The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Fast Cheese

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
18 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
3 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Microbacteria 1 mll
Tuesday, Today iam going to start a new Grow.It is for the Royal Quen Seeds, Organic Grow Competition. I unpacked the Seeds and let them into warm Water with Humic Acid up to 24 Hours After this they go into The Progerator . Iam using the Competition litle Pots filled with Soil So tomorrow more of this Wednesday, January 8th. Today i used the " Easy Start" - Seedgerminator from RQS It contains Microbacterias and a tray with small Plantcontainers I mixed Microbacteria with 1l Water and watered the containers, then i planted the soaked Seeds and i covered them with alittle bit of Soil Friday Girls show up, tomorrow iam going to transplant them first Time in 3l Airpots Soil Is already mixed and is acclimatising Sunday, January 12th. Ive setting up the Tent, In adding a Humifidier and a Inkbird Controller, to have stable 75 Percent RH I Transplanted 2 of 3 Seeds into 3L Airpots Next watering will be with the remaining Microbacteria- Solution from the Easy-Start-Package In around 3 Weeks they will go into their Final Pot With my Soilmix and The Nutrientmix from RQS TENT -SETUP ( Small Tent) Mars-Hydro Tent 60x60cm Mars TS-1000 ( 150W Quantum Board) Humifidier Inkbird-Humifidier COntroller 2x Secret Jardin Monkeyfans 6x 3L Airpots Own Soilmix BREEDERS INFORMATION: ROYAL CHEESE FAST FLOWERING Legendary Strain originally from the UK Cheese is a legendary cannabis plant with origins based in the UK. This marijuana strain has its heritage from some original Skunk #1 that was rediscovered then developed by a dedicated crew of cannabis growers from London. Finally they gave birth to a skunk that was so stinky that there seemed no more fitting a name than Cheese. Since then, the Cheese genetic has spread around the world, winning a Cannabis Cup and reaching near legendary status in the eyes of smokers while doing so. We got a hold of it, feminized it and are proud to present the Royal Cheese feminized seeds. Strong aroma on a thirsty plant Royal Cheese Feminized will grow to about 1.5 metres indoors, but will stretch to over 2.5 metres out in the sun. This marijuana strain loves to drink and will grow big and strong as a result. The biggest issue encountered when growing Royal Cheese Feminized is the smell. This cannabis plant stinks so much that a carbon filter is almost essential for indoors, while everyone in the immediate radius will smell it outside. Grown indoors, Royal Cheese will yield on average 60 grams per plant or 450-550 grams per square metre under a 600W light. Outdoors, this plant will tower above everything else and can yield over 600 grams in the correct climate (Spain, Italy, and California). It can be grown outdoors in northern Europe too, but will produce a lower quality buds than if grown indoors. Our Royal Cheese feminized can be harvested 6-8 weeks after flowering to achieve the strongest flavour. Leaving it 2 weeks longer, 10 weeks, will give less flavour but will pack more of a punch with each puff or bong. Different growers enjoy different effects so it's up to you personally to experiment which is the right time for you; however, as a general rule, Cheese can be harvested at 6-8 weeks. Fantastic mixed smoke! The smoke from Cheese is quite simply fantastic. Carrying such a strong, pungent aroma which follows through with a good flavour is one thing. But what makes this marijuana strain so enjoyable is the sheer strength of the stone that you get from every hit of the joint or bong. This combination of stinky smell and knockout stone has ensured that Cheese will be around for a long time to come. Now with a Faster Flowering time than before!
