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Farscape... entry code...FFT07

5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
2.54 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
125 PPM
70 %
22 °C
19 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 4
CocoTek Grow A 0.528 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.528 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 0.003 mll
Dropped three FFT07 into very clean pure spring water... seriously better than what I drink. Heat mat heat lamp same setup except using a reptile light to even out heat between lights on / off. Be sure to check out our other grow of FFT5 done by my wife! On the paper towel now 12/30 Small tails have shown this evening. Planting tomorrow into rock-wool God willing and the creek dont rise. 12/31 Good tail length, one even hitting an inch smallest half an inch. All transplanted into rock wool cubes under the new grow light. First time using the stuff so I uttered my favorite prayer... please God dont let me screw things up... AAAAMEN 1/1 From the looks of things at least one will be up in a few hours. Will call this day one if they do. Yep 1/1 is day one. Three up 1/3 All into coco all named meet the girls of Farscape! Light first feeding with Kangaroots and Big Bloom Normal nuets after they harden off a bit Note: Seeing more of a tendency for stretch from early seedlings than we are used to on the Autos. Just added more light 1/4 Stretching seems to have slowed a good bit. The garden bags are working well and the solo cups make a perfect holder since they are weighted with stones. Transplant will be super easy. Feeding protocol till transplant - One ounce (or until runoff) twice a day at a 125 PPM strength of Coco Tek Grow at @5.9 PH Looking for a week until transplant or so plans go. 1/6 Time to be making da coco... Hydrating the coco coir for the grow. Brick will make over 2 cuft which is plenty. Doing it a bit different this time. Since the coco is twice washed already (or so goes the claim) I am buffering and hydrating in one step. 8 gallons with Cal/Mag at 5ml/gal May use a bit more Ca but I think it will do a better job getting rid of the sodium hanging on the cat sites. Will add more to maintain a "soupy" constancy for 24 hours then drain. New pics New Things I Like: The rock wool, easiest germ ever. No hung up shells no fuss at all. The garden bags, where have these been all my life. Solo cups finally found a purpose. New Things I do not like: The light still needed help, the spectrum is not what I thought it would be, too red. I am just going to make one and be done with it.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
400 PPM
70 %
22 °C
19 L
35.56 cm
Nutrients 4
CocoTek Grow A 1.321 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 1.321 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 0.003 mll
1/9 Week 2 Growing nicely bumped the feed up 25ppm The twice a day feedings are having the desired effect, will likely need to transplant at end of week. 1/10 Really putting on the growth now, they like their humidity though 65-70% even with the third set of leaves up. 1/11 Raising nuets to 400ppm Aeryn is looking like she is gonna be huge. Leading clone candidate at this point but its early. 1/13 Growing fast Moving to first topping time at fifth node, seems early for that though
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
500 PPM
50 %
22 °C
19 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
CocoTek Grow A 1.849 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 1.849 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 0.003 mll
1/15 Begin week 3 I swear they look a full week older than 15 days... interesting. Obviously they like the protocol. 😉 Loving the CocoTek Not topping till I get them transplanted in a few days. Plan is to top twice, we going to see what we can get from these newbies 😇 Leaving feed as is until transplant into 5 gal of 75% coco 25% perlite *Fastbuds - They are taking nuets very well and I would increase but size is getting to be an issue at this point. Both the FFT-7 and 5 could take higher ppm. We plan on doing a clone grow with one of each strain to grow entirely for size and yield without size restrictions. See what they do when given lots of space. Zhaan is looking to be a bit different pheno but not stress induced. 1/17 Transplant day Finished preparing coco by thoroughly washing the pots in the bath tub till runoff clear-ish, 50ppm Soaked pots with one quart of 5.9 nuets and Kangaroots 10ml/gal and transplanted the garden bags, god the roots are incredible. In the Veg tent now Wife named the veg tent Moya and its stuck so now the danged tent has a name 😉 1/20 ITS WEASEL STOMPING DA... errp no... Topping day All topped at either forth or fifth node, pics up there 1/21 Noticing some mag def and random Ca spots on Jool in particular so getting a dose of Cal-Mag 3ml/gal as well as the foliar. See this as due to the low levels of CocoTek or perhaps the stress of topping but do not want to increase nuets at this time.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
