DRESSING: Alfala Meal 0.26 mll
TOP-DRESSING: Malted Barley 0.26 mll
Day 22-28 • Last watering: D23 (0.25 Cup water) • Previous watering: D20 • Overwatering reaction on D24 (brown spots, drooping) -> mitigated • Lower leaves showed lime tones for a bit -> seemingly slowly recovering • First set of true leaves died • One of the two main stems has split • Small spots / blotches are appearing randomly on some leaves - Potentially because of the fan blowing to aggressively at the leaves • Cup weight wait from 422g post-watering to 277g a few days later and going like this into week 5 • Plant grew from ~3 inches to 4.2 inches
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
15.24 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
670 PPM
62 %
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
50.8 cm
645 PPM
Nutrients 8
TOP-DRESSING: Alfala Meal 0.26 mll
WATERING: Silica Powder 0.13 mll
WATERING: Aloe Vera Powder 0.13 mll
Day 29-35: • Steady growth in the last week, both in height and width. It's a wild-collected African Sativa that likes to take her time! • Re-oriented air fans as the plant seemed to suffer from a too aggressive air flow • Started light pure water foliar sprays, she seems to like that • Lime color of lower leaves seems to improve with foliar sprays • Most recent watering on D29 • Previous watering on D23 • She might be ready for a transplant into a bigger pot in the next week or so
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
20.32 cm
13 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
890 PPM
58 %
21 °C
22 °C
1 L
0 L
55.88 cm
630 PPM
Nutrients 8
TOP-DRESSING: Alfala Meal 1.302 mll
WATERING: Silica Powder 1.302 mll
WATERING: Aloe Vera Powder 1.302 mll
Day 36-42: • Container running low on nutrients • Seedling starting to outgrow cup • Good groove with watering schedule and wet/dry cycles • Beginning of foliar sprays/feedings • High N top-dressings • N deficiencies starting at the bottom • Cooking new rich soil and getting ready to transplant to 1Gal pot on D43 • Introduced Great White myco to container
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
24.13 cm
13 hrs
24 °C
152 PPM
61 %
22 °C
19 °C
4 L
0 L
55.88 cm
795 PPM
Nutrients 6
WATERING: Silica Powder 1.302 mll
WATERING: Aloe Vera Powder 1.302 mll
WATERING: Epsom Salts 1.953 mll
I-T'S-A-G-I-R-L! DAY 43-49: • D43: Transplanted to 1 Gal fabric pot • D43: Compost tea feeding (previous watering on D37) • D46: light watering (1/4 cup) with micronutrient solution (N-K-B-Cu-Fe-Mn-Zn) • D48: sex traits appear for the first time - female! • Daily foliar sprays • Light signs of nutrient burns on a few leaves following transplant into richer soil • Pre-flowering stage well underway
Grow Questions
Scribsstarted grow question 5 years ago
I lucked out, it's female of a landrace wild-collected Sativa from West Africa. The plant has entered the pre-flowering stage on a 13/11 but is still somewhat small due to stress inflicted by my beginner's mistakes in earlier phases. Will she grow more? Should I just clone her?