1 comment
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
6 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
3 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 1
Microbacteria 1 mll
Saturday, January 18th. Last Seed shown up on Wednesday Picturs are from Fiday So all Seeds show up, They are watered with the Microbatereia Solution from the Starterpack Friday January 24th Starting Week 2 All growing nicely, no Problems I removed some leaves that i burnt with spraying.( Light and waterdrops)
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
6 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
3 L
0 L
30 cm
Nutrients 2
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Combo Booster Pack - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Combo Booster Pack 25 mll
Friday January 31st. Day 15, Week 3 Girls sit in 3l Airpot, filled with my Soilmix In 2 Weeks I transplant them in the Final Pot, and use the RQS_ Organic Pack to gon on but more later This Girls are doing very well, and growing very Vigor The next Days iam going to Top them. This is a very easy and willing Grow...... they just need Water and alittle attention They like their envoirement, and the Setup ssems to be good Iam running the Spiderfarmer SF-2000, 2 Fans and A Humifidier, with the INKNIRD-Controller to kep Humidiy stable for the Girls Their growing Buddy ( Amaryllis) shows12 Flowers at the same TIme, Iam very excited
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
8 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 5 mll
Wednesday Feb.5th Day 20, Week 4 starts on Friday Big things happened today Girls were Transplanted into their Final Pots They are sitting now in 11/15L Smartpots The Pots are filled with my Soilmix and EASY COMBO // EASY BOOST.... mixed 50 g into it per 10l Soil Then they got their initilinitial Watering around 500 ml each Plant They were Topped on Sunday Friday Girls look fine , the Transplant was needed, there were slightly discolring in search for Nitrogen But thats no big Issue, now they can take the Nutrients from the Soil and the Nutirient deposit Tuesdy Today was Trimming Day I started LST on the Girls after This they got a good watering
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
20 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 5 mll
Saturday February 15th. Here we are Starting a new Week They responded veeeery well to the LST last Week. So iam thinking about Sending them Into Flower These Girls are heavy Growes, so more LST and Topping is to do They are sitting in 15/11l Smartpots filled with my Soilmix and EASY BOOST Organic Nutrition They sit into bigger POts for 10 Days now and they moved very fast. Monday, Feb.17th I went on with LST and Topping To give them the Final Structure After that they got anice Drink with Aloe and Silica
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 years ago
20 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 5 mll
Sunday Girls sit in 11//15l Container filled with my Soilmix and " EASY BOOST ORGANIC NUTRUTION" A Few Days ago i switched to 12/12 Girls llok great. Green and totally adorable. They recovered from LST and Topping and growing Very VIgor
Week 7. Flowering
5 years ago
35 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 2
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 5 mll
Friday Feb. 29th Royal Cheese Fast Flowering are doing very well. The Plants spread so much that i had to take them apart 2 are in a HAZELBOX and one is in th URBANCHILI growbox Girls are looking happy and Green, and i havent fed them until now Only the Easy Boost Organic Nutrition into the Soil
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
5 years ago
35 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 3
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Combo Booster Pack - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Combo Booster Pack 5 mll
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Boost Organic Nutrition 5 mll
Sunday Happy International Womansday The Cheese Ladies doing veery good Last week they were supercropped and They got the First Feeding with the EASY BOOST COMBO PACK-Tablets They responded veery well and lokk extremly good 2 are in the HAZELBOX, and one is in the URBAN CHILI
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
5 years ago
55 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 5 mll
Easy Combo Booster Pack - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Combo Booster Pack 5 mll
Thursday March 12th, This Weekend starts Week 4 of Flower for the Cheese_ladies. Thise Girsl sit in 11/15l Smartpot filled with my Soilmix and enriched with the Organic Nutrient Line from Royal Queen Seeds They were additional fed 2 Weeks ago with aBooster Tablet solved in Water 8 plants got 5l of those Nutrientsolution The Cheese Ladies are very Beautiful. I made agood Jog in Her Training, they are symmetric and Leaves shimmering . They are as Healthy as can be I am in LOOOOVE😍😍 I think thei and the Candy Kush express grow are my Best Ones for this year up to now The leaves are already have a strong Smell. absolute adorable Smell Saturday Today all Ladies got a BLOOM FEEDING with the EASY BLOOM BOOSTER TABLET. I solved the Tablet in 5l Water and all 6 Plants got a good drink
Week 10. Flowering
5 years ago
55 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
75 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 5 mll
Easy Combo Booster Pack - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Combo Booster Pack 5 mll
Monday March, 23rd. Holy Moly…. those Cheesegirls are Insane Wonderful development!!!! No Big Actions taken, Ive been feeding the Bloombooster last week All other days only Water 4 more Weeks……. Ist my favourite Grow atm... Those Plants do such a good Performance Ive Chosen Cupwinners, and that how they LOOK😍
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
55 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 5 mll
Easy Combo Booster Pack - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Combo Booster Pack 5 mll
Friday, March 27th. Those Cheese Ladies are alredy veery smelly and sticky " showing awonderful lush green Color, one is alittle Fading I fed them With the last Booster tablet Ist to see we are getting Closer, But iam guessing for 3 More Weeks Because the Plants Looking like in the middle of Flower Still Green, White Pistils, and Flowers have space to develop more I had to defoilate the 2 in the HAZELBOX, to get more Light to all Flowers The Urbanchili Ladiy has enough Space, no defoiliation
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
55 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Microbacteria 1 mll
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 5 mll
Easy Combo Booster Pack - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Combo Booster Pack 5 mll
Saturday, April4th. The Royal Cheese Girls, are developing nicely Buds are Maturating, And Show alot of Glue They smell very cheesy, gassy….. They are doing very well. Iam thinking for 2 more Weeks
Grow Questions
Mrs_Larimarstarted grow question 5 years ago
Hello. Iam having Problem with Germination. Wich I never had before. My last 3 Runs im Germination failed. So my Question is.. Can seeds die because of to Cold in the Fridge=?I store my seeds in the Fridge ( like Always)Can they die if Fridge is to Cold?