700 PPM
50 %
22 °C
19 L
1 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 5
CocoTek Grow A 1.849 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 1.849 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.528 mll
1/22 Week 4! Folded in some CalMag temporarily for a slight def showing up in Jool, foliar of same on all. Recovering nicely from topping will decide on 2cd later Jool recovered her normal color in just a few hours after feedings. Can pull the Cal-Mag for a while. Thought of increasing nuets a tad to 10ml but no need to rush just may have to hit them with Cal-Mag once in a while. Time to hit the roots again 10ml/gal Kangaroots one feed only 1/25 Leaving in a small amount - 2ml/gal - of Cal-Mag with CocoTek more for peace of mind than anything else Keeping them small till I have a place to flower then... then we pour it on. 1/27 Continuing to walk the line between keeping them healthy and keeping the size down - working ok so far Growing nicely although some concern found on Zhaan, feeding pattern on just the two tops shown, no where else. Nothing seen , sticky trap put up will check often for further. Not grabbing the Soap just yet see if anything else pokes up 1/28 Sticky trap clean so no flying critters Think hes right about strange leaves but I want to add I may have done some of this during topping. Just from what I see Bit of a conundrum the plants are near-ish to the size we wanted to flower them at BUT there is no room at the Inn, (sativas...) so we have one path to getting this done. Keeping them as small as we can without risking defs for another week then beginning the flowering in the veg tent Moya while the sativa finishes in 2 weeks. Thats one week of flower in the small tent at best, not sure about that. I swear two tents and one is a 4x4 and still space problems... good to have that problem too 😃 That's the plan but we know there is about a ton of crap that will go wrong like that sativa taking longer. Re-eval in a week Feeding remains as before 1/29 Pic and vid to end week no further issues and the tent is now full. Good problem to have but its convinced us that flowering in Moya is problematic Raised lights to 24" to see if they will go up instead of out for a while. Defol the bottom end of the plants just a bit in attempt to encourage some vertical growth with that as well.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
rhodes68started grow question 5 years ago
Refer to pics above WTF#x Zhaan Looks like a feeding pattern to me, only those two tops involved, no other new growth affected on any of the plants. Anyone recognize this?
Other. Bugs
JinksyGrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Healthy leaves, no bugs? Mutation and or deformity. Kinda looks almost exactly! like what I saw very recently with my Northern lights #2 in veg. Weird right? Anyways, it's highly likely it's a harmless mutation and please don't worry about it, but I'd advise just watching her as you enter flower, just in case the mutation becomes more then a couple spindly, deformed leaves. My NL did this on only one side only, while the other side was perfectly fine, and did so 3 times at 3 new node points before it stopped and started to grow NORMAL fans again. I was worried about her and what this meant, but it's proven to be nothing at all. In third week of flower now and there hasn't been anything else. I also have a mutation with my Blue Cookies that comes around at least once a week, affecting only 2 or three fan blades at a time.... Again, it's weird but harmless. If you'd like to see the NL #2 I'm talking about and the foliage mutations I'm seeing on my BC just pop by my page and go to week 4. Blue cookies you can see the mutation on leaves in week 10/11. You're good my friend, no worries. An oddity for sure, but it's highly unlikely this will have any consequence's. Good luck in the coming days👍👍