Other. Bugs
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
two things , she'll definitely grow, especially now with the tiny bit of extra space, but i think i know what you're asking : will it become a monster ? well no, it's in a smallish pot with soil, try soiless next time in the same size pot and it'll be bigger. Pot size matters ! Unless you revery back to veg all you can expect is a flower stretch, that means the plant will grow 2 to 3 times larger in the next 2 to 6 weeks (depends on the genetics, so lets see!) If you do revert back to veg that's called "monster cropping" i believe or is that super cropping ? lots of wierd names, point is it's a technique : if you control lighting, you can go back to veg with absolutely no problems , just keep her there a few weeks then transplant to a bigger pot, keep it there another week then start flowering again, the plant gets confused (hopefully) and produces more biomass. This technique produces increased end yields and potency , so go for it if that's what you're after ! Hope this helps ! 🚀
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
17.78 cm
13 hrs
27 °C
227 PPM
59 %
22 °C
21 °C
4 L
0 L
55.88 cm
1024 PPM
Nutrients 14
Oyster Shell 2.214 mll
Silica Powder 0.391 mll
Azomite Powder 1.953 mll
ATTACK OF THE CLONES LST / HST / RE-VEG DAY 50-56 • D50: Watering (previous feeding on D44) • D52: LST / Topping / Supercropping / Cloning (2x cuttings) • D56: Veg compost tea feeding • Daily foliar spray (evening after dark) • Good recovery post-HST • Clones are holding up well at D6
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
24.13 cm
13 hrs
29 °C
835 PPM
62 %
22 °C
22 °C
4 L
0 L
55.88 cm
853 PPM
Nutrients 5
Silica Powder 0.26 mll
Aloe Vera Powder 0.26 mll
Epsom Salts 0.26 mll
STRETCHING PRE-FLOWERING SUCCESSFUL CLONING DAY 57-63: • Not much to report on for this last week other than LST/HST recovery, growth & flowering • Feeding on D62 • Previous feeding on D56 • Daily foliar sprays switching between pure RO water and a solution with Silica, Aloe Vera, Epsom Salts and CaMg+ • D62: first day on 12/12 light schedule, from 13/11 • D62: Clone 1 out of 2 rooted successfully, transplanted and moved to the grow tent • D61-63: +2.5 inches in 48H • Second clone still under propagation dome • Clones showed first nute deficiencies -> feeding
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
31.75 cm
12 hrs
29 °C
441 PPM
58 %
22 °C
22 °C
4 L
0 L
55.88 cm
876 PPM
Nutrients 3
Silica Powder 0.26 mll
Aloe Vera Powder 0.26 mll
Calcium Magnesium Supplement - Terra Aquatica
Calcium Magnesium Supplement 0.079 mll
FLOWERING PHASE CLONE #2 SUCCESSFUL D64-70: • D64: Switched tent to 12/12 • D66: feeding • Previous feeding on D62 • Aggressive upward growth • Clones rooted and in veg mode; new leaflings
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
40.64 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
284 PPM
55 %
19 °C
22 °C
4 L
0 L
55.88 cm
882 PPM
Nutrients 15
Silica Powder 0.651 mll
Aloe Vera Powder 0.651 mll
Azomite Powder 0.195 mll
COMPOST TEA Day 71-77: • Not much to report on this week as I was away for 5 days • D75: First flowering compost tea feeding • Previous feeding on D71 • Clones are growing healthy and loving their new soil
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
44.45 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
397 PPM
58 %
21 °C
21 °C
4 L
0 L
55.88 cm
803 PPM
Nutrients 4
Silica Powder 0.651 mll
Aloe Vera Powder 0.651 mll
Micronutrients N-K-B-Cu-Fe-Mn-Zn 0.04 mll
SUPERCROPPING TOP DRESSING w/ DRY NUTRIENT FLOWERING BLEND DAY 78-84: • Came back from trip to a healthy-ish, thirsty plant • D80: Top node reached 17.5 inches • D80: RO water-only feeding • D81: Supercropped main stem down to 13 inches - recovered fast! • Potential problem: Tea's TDS on D75 was potentially a bit high, followed with an overly alkaline micronutrient solution (8.4) on D80 -> probably sent my soil pH south for a bit • D84: Clawing & droopiness, potential N toxicity or nutrient lockout • Leaves look healthy but will have to go easy on next feeding
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Scribsstarted grow question 5 years ago
Last compost tea was probably a bit too strong, causing clawing and droopiness these last few days. The following feeding was RO water only. I'm wondering whether there is some kind of nutrient lockout or N tox/def going on at the moment. Growth upward hasn't slowed down though.