Other. Other
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OGgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi @Mrs_Larimar the ideal temperature is between 2 ° C and 5 ° C and humidity less than 5%. if they are well stored some seeds remained viable for 5 years.The seed hormones -ABA, cytokinins and gibberellins- respond quickly to humidity, since it is the main stimulus for germination. Try to keep the seeds dry in order to prevent moisture from telling them to germinate. A little condensed moisture can give the seeds a false signal to germinate, causing them to waste all of their stored energy. Avoid humidity levels above 5% to ensure the seeds are viable. Humidity levels above this level reduce the germination rate rapidly. Keep a heat sealed container if you are storing seeds for more than a couple of months. Includes a silica packet in the container to absorb excess moisture. Dried seeds are temperature sensitive; they can be disinfected with a short application of heat. Low temperatures slow down the internal activity of the seed, making them the most suitable for conservation. You can use liquid nitrogen - extremely cold - and cryogenize the seeds to store them for long periods of time. The air, once it enters the outer covering of the seed, signals it to germinate. Viable seeds are best preserved if vacuum packed to remove all oxygen. Seeds with a thin shell never fully enter a dormant phase, because humidity and air are always present inside. This humidity and this air cause hormone levels to slowly dissipate. Seeds of this type do not keep well for a long time. Good luck 👍
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
55 cm
12 hrs
24 °C
50 %
18 °C
11 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 5
Microbacteria 1 mll
Clean Fruits - Green Buzz Nutrients
Clean Fruits 5 mll
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets - RQS Organic Nutrients
Easy Bloom Booster Tablets 5 mll
Thursday April 9th. Omfg, Those Cheese Ladies took the Overdrive So it Looks like only a few Days longer. The latest one I think 10 days So Im going to water them with " Clean fruits" To Speed up alittle the Maturating I feel very blessed to grow with this good Conditions So I want to shoutout Thank you @James for the Genetics and Organic Nutrients in this Grow Thank you @SpiderFarmerled for Making such great Lights Thank you Enrico from @GreenBuzzLiquids, for your Support
Week 13. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Great Strain. Easy to grow. I(am guessing for 70-100 G each Plant. I had 3 Phenos, one very Minty. One smelled Like Skunk and the Last one like an Oriental Perfume….Just Loovley. Big, Dense Resinous Buds SMOKING:
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Spent 92 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Hungry, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Diesel, Flowery, Mint

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Thise Cheese Ladies were Vigor form day one. Sproutin in 24 Hours showing up 2 days later. From there on easy To grow. They startet in My soilmix, and went into Amended Soil( Easy Boost Organic Nutrition). I took 5 gram of it per l of Soil. And from then on only Water. I used 2 Booster Tablet For Flowerig Period. Wonderful working Product The Girls decided to get 2 Pheos A very MInty one--……….OMG Delicious A Skunky One::::::::: very Smelly And one smells like an Orientel perfume, like amber…...This one had a Special Look. She will Need a Week longer than the other 2 Plants SMOKINGREPORT:


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JinksyGrowscommentedweek 105 years ago
Easily my favorite of your girls, right now. All are beautiful, but this one is something special. Very nice build and blooming well👌. Have a great week with the kids🙂
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Big Blue is still drying and will probably be ready to jar tomorrow or Friday. She is starting to smell very good in the dry tent as she continues to ripen. I think I will do an update on the review after a week of cure. She will smell and taste even better by then. I'm trying to be be patient. Haha. The NL'S have been jarred for 6 days now and are smelling very nice. Like sweet pepper. Very strong. Can't wait for the BC cure.
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, I will have. And you already sniffing on the " cookie Jars"????... it takes alittle huh-----did you smoke a tster=?
OimRauschcommentedweek 135 years ago
Congrats on the Harvest Mrs. Beautiful Ladies, as always. Cheerz. O.
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
Shooeycommentedweek 65 years ago
Very nice Mrs L , she is beaming✨
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@Shooey,Iam happy that the organic nutrition does his work, the combination of my soilmix and the additive nutemix and microbacteria work wonderful,,,
ReinDeercommentedweek 135 years ago
Great looking plant😍
ReinDeercommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Indeed, You definitely succeeded with it :)
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@ReinDeer, hahaha, thank you...Iam very glad that iam able to Show their Beauty....
ReinDeercommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, Aaaaa, can't wait to see other pictures, you're photos are getting better and better every week. Congratulations 😊
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JinksyGrowscommentedweek 95 years ago
Love the LST on her! I enjoy symmetry too and her shape is great. Going to big!😊 Happy trails Mrs_Larimar
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows, I think other grower do it too like this,,,,, but to me its a" new" method^^......and i got her at the right time. Its a great growing vigor strain with absolutely cupwinning genetics
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, I went back to early veg and am seeing all your bends and progress up to now. I think this would be a great project to try! She looks like a THRONE of buds and it can only get better👌. That middle is so nice and exposed to light and air, I'm sure she will flower very fast. It's a great build, all around.