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
600 PPM
60 %
22 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 7
CocoTek Grow A 1.321 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 1.321 mll
CALiMAGic  - Terra Aquatica
CALiMAGic 0.003 mll
1/29 Week 5 Nothing but the kind of problems I asked for, some white tips that mean an increase of runoff is needed. Half expected to see this as I have been varying the amount as a learning experiment. Will up to 20% for a few days In addition will be reducing nuets slightly keeping cal-mag as is until reason to change presents itself. Will be kind of boring the next couple of weeks at least till they get into the big tent. 1/30 Aeryn now at 15 inches Runoff at 40% and nuets reduced to lower pot EC Ive tossed out my old bottle of Cal-Mag I think its turned on me as these white tips did not appear until it was folded into the feed. Just no way this dose of nuets is causing the tips to show burning. 2/1 Major defoliation last night at lights out. Removed perhaps 25-40% or leaf mass on all plants to allow them to stay in the tent another two weeks. It was time to learn the process anyway, took a compromise path to doing it, some recommended taking more some less, hey sounded good to me. Plants doing very well after defoliation except for those aggravating white tips, going to be reducing Cal-Mag again to 1ml/gal and keep CT at 5ml/gal taking C-M to zero based on what I see. 2/2 Dropped Cal-Mag from feed, want to see if that has anything to do with those white tips. Runoff is at 40-50% ppm out under 900 so dam if I know. Will continue to defoliate as we go when something pokes its head where it does not belong. Otherwise they are beautiful, good job so far Fast Buds. 👍 2/3 man they recover fast, removed a few fan leaves that poked their heads where they shouldnt. Add Si to feed tomorrow for stem strength Not comfortable leaving these in veg for two more weeks, just asking for problems. So... Plan for flowering: Flipping this weekend so new week will still be veg. Removing one plant from the Moya tent to the Flowering tent to relieve space pressure as both tents will be set to 12/12 and just flower them all. Should have space in Moya to cover the few days they are in there with just three plants, have a bout 18" of light hang to work with. Thinking of moving Aeryn as she is largest and most likely to cause issues. Just not sure what the stretch is going to be 😳 2/4 The white tips were absolutely caused by the Cal-Mag, considering the doses and PPM that is puzzling to say the least. Adding Si for a few feeds to get em ready for flowering as I have no idea how these are going to grow so heading off some potentials. Plants hit 20" over night still flipping in a few days
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
68.58 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
700 PPM
60 %
22 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
CocoTek Grow A 0.528 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.528 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 0.793 mll
2/5 Week 6 May be last week of veg kind of depends on factors outside the grow. Lets hope Keeping the Si included and leaving nuets as is. Continuing to defoliate as needed to keep things civil in the small tent, Moya is crowded. Canopy is at 30" plants about 20" 2/6 Better plan! Found a table at Goodwill that will fit in the flower tent and allow two plants to be moved there tomorrow. So tomorrow is the day, two plants will remain in Moya, prob Jool and Zhaan 2/7 Aeryn is in flower tent flipped to 12-12 Jool and Zhaan in small tent, Moya, also flipped to 12-12 Here we go Feed set as above, keeping levels low at this point 2/8 Second day May reduce feed a bit, white tips One time feed of Kangaroots 10ml/gal Keeping things defoliated so the middle gets lots of light 2/8 Last attempt to try and get rid of those white tips. Further reduced feed but added just a touch of cal-mag to make up for it. If this doesnt work I am just feeding them and ignoring the tips. Flowering is starting to show, more on Aeryn being under the HPS than Jool and Zhaan under the LEDs. Continuing to defoliate as needed to keep bud sites in light. 2/10 Bringing down the nuets to under 500ppm did the trick on the white tips but can not leave things there so back to some sane level and I am just going to ignore it. Stretch is starting for real 😳 2/11 Since the tip burning is an issue with N, I am going to move the girls to all bloom tomorrow with today as a transition. Strain is absolutely sensitive to Nitrogen.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