Leaves. Curl down
Chayton_elegantbuds420answered grow question 5 years ago
I would dry them out and start in again in few days with giving some nutrients. Not to much... try to build it up slowly. Good luck
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
44.45 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
60 %
22 °C
21 °C
4 L
0 L
60.96 cm
906 PPM
Nutrients 3
Epsom Salts 0.13 mll
Silica Powder 0.13 mll
Aloe Vera Powder 0.13 mll
WILTING & CLAWING CLONES TRANSPLANTED INTO BIG POTS DAY 85-91: • 2nd week on the recovery schedule, water only • Previous watering on D80, which was the other watering (with D75) that most likely originated my subsequent problems • D85: RO water only ph 7.0 • Elevated my 600W more, suspecting lighting issues as another potential cause for wilting and clawing • Will further experiment with lighting, progressively downgrading to 450W then 300W LEDs if no improvements • Three old leaves at the very bottom got drained - yellowing / necrosis CLONES: • Trying a 3.5Gal pot for A29 to see how big she goes (other pots are 1Gal) • A29 not showing signs of flowering any time soon and is vegging stronger. Pistils are still rare • A28 seems to be racing towards flowering: smaller in size but bud sites are forming fast
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
48.26 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
117 PPM
58 %
23 °C
21 °C
4 L
0 L
60.96 cm
856 PPM
Nutrients 3
Epsom Salts 1.302 mll
Calcium Magnesium Supplement - Terra Aquatica
Calcium Magnesium Supplement 0.489 mll
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White 1.302 mll
CLAWING / WILTING LIGHT STRESS / OVERWATERING CLONES ARE LIVING THE LIFE MOTHER - DAY 92-98: • Problem: leaves point upward, curl downward - could be light stress / nitrogen or magnesium deficiency / soil pH • Solution: Switched to 450W LED, then 300W running at 25% power to reduce light stress, potentially causing clawing • Solution: Regular CaMg+ feedings in watering and foliar sprays • New LED, while less intense, generated way more heat: temp went up, RH went down • Soil dried out much faster; light watering on D92/93/94/96 -> overwatering, damnit • Growth upward picked back up on D97 • Hot temperatures probably freaked me out a bit and made me overwater, hence wilting, will wait / monitor pot weight D99: Clawing started disappearing. Seems like the 300W running at less than 25% intensity is much more gentle on the leaves. D99: Leaves feel like paper/dry / wilt -> overwatering symptom CLONES - D41-47: • A28 is vegging and growing much faster, bigger and stronger than her mother - will sample clones from her soon • A29 is in pre-flowering
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
59.69 cm
11 hrs
24 °C
182 PPM
63 %
22 °C
21 °C
4 L
0 L
40.64 cm
1025 PPM
Nutrients 16
Seabird Guano 0-11-0 0.326 mll
Soluble Seaweed Extract 0.5-0-17 0.651 mll
Kelp Meal 1-0.1-2 1.302 mll
SCALED DOWN TO 50W LED RECOVERY FROM LIGHT STRESS & OVERWATERING COMPOST TEA MOTHER - Day 99-105: • Reduced lighting down to 50W hanging at 16-18" above • Clawing reduced overall, leaves at the top started shooting up again • D103: compost tea for flowering phase (previous watering on D96) • Daily foliar sprays with CaMg+ / Aloe Vera CLONES - Day 49-54: • A28 full veg mode, growing taller, wider and developing large leaves at top nodes - no flowers, few pistils • A29 well into early flowering - height stabilizing, buds growing in size • Both plants super healthy, leaves shooting up • D49: compost tea for vegetative phase (previous watering on D42)
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
59.18 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
86 PPM
64 %
20 °C
20 °C
4 L
0 L
45.72 cm
1136 PPM
Nutrients 2
Aloe Vera Powder 0.195 mll
Calcium Magnesium Supplement - Terra Aquatica
Calcium Magnesium Supplement 2.604 mll
ROOM NOW RUNNING UNDER 2x 50W FULL SPECTRUM LEDs COPPER TRICHROMES ON MOTHER'S FLOWERS NEW CLONES MOTHER - DAY 106-112: • It's odd: half the plant is in full bloom, the other half vegging and getting into pre-flowering • Curling downward still occurring but in a way less severe way as before - starting to think it's in her genetics; for example: fruit leaves on colas aren't curling • Tempted to attempt to treat curling with a light dose of K & Cu, particularly as two low, older leaves are getting sucked dry by the plant to feed herself, which isn't abnormal in flowering btw • Copper tones on ~20% of trichromes at the moment CLONES (A28 & A29) AS OF DAY 62: A28: • Healthiest plant of all three - 20 inches tall; she grew large leaves and a few solid stems growing into a somewhat even canopy below main cola • Still in full veg mode despite enduring a 12/12 • A few pre-flower budsites have started to appear A29: • Short healthy plant - 15 inches tall; one main cola • Budsites at every node along main stem and lateral branches • Flowering well underway but buds are still small Introducing new clones from Mother: B22 & B23.
