Barneys farm Pineapple Chunk
23rd Feb 2020
Shit I love this strain!! I mean check out the thickness of the buds on this girl. 👌👌 And they still have a long way to go too. 😜
This pheno is very Fruity smelling with tropical fruit being the main aroma I can detect. There is also a lot of stickiness amongst those flowers
so I maintain the fans general blowing direction over them as I'd hate to see mold set in because of all the humidity we are getting at the moment.
We haven't really seen much of the sun for the last 10 days or so as it's been very overcast with the odd Thunderstorm or light rain shower.
The Heat's still around tho despite the clouded conditions , with the daily temps still hitting the mid Thirties.
The Pineapple chunk lady is on her second day of no watering or feeding to allow the soil to dry a little and allow more air to reach the root zone.
When I do water it will be mixed up with a little liquid potassium and Mycorrhizae foor the roots. Not a lot else to report other than I left my radio playing some classical
music for the girls in the greenhouse , as I have read that they can respond well to it. Who knows? It may work 😏
but it also masks the sound of the fan a bit so It's it's all good. 😎
Thanks for reading this weeks update & If you liked it , Please let me know by leaving a like.
Cheers 👍👍👍
@Grey_Wolf, Outside grows can sometimes be a crapshoot. All those critters and organisms. Defoliation and airflow I feel is key to prevent mold formation. They look good. 👍 We can only do what we can do.🤞🤞 Hope it’s a beast.
Love the Chunk! Very tasty and aromatic strain. Can't ever go wrong with Barney's Farm. They know what we like... stability in genetics. Nice grow bud. Keep her happy
Another good hauls for an excellent weed. Congratulations.
Have you grown purslane? Some guy told me it’s good for the soil. And Thai people do eat it as vegetable.
@Grey_Wolf, yeah, pig weeds, since it is everywhere, nobody sells it. I picked mine up from a beach.
I makes good ground cover. Helps removing salt from soil. It takes mineral fertilizer very well. And if you mulch that, pig weed muclh is a good organic fertilizer.
@Med_in_Tropic, I didn't even know what purslane was until I searched for it and guess what ... It grows everywhere here!! lol but we call it pigweed
Congratulations on the great harvest Wolf 🐺,, I remember it was touch and go for a while in the heat and with the fans on her,, but maaan what a lovely looking buds in the end. Ready for self isolation hey mate 👍👍🍻
Looking great my friend shes nice and big 👌💚 I managed to get my aztech cheese just over 3 feet tall 😂 shes a beauty . cant wait to see how yours comes out buddy happy growing xx