76.2 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
500 PPM
55 %
22 °C
19 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 9
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 1.321 mll
2/12 Week 7 Hairs beginning to show up more each day and the growth tips are transforming. Continuing to encourage bushing by defoliating the top canopy every couple of days. Lots of bud sites in their future. Lowering Nitrogen by putting them on all Bloom nuets , prob should have done that weeks ago. 29 inches high no sign of slowing. No problems unless we hit 40 inches. Then I gotta think 😣 Don't see any reason to worry stretch should end in a week to 10 days or less and there are a few things I got up my sleeve. Actually these are the kinds of problems I signed up for and Ive nothing to complain about, this stuff is fun. 😁 Here's hoping for a big arsed harvest! I was asked why I am letting the lower end of the plants get so over grown. The idea is that this will slow down the upward growth and maybe get them to bush more later. When the room exists in the flower tent that will be cleaned up. Hitting them with the kangaroots again one last time in the morning to see if we can get those root balls expanded for bud building. 2/13 Pics Starting to get some height differences(less than 2 inches) between the plants under the LED and those under the HPS so I have changed the HPS out for a MH light to slow down the height gains in the flowering tent. Their nodes could use some shortening. Have other reasons but thats it for this grow. Hung a small 2700K 30 watt LED directly over Aeryn out of the path of the main light to give her just a bit more red spectrum. Not much but something. 2/14 Rearranged the tent to give better access to the photos and allow better hanging of the small LED and give a bit more light from the MH. Runoff tested on all plants and ranged from 550-600 ppm which just leaves us all kinds of room later for more nuets. Heck this is perfect 2/17 Stepping down the nuets slightly 2/19 End week note: Finally see some very slight nitrogen def on Aeryn so nuets back up, found the bottom end of of it. Folding in PK at a low dose Flipped week back to veg, only in flower the last day or so of the week
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
78.74 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
500 PPM
55 %
22 °C
19 L
2 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 9
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 1.057 mll
2/19 Week 8 Controlling the stretch somewhat by keeping strong blue light in the spectrum. Wont start flower under HPS again, will wait till stretch has finished. The FFt-7 seem to respond most to this, the FFt-5 not as much but still slowed down. Major day coming Saturday everyone back into one tent and that undergrowth is getting trimmed! Driving me nuts Wont need to worry so much over height at that point. Adding that small amount of PK has really spurred a lot of bud growth, looks like the guys knew what he was talking about. 2/21 Could not wait so... Lower End Defoliation Day! Cleaned them all up for their last day in Moya (veg tent) before moving to Enterprise (Flower tent) ... heh Walking nuets up 2/22 in the new digs Both the 600w HID and 150w LED are now in the tent = 750w Everybody is on the Enterprise now. 2/23 white tips back dropping back down to 4ml/gal on the CT 2/25 Cutting back PK to 2ml/gal Pics for Fast Buds on leaf oddity Raised HID a couple of clicks getting some praying leaves underneath it.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
93.98 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
800 PPM
55 %
10 °C
19 L
2 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 9
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 1.849 mll