1 comment
Used techniques


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Scribscommentedweek 75 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS @BlackCousin @CRiSPrGrow - Thanks for the help! No more seeds and no guarantee what I get from that same region in the future is the same genetics. So I'm willing to chop a top off and clone as a safety measure. In the bad news category, the main stem at the base split in half this morning... Rescue operation with tape support around the base to heal the wound and help regeneration. I hope it doesn't turn her into a hermie but that puts pressure on cloning ASAP in case the current plant fails as a result of the shock created by the split. Thoughts? EDIT: Found my answer. Did just that. Fixed and supported with duct tape and twisty ties.
Scribscommented5 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Sounds good. Thank you! 👊🙏
JUNGLE_B4RNScommented5 years ago
@Scribs,it depends on the weight of the branch and the tension that it puts on the wounded trunk. If there’s too much weight or too much tension it will finish by braking, in this case I put some duct tape for 2-3 weeks.
Scribscommented5 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Good to know! I've just started reading about those techniques indeed. Do you typically tape the main trunk back together or do you leave it as is?
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Scribscommentedweek 145 years ago
@dudegrowsweed Hey dude - Almost out of the swamp: @Mr_Positivo was bang on, it was due to light stress. Was running under a 600W LED hanging at 24 inches above the plants. No bueno. My leaves were clawing downward while rising upward, also known as "praying for magnesium". At first I thought it was either a nitrogen toxicity (clawing downward) or a nascent magnesium deficiency (leaves shooting up). I also thought the cause not to be the light but the strong tea and nutrient solution I fed the plant back to back, the latter's pH being way too high, which I thought caused a nutrient lockout. Then things kinda got worse: I downgraded from 600W LED, to 450W LED, to 300W LED. The 450W stayed for a few days but overheated the grow tent, drying the plant, which made me overwater, hence the wilting in the last few days. I think I got a combo of light stress and magnesium deficiency to start it all. I don't add CaMg+ each time to my reverse osmosis water and the plant may have lacked a bit. Now that the plant runs under 300W LEDs running at less than 25% intensity, hanging at 24 inches above, and that I've let her dry out, while feeding her CaMg+ & Epsom Salts through foliar sprays for a few days, she's recovering and clawing is improving. I got a set of full spectrum 50W & 100W LEDs to experiment a bit, especially as the plant keeps growing upward and the space between the top of the canopy and the light reduces. Might have to just finish her under 50W to avoid burning the tops. Hope this helps for next time. Bummer you had to kill yours. Experience is the nickname we give to the mistakes we learned from ;-)
DudeGrowsWeedcommented5 years ago
@Scribs, Thanks for letting me know. Live and learn (and share).
Ssomeguycommentedweek 75 years ago
Looks like a fairly typical african sativa (at least, from what I know) so far, interested to see how that flowers though. Those sort of sativas really don't like small spaces. Good luck.
Scribscommented5 years ago
@@Ssomeguy, Makes complete sense. I just repotted her a week ago, and the main stem split this morning so I'm gonna manage that situation and keep the stress at a minimum to see if she survives that right now... I'm considering toping one of the two stems and clone today.
Ssomeguycommented5 years ago
@Scribs, Oh dude, if you can, give her more space as soon as possible (I mean, it says 3.79l). If it's still preflowering it'll still grow significantly (if conditions/transplant is good), I've done this quite a few times, essentially, if you don't see big bundles of pistils yet, it's worth it (space depending on your considerations).
Ssomeguycommented5 years ago
@Scribs, I wouldn't bother stressing it more (maybe loose scrog, if anything), it's only gonna grow as large as the soil/light/pot allows (unless you're messing a lot with growth regulators or use pots with particularly high height to width ratio). The container size itself will be stress enough for that plant, imo. Unless it's quite a large container. I can give you rough estimates of sizes depending on the pot size (assuming good growing conditions, nutrients, etc) as I've grown 200+ random mostly african sativas and hybrids in varying containers/conditions.
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Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 75 years ago
if you want to get clones.... she has to stay in vegetation stage and you can cut some clones... then after all tranplant and let her in flower. its to see that its astrong girl surviving for week in that solocup and getting fed with lots of stuff....
Scribscommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Awesome! Thanks so much for the tips! 🙏👊
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@Scribs, yes if you want clones do it now.... and the reason for solocups is only that you have more space in the tnt for babies and big plants and you can train watering. I dont do solocups , i start with 3 l.. you can start in the final pot aswell.... its just enconomic thoughts plantinga seed into solo cup. you will see she will like the biggr shoes and grow nicely
Scribscommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thanks dude. Appreciate the help. So basically I should collect a cutting now (pre-flowering phase), if I want to clone? When I transplanted her from the solocup to the 1 gal pot, the roots had not outgrown the solocup yet. The new soil was still cooking, which is why I delayed the transplant for a while. I was afraid of the bigger pot initially as this is my first grow. But yeah, she's been strong so far, coping with all my beginner's mistakes!
Scribscommentedweek 75 years ago
@Grey_Wolf Thanks for the tips and the support! 🙏 Trying to source more seeds from that same area but there's no guarantee the seeds will be of the exact same genetics when looking for a male to pollinate. Cloning would be ideal at some point, yes. Looks like opinions diverge about whether I should collect a cutting now or later :P So I was told landrace plants don't like to be trained but I agree it's going to be necessary. I will unfortunately only be able to give her 4ft of height in my current space... Should I start gently tying the main stems down?
Scribscommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, Thanks dude. Yeah so far she's holding up. I patched her up and still managed to train the very tops outwards a bit while keeping the main stem together with tape. Pics next week! Thanks for the support! 👊🙏
Grey_Wolfcommented5 years ago
@Scribs, maybe a little too much effort in your bending lol but in all seriousness when the plant heals it will form a knuckle where the wound was which will actually help strengthen the plant Good luck
Scribscommented5 years ago
@Grey_Wolf, Tried that this morning and she didn't like it. Slight/light bent in one direction and the main stem split in half. The fact she has such a unique shape at the base and is so fragile probably doesn't give me a lot of options to train. Rescue mode for now 😪 EDIT: Found my answer. Did just that. Fixed and supported with duct tape and twisty ties.
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Scribscommentedweek 75 years ago
@MarcXL - Hey Mark, Thanks for your note. The thing is, she started getting much bigger in her solo cup and still wasn't root-bound when I transplanted her into the 1 Gal container. I can only give her 4ft in height therefore wanted to kinda go slowly and see how she'd grow. I don't want to end up with a plant that grows massive and dies because of lack of space either. I think realistically, the max I could go would be a 3.5Gal pot. I've been training her a bit these last few days and she's reacted nicely.
Scribscommented5 years ago
@MarcXL, I read a lot about that, yes. And that's kind of what I'm going for, given my limited space.
MarcXLcommented5 years ago
@Scribs, no prob, the pot size is only one side of the medal. Good care and training can also give you a nice and healthy plant that can deliver nive yields without getting 6ft tall.
Scribscommented5 years ago
@MarcXL, Ha that's funny. I'll see how this one does in the 1 Gal pot for now. I got two clones of her trying to make it and they've been healthy so far so if everything goes well, I'll be able to keep experimenting with her strain type.
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Scribscommentedweek 125 years ago
@Cannibalgardens Hey dude - Thanks much for stopping by to help :-) About watering, yes, as answered in another comment, I typically follow the wet/dry cycle meticulously. I weigh her everyday and then only water when it's almost dry. During Veg, it was every 5-7 depending on temperature & humidity (slight fluctuations). During bloom, it's around every 4-5 days. Now, do you actually let the soil go close to dry during flowering or do you keep things rather moist?
Scribscommented5 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, Good to know - thank you! I may try that. The bottom of the pot is still damp so I'll wait another day.
Cannibalgardenscommented5 years ago
@Scribs,I was pretty close to same in flowering 4-5days in summer indoors ..this winter for me is like 3 days as I'm watering less more frequently .. I let mine go 70%dry then water ..
Mrs_Larimarcommentedweek 85 years ago
and the clones are cut... looking good. btw i would take something "smoothr" than thred to tighten the sem... she will get bgger and it strangles her then
Scribscommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Thank you! Was so nervous when I did it haha. Keeping the clones alive is an emotional roller coaster lol. I'm def keeping an eye on the tape strangling the base stem. Thinking about taking it off in ~2 weeks. The wound still looks fresh although it's healing well. But the branches will get heavier and I want to make sure she can withstand the weight. The trellis net stands ready for when she gets taller/heavier.