2/26 Week 9 /3 flower Still looking for their nuet levels. Reducing CT Bloom by 25% just learning the DTW system and how these strains act. Still white tips, run off at 650 ppm so not sure whats the deal yet. Upping PK to 5ml/gal Lights doing well, should have done this long ago 2/27 The very first signs of a mag def began so keeping the feed at 4ml/gal and wait to see what develops. Basically the same thing that happened when I did this in veg. Till I hear back from Fast Buds or someone has a suggestion just going to sit on it and keep em healthy. PK to 5ml/gal Switching to HPS light in the HID tomorrow as the stretch seems to have ended. Update: Fast Buds got back so quickly, thanks. Going to let the white tips go and watch other factors for feeding. The tips were always my marker for nitrogen so will watch color and curl from here on. Going up to 5ml/gal on the bloom nuets at the morning feeding. Use that as a base line from here on Thanks @HighRoller909 You are on the same wavelength as Fast Buds 👍 2/28 Looking well All nuets at 5ml/gal In PPM 750 - Out PPM 800 - Not surprising given the increase HPS installed - light defoliation of canopy Smells and buds - Buds will be greenish primarily with a predominate berry/fruity smell you only get during defoliation at this point. Yall want to start a pool on what these may be? 😏 Change of view: Looking back if I had to be honest I would flip week 7 from flower to veg. I really dont think it took till maybe the last day or two of the week. Slightly important as we are looking closely at finishing time on these strains. Going to keep a day count of flower from here and this will be ... 2/28 Day 10 of flower 2/29 Day 11 Adjusted nuets slightly increased to 800ppm by increasing CocoTek and decreasing slightly the PK. Increased runoff to 25% for a mini-flush 3/2 Day 13 Flower Flipped week 7 to veg, just reflects reality a bit better. Leaving things as is for now, pics when I can I smell Creme-Cookies , odor hit 3/3 Day 14 of flower Ending week , nothing visual has really changed so no pics till later. The feeding schedule seems to be doing everything I could want but will continue to up it slightly tomorrow. Eliminating the silicon, done what its going to do as the stretch has ended completely and plenty in the pot. Putting them under the MH until it slowed down worked. Light defol today just getting leaves off buds. Defoliating all the unproductive branches (loofy buds nothing firm) tomorrow to get that energy where it needs to go. Ok so its some kind of cookies but sweeter than I am used to so sticking with Cookies and Cream for my guess on FF7 FF5 is still puzzling, sweet fuel is all I can peg. And another week in the books 😜
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
rhodes68started grow question 5 years ago
Ok putting it out to you guys see if yall have an answer. Even at 500ppm I am getting burnt tips on the FF7. Drain to Waste once daily @10% runoff, 500ppm in 650ppm out, cant go lower as deficiencies begin. Ideas? Ignore the tips?
Feeding. Other
1 like
HighRoller909answered grow question 5 years ago
From what i learned of my experiences is that you should worry when you start to lose more leaf surface with nute burning.burnt at tips is simply nothing.probably meaning that 150ppm difference between in and out values.650ppm runoff is quite good,no need to take action.some strains are more sensitive than others.i would just keep on feeding at small doses like that 500ppm.with genetics like this,more nutes wont make it produce bigger yields.results could be worse if it gets fed more
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
93.98 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
925 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 L
3 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 11
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 2.642 mll
3/4 Day 15 Flower Changing PK to KoolBloom as the Peak has run out. Will work up the CT nuets to @10ml/gal or so as the burnt tips have proven kind of a red herring. Loving the dual light sources, makes things so much easier. 3/5 Day 16 More pics Nuets up to 925 ppm, thats unadjusted for the water (@125 ppm) Fish Sh!T added for terps among other reasons, they just explode with this stuff. Took the last of the loofy branches that were not getting light. Plants look almost lollipoped but thats due to the stretch we were fight during the tent space problem. 3/6 Day 17 Pics, prob last of the week unless something presents itself. Leaving nuets as is for now. Zhaan is really coming along being a tad shorter than the rest. Little clean up today so took the opportunity for better pics Having some issues find coco coir hope its temporary. Update Burnt tips have worsened a bit with the increase in Bloom nuets (nitrogen) Keeping the nuets as is for now keeping an eys on em. If I have to decrease will up the PK to compensate. 3/7 Day 18 Flower Tips have not worsened so leaving CT Bloom as is but did increase PK slightly and decrease Fish Sh!T to 1 ml/gal try and make it last a bit longer , stuff aint cheap and this is enough. Input Feed - 900 ppm Runoff - 1180 ppm well within limits 3/9 Day 20 Flower Upped the PK to 4ml/gal and feed to 925 ppm, that will be the top end and carry that level for at least a week before ending PK. Buds are frosting up and growing large pics when I can Really liking this strain guys... whatever it may be 😜 Redid the grow room and tent completely, improved the girls environment somewhat but mainly for space reasons. Pics/Vid
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
850 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 L
3 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 11
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 2.642 mll
3/11 Week 11 a day early due to schedule - Day 26 of Flower Buds building very well no signs of any deficiencies and the tips are ok so leaving all nuets as is. Halfway to projected harvest date according to Fast Buds, I believe them from what I am seeing. Having some humidity issues due to our funky weather. Humidity running higher than is safe on lights out , 60-70%, so installed one small dehumidifier but getting a larger one today to add to it. That is the extent of our problems so aint beechin guys One final comment here, these Fast Flowering photo strains seem tailor made for growing indoors. The flowering times, the way they grow and the lack of strong odors even with larger buds just impresses the crap out of me. 👍 Fast Buds 3/12 - 27/Flower Continue to stack up the buds I had to raise the lights one click to keep em at 16" on both lights. The increased feed PPM is showing in rapidly growing buds. No changes in feeding at this time. My wife has sweetly pointed out I messed up reading the calendar. This is day 27 of flower 😜 Yeah it was real good for 23 days too LOL So FB pegged 45 days of flower on the FF7 , with 18 days remaining. Flush could begin in 11 days at the soonest. Which consequently is when I drop the seeds for the last grow before my vacation. 😉 3/13 Day 28 Flower Raised the lights up a bit, want better dispersal from the two light sources and since there is now almost too much light this seems wise as the buds continue to stack up. The two light together are 1100 and 700 umols at a minimum so with 1800 Umols (the same as a 1000 watt HID) I can afford a dispersed pattern of light sans hot spots and dark corners. Multiple light sources is the way to go no doubt now. maybe pics later if I've time. Pics 3/14 Day 29 Flower Ye though there be no toilet paper in the land we do have buds... This virus thing is just insane aint it. Why toilet paper I wonder... Anyway increased PK to max 5ml/gal as I see no toxicity and they are building like crazy so feed em. This is the last week for the PK booster cutting it out in a few days, plenty in the pot to carry her through the flush. No other issues to comment on pretty easy grow so far. Pics
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
150 PPM
55 %
21 °C
19 L
3 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 12
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
3/18 Week 12 Day 33/Flower Have a Norto virus in the house so being brief All looks good no changes at this time waiting on buds to say when Tricones 80% Milky 20% clear with no amber so at least a week to go before flush 3/19 Pics Lot happened overnight, looking like end of week for flush. Will continue PK for one more day as time for the last push here now as upped nuets about 200ppm. PK ends Friday, nuets will drop back 200ppm at the same time. Flush begins 3/24 Tuesday... 08:05 PDT ... 😏 3/21 Day 36/Flower Ended PK dropped CT to below 900ppm On track for flush mid-week which will be real close to Fast Buds estimate of 45 days. 3/22 D 37/F Pics Just waiting for the ripening and flush day next week. Trics pretty much all white now, still no amber but that will come during flush. Will be dropping nuets to half Monday on last feeding. 3/23 D38/F Last feeding at half strength but tossed in a dose of Recharge just to see if it matters. doubt it would but it needed using as it hitting its effective date. Flush begins tomorrow morning 3/24 D39/F Flushed each using 10 gallons PHed tap water and 5ml/gal flushing agent. Pics and vid 3/25 D40/F Runoff @235ppm about 80 ppm over the water ppm so looks like the pot is empty and we can cease the FloraKleen those roots are stripped and I am no rush on this flush.