DD_420commentedweek 75 years ago
So after looking at your pictures, what your assuming to be nutrient burn strikes me more of a water on leafs while under an led light. If you continue to spray your plants try to do it after your lights turn off for the day. When water beads stay on a leaf under a light the bead works like a magnifying glass which is most likely what is causing the burn marks. In my experience nutrients burn starts in the tips and edges of leafs. Your spots seem to be mid/random spots.
Scribscommented5 years ago
@DD_420, Thanks for the help / POV! Much appreciated. I think your point about the foliar spray damaging the leaves makes complete sense. I typically try to spray 10-20min before the lights go off, but now that you mention it, 600W LED may be powerful enough to burn and make holes on leaves within 10-20min. Will make sure I spray after dark and see how she responds! Re: the nute burn, I couldn't wait longer to transplant her but ideally, my soil would have cooked an extra week. I'm pretty sure her new soil was still a bit too powerful. I was also trying to correct a N deficiency that started back in her solo cup so might have over dosed a bit between a cottonseed meal top dressing and some VEG+BLOOM soluble powder back there. Some leaves are curled and burnt at the tips in a typical nutrient burn kind of way. Perhaps not obvious via the pics but I def see it each time I check her. She has an awesome story and the buds she came from accompanied me during that whole trip so great memories are attached to those seeds. Def wanna keep her strain-line alive!
Captain_7commentedweek 45 years ago
very funky looking plant! Hope it turns out for you and it’s female
Scribscommented5 years ago
@Captain_7, Hoping for the same! Not sure where it's going since it's an undocumented strain that grew in the wild in West Africa.
Scribscommentedweek 75 years ago
@Cannibalgardens Hey thanks for the note! I actually deliberately chose the 13/11 after checking the parameters of her natural habitat. In Togo, days are 13/11 during the summer and 11/13 during the winter, with a constant 60%-95% humidity range. During the monsoon, the RH shoots up to 95%, for weeks. So I'm trying to stick to that to grow her. She's a landrace so I assumed she'd respond better that way. RE: the container, I have to cap her at 4ft so wanted to start with a small container to control growth. It's my first grow so going slowly :D I read 1ft for each gallon in the container so was planning on ending in a 3.5 gal pot. Thanks for the support dude. Helps a lot!
Scribscommentedweek 75 years ago
@BlackCousin Taking note of all your suggestions and knowledge. Thank you brother! Much appreciated! 🙏 The plant has actually been on a 13/11 from start. The website only allows to choose 12/12 in the options but the light schedule is up-to-date in the parameters for each week. Was planning on switching her to 11/13 to switch her to flower at some point.
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 45 years ago
i'm gonna follow this one for the cool pheno and landrace 🚀
Scribscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Just posted the latest. Don't judge me haha. I'm learning... It's a tricky plant!
Scribscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, You bet! I thought it would be helpful context indeed. Some family lives there so I go often and got to know the area well. It's super hot and highly humid (they were at 91% humidity last week!), and days are short! Summer 13/11 - Winter 11/13. Trying to keep those environmental conditions in mind as I grow her. She is responding well to the 13/11 schedule so far. After messing up at the beginning, I'm starting to figure out the right watering cadence. She's doing well now. I'll post some pics soon! 👊
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Scribs, thanks for the Togo pic, really opens your eyes to the natural conditions of this strain 👌
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DudeGrowsWeedcommentedweek 125 years ago
Looks like overwatering to me. I’d try cutting back a little on your watering routine. Good luck!
Scribscommented5 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, Crossing fingers for you too! Good luck!
DudeGrowsWeedcommented5 years ago
@Scribs, Sounds like a good plan. I'm not seeing any yellowing on my end, but I'm also going to let her dry out then try feeding straight PH'ed water - I typically PH down to 6.4-6.6. Hope we both get our girls to bounce back! 🙏
Scribscommented5 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, Hey dude - I have a few hypothesis lined up, starting with these facts, as reported in my Week 11/12 diary notes: -> Potential problem: Tea's TDS on D75 was potentially a bit high, followed with an overly alkaline micronutrient solution (8.4) on D80 -> probably sent my soil pH south for a bit -> D84: Clawing & droopiness, potential N toxicity or nutrient lockout -> Yellowing/Necrosis appearing on lower/older leaves Hypothesis: (1) flowering phase getting more intense (2) nutrient lockout (3) N toxicity/deficiency The combo of clawing and yellowing leaves at the bottom makes me believe it's a Nitrogen toxicity following the strong tea, then the alkaline feeding could be causing a nutrient lockout as well. The solution I'm testing right now is simply to let the soil dry a bit longer than usual, and just keep watering with Reverse Osmosis water (pH 7.0) and nothing else until I see improvements and/or deficiencies.