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
96.52 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
150 PPM
50 %
21 °C
19 L
4 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 12
CocoTek Grow A 0.003 mll
Coco Tek Grow B 0.003 mll
CocoTek Bloom A 0.003 mll
3/26 D41/F The final week Flush daily one gallon ph water. Dropped the FloraKleen its done all its going to do as runoff is showing minimal tds. The whole tent is getting more Amber every day as the flowers mature quickly. More pics later not a lot going on ATM Tomorrow is defoliation day, the last one. Everything with a stem is coming off. 3/27 Pics Moderate defoliation of most leaves on a stem Had to truss the plants with bamboo rods and twine. The buds are so heavy branches are bending, may be the densest buds we have grown. If we get 200 grams a plant I will not be surprised but the scales will tell shortly. On track to harvest 3/31 or 4/1 so will let them start drying out and end the flush on the 3/30 3/28 D43/F Day five of flush All is well from what I see No real fading yet must be a LOT of nuets in those leaves. Takes a while to get rid of all those nuets even after defoliation. Havent really seen a hard fade yet with coco. See what happens by day 6 May explain some things about our grows. Pics 3/29 D44/F Nothing going on much they are just ripening nicely. *Growing critique * We went back through the grow and can say for sure the day to flip these was 1/29 instead of 3 weeks later. Tara😍 was taking up the The Enterprise (ok then ... the Flowering tent) so couldn't do the deed. That was about our original intention. The size would have been perfect, about 20 inches-ish, and max yield with the least trouble realized. Branches would be less stressed, plants easier to maintain, though I doubt it cost us much if anything in yield. Then again... Did cost us money though, that's three weeks of electricity and nuets and TIME. Lesson well learned 3/30 D45/F Was looking at harvest tomorrow but we have made other plans. Looking at the tricones we are letting them go longer so will continue with water only for a while. Still no amber trics showing and the fade is dam near invisible so no reason to stop now. 3/31 D46/F Pics Still letting em go a bit 4/1 D47/F still no sign we need to stop, trics are ripe but no real amber cones and the leaf fade is still just a theory... letting them go as bud is being made and trics forming, if slowly. 4/1 After looking close and far at the buds and canopy late today, they are done should be perfect on 4/3 harvest day. We are getting excited 4/2 No water today harvest in the morning. pics
Week 14. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Nice smell VERY POTENT still cant peg it- more later **Update - Seems this is a pheno of Northern Lights as goes the current wisdom of those that had experience with it and the effects match. Fruity smell and taste, like slightly over ripe apricots that are turning sour. Heh its what I get and it aint bad. Strong Indica, knew she looked potent and she is, total body hit... almost 😁. Very relaxing and cant say any thing negative just a super clean Indica, easy face melter, so far. Pain relief is EXCELLENT better than Fastberry if you are familiar, more like one of the best Space Strains that include Romulan etc. This is due to the degree of muscle relaxation. Good for low activity fun stuff, sky watching, movies, couch stuff without being locked there. So so worth the grow! I am impressed and grateful to you canna-wizards at Fast Buds. This was a good surprise. So far so good see where it goes Later I being due to sleep crashed and slept for 10 hours. My wife who had been sleeping a lot that did not get sleepy. EXCELLENT!
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Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
1085 g
Bud wet weight per plant
212.67 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes
Negative effects
Flowery, Fruity, Sour

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
What a frosty strain, rivals Stardawg in the stickiness. Good resin potential Not a big feeder, normal levels do the trick as they will show some burn if they dont like it. Not a stinker at all Will try to foxtail @ 85F The stretch caused by the tent space issues with the Green Crack really shows here, man 2 ft of plant that was not needed. My fault, start flower under blue or white lights until stretch ends as they will get tall Serious stretch under HPS Excellent genetics, taste test in a few days I _ WANT_ MORE ... please 😉 Letting the FF7 stay in the tent a bit longer, removed all but the small fans to keep the air moving but slow down the rate. Just test weights (love hanging them like this) say @200g a plant. maybe we will see Almost forgot, pulling a small branch from Aeryn to test Easy harvest, nice dense frosty sticky buds, cannot ask for more.


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Fast_Budscommentedweek 15 years ago
Hey there, Thanks so much for testing our genetics 🙌 Let us know if you need any assistance, we’re more than happy to help. Happy Growing !!! 🌱☘️🌴🍀🌿🌳
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Thank you
rhodes68commentedweek 45 years ago
Thanks Jinks101 ! 👍 That plant has had slight random weirdness in the leaves since it sprouted so your explanation has a good ring to it. Stress of topping perhaps
mr_h_kovertcommentedweek 75 years ago
looking forward to the revealing of these tricks you have up your sleeve r-man. phat nuggs a comin!