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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 125 years ago
Maybe use something like enzymes some more or even flush if you're brave (I feel it causes water stress sometimes ) what do you think ?
Scribscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Yep, most likely (3). I'll go easy on feeding in the next 10-15 days and will definitely lower the TDS for the next tea.
CRiSPrGrowcommented5 years ago
@Scribs, looks like 3 to me, downwards clawing too... And sometimes leafs yellow and die which is basically normal , yellowing starting from the oldest leafs first is a symptom of n issues
Scribscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Effectively, I lightly flushed on D85 at the beginning of week 13, by only feeding her pure RO water - 1/4 gallon. So far she seems to be stabilizing but I'm keeping an eye on a few of the lower leaves that are starting to show necrosis and yellowing. Could be a mix of the flowering phase getting more intense (1), an actual nutrient lockout (2) or an N toxicity/deficiency (3). I'm leaning toward (3) since I'm also seeing clawing on most leaves overall, although the clawing could also totally be a trait of the plant at this stage of growth.
DudeGrowsWeedcommentedweek 135 years ago
Looks like yours is recovering. Unfortunately, mine wasn’t getting any better. Just chopped her down. 🙁
Scribscommented5 years ago
@DudeGrowsWeed, Awww man I'm so sorry. That sucks :( Mine is still in recovery mode. Someone suggested it's a lighting issue with my plant and I've been experimenting with lighting a bit. Other than that the plant is healthy. Good luck with the next one.
HighRoller909commentedweek 125 years ago
This is something I've always been dreaming of.Growing pure landrace wild seeds wow really amazing.Good luck mate
Scribscommented5 years ago
@HighRoller909, Thanks dude. She's been a blast to grow and clone so far. So much personality :-)
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 105 years ago
good luck on the flowering, let's see what she's made of hey! 🚀
Scribscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Thanks dude. Definitely want to see this through. Depending on how tall she grows in the 1gl pot, I'll decide whether or not to grow the clones in 3-4gl pots.
GrowsGanjaGuycommentedweek 85 years ago
Hey @scribs great looking girl but I did notice 2 things. Clawing tips may be from nitrogen toxicity and the lower leaves are being speckled with white which I found out to be thrips in my garden. If it's not great just thought I'd let you know because they ruined my girls. Try looking through a small scope (like to look at trichomes) because they are tiny white bugs. I used organicide on the leaves and the soil right before lights off and they went away. Goodluck hope she continues growing fine!
Scribscommented5 years ago
@GrowsGanjaGuy, Hey friend, thanks for your note. I definitely had slight nute burns when I transplanted the plant into its new soil, which was enhanced TLO | The Rev style and the cooking process was likely not complete, plus I probably overdosed on nutrients prior to the transplant to correct N deficiencies when the plant was much younger. The spots you see on lower leaves are likely to just be spots left by my foliar sprays that contain various additives such as silica powder, aloe vera powder, CaMg+ and epsom salts typically. That leaves spots on the leaves but I have a magnifying glass and it doesn't look unhealthy or I'm not seeing any bad health symptoms on the plant at the moment. She's growing strong and just re-entered flowering! :-)
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 85 years ago
really love this diary man, great work reveging, how are those clone coming along then? 🚀
Scribscommented5 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, Thanks bro. The clones scared the sh*t out of me yesterday morning (D6). They were both wilting and all droopy. I got them out of their pellets to check if they were growing roots. One of them had started growing tiny root hairs and the other one was getting there but slowly. I got them new pellets that I soaked with RO water + 2-3-1 liquid fish fert + epsom salts + aloe vera + silica + soluble myco and dipped them in Clonex again + granular myco fungi. Today they're alive and kicking so looks like they'll spend a few more days on Earth 🙌
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