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, Yeah weird isnt it? Seems the enzymes responsible for stretch diminish a bit if the temps are stable. 👍 Do you use a separate temp controller to cycle the heater or just the setting on the heater?
mr_h_kovertcommented5 years ago
@rhodes68, i have a heater alongside the tent which comes on at lights out then off at lights on. seems to be doing the job presently.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, BTW my last option if the light did not work was to put a heater in the tent to turn on at lights out to keep night temps close to day temps. Word is that works as well to control stretch.
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Fast_Budscommentedweek 145 years ago
Hey there, Well done on your grow. We hope you have enjoyed growing our genetics !! Keep up the good work! Happy harvest!!!🌾
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Wow on the FF7 good job!
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Trying out the FF5 today I think :) FF7 in a day or two
Master_weedacommentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck for your grow bro 👍
Master_weedacommented5 years ago
@rhodes68,with pleasure 👍
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Master_weeda, Thank you
Ganjagrandaddycommentedweek 145 years ago
amazing result. nice work. great info too
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Ganjagrandaddy, Thank you
Astroboycommentedweek 135 years ago
Make out session
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@AstroBoy, 😎
Mongo28commentedweek 135 years ago
Amazing. I'd lose hours everyday just staring at those beauties. Very pretty.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Mongo28, Check every bud every day or so ... yeah me too
CommanderCannabiscommentedweek 135 years ago
Your power of plant manipulation are god-like. You should give video lessons about your technique. Your results are what I strive for with my DIY Grow Chamber.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@CommanderCannabis, Heheh well thank you wish it were true. 😊 Basically everything I learned I got off youtube, long winters here lots of time. Well that and about a 100 mistakes ... lol
mr_h_kovertcommentedweek 125 years ago
holy hot dang colas batman - some serious sheet right there bro. top top job.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, Yeah next time we can do it without all that stretch :D Hard to be patient
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 125 years ago
Nearly there already
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Just waiting
ReinDeercommentedweek 115 years ago
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@ReinDeer, 🙏
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 115 years ago
If you are impressed now, wail until you dried these beauties. The nugget are dense. And yells is hugh for three months effort.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Always like good news 👌
Resin_Randycommentedweek 105 years ago
This should turn out awesome 🍀👌🏼
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@@Resin_Randy, Thanks we hope so
mr_h_kovertcommentedweek 105 years ago
hot dang and hell to the yeah r-man. some budiful nuggetry you got there bro. top top job.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, Thanks man 😊
Med_in_Tropiccommentedweek 85 years ago
Look out - FF7 stack up super fast and you have only a couple of weeks left to feed. The flushing time would come too soon.
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, Unfortunately until I get this tent space issue worked out Saturday everything I am doing is dictated by that. The nuets are going to be increased as we go the next couple of weeks and whatever happens we will just have to deal. That sativa going over really fouled us up, thank god these are Indica and with no tent pressure behind them so if I take them over a couple of weeks so much the better most likely. Flush can be done in as little as five days so we got good time left.
mr_h_kovertcommentedweek 85 years ago
t'is a propper jungle in there r-man. sounds like you gonna be taking a machete to the ladies shortly. lovely healthy looking ladies mind. proppa job
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, Thinking about doing it a day early, have too much on my plate for Saturday as is ... and done lol
mr_h_kovertcommentedweek 45 years ago
gonna be a big beefy lady - think russian shot putter!!!
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, That is exactly what we are hoping for... think Russian... 😏 Kind of hoping the FF line follows the strain lines of the new Originals (US Customs stole that bunch of seeds from us)... prob not but would be great
Cheeba_Inucommentedweek 45 years ago
Healthy growth, looking good! 🌱👍
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@Cheeba_Inu, Thank you :)
mr_h_kovertcommentedweek 35 years ago
healthy start holmes. proppa job 👊
rhodes68commented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, thank you 🙏
the end.
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