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows,i combined mainlining and LST. That means i took away the tiny flowers along the branches ive been binding down, letting just the flowers at the tops. ian an early stage, that menas no flowers in the middle of the plant
Buddha2commentedweek 105 years ago
She is looking marvelous! She loves you as much as you love her! Stay healthy!
Buddha2commented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, uuuhh, don't remind me 😭
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@Buddha2,hahaha... danke. Ich hoffe sie bekommt nicht heraus, was in 5 Wochen mit Ihr passiert....
northernMikecommentedweek 95 years ago
That cheese lady looks incredible👍👍 Way to grow👌 Just curious, do you do a 12 hour light schedule for the flowering stage on autos as well as photoperiods? I have been keeping mine on 18-6 from the start, seems to be working, just going by the info I've gotten. Have a great day and Grow Big!!
northernMikecommented5 years ago
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@northernMike, i start with 24/0 until they are 10-12 days old, then i let them on 18 hours until the end. And yes those cheese girls are wonderful, already stinky
JinksyGrowscommentedweek 35 years ago
☺️ Good looking kids. And your addition of the amaryllis is a great accent. Have a good week with them!
JinksyGrowscommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar, We have something in common then. Anything else I put my hands on dies, especially flowers. Haha. You did very well with this one though and you'll probably get very good at this too! You're garden (s) are going to get more and more colorful😊and that's a big plus.
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows,hahah normal Flowers die under my hands^^ loool. but this Girl cought me.... humic acid and kelp in the waterings helped her enormously.... i normally have every year an amaryllis. but this year i gave her some benefical stuff from green buzz liquids and i planted her in my soimix..... she loves it
Silky_smoothcommentedweek 135 years ago
Beautifull flower and equaly amazing diary....congrats on your win.....very well shows why you are the undisputed “queen of soil”......🙏❤️
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@Silky_smooth,nice Words from the " Queen of Fluxxing^^-------congrats for your Cup too. Its alovely strain, those Girls turned out wonderful
JP148commentedweek 135 years ago
Beautiful 🌱 almost thought photo of sunflowers. Stunning
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@@JP148, Agree. but the effect os totally different to Sunflowers^^….😎
NOLOGIKcommentedweek 135 years ago
Good job, and love this! Uaaaoooo
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@NOLOGIK, Thank you… I love it too^^
ReinDeercommentedweek 135 years ago
Outstanding harvest. Wish you a happy smoke 😀
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@ReinDeer,Thy,,,,i hope they are as tasty as they smell
HazeyBobbycommentedweek 135 years ago
Nice harvest 👌 The first photo looks like sunflowers :) wonderful.
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
😎@HazeyBobby, yozu will Need some sunglasses after Smoking them^^
northernMikecommentedweek 135 years ago
The end is in sight, Enjoy👍
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@northernMike,Indeed gonna Harvest on Saturday
Ozeolacommentedweek 125 years ago
Very nice balance on this plant. I love cheese. Too bad you can’t find it around here in the southern US. Thanks for sharing.
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@Ozeola,Iam sad not to get my Hands on some american seeds so iam Feeling you
ReinDeercommentedweek 115 years ago
These buds look so sweet, I think they’re going to be massive 🤩🌿
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@ReinDeer,agree...….lovely strain
ReinDeercommentedweek 65 years ago
Beautiful healthy plants 🍀💚
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
JinksyGrowscommentedweek 55 years ago
This is going to fill up so fast, haha. Can't wait to see a sea of green, then to white ☺️. All look great. Happy trails with them this week😉
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@JinksyGrows,I love those RQS Gentics, Plants doing a lot by themself. Iam surprised every day how vigor they grow
Jamescommentedweek 15 years ago
Good luck!!
northernMikecommentedweek 45 years ago
Hey, Good Morning Plants look great👌 Wondering about that easy boost? what does it do? , is it just for seedlings? Started my second Grow,had the same issues, some yellowing and stunting of the plants during the first couple of weeks, not sure why? Will post Some pics later today. Any feedback would be apprieciated🙏 thanks and Grow Big!!
northernMikecommented5 years ago
@Mrs_Larimar,thanks for taking the time to get back to me👊 I will keep that in mind for next time. thanks again, Have a great day👍 Grow Big!!
Mrs_Larimarcommented5 years ago
@northernMike, Hi i havent tried it before. its a product from RQS.... you mix it under your soil and should be enough nutrition for the whole grow. additional you have 3 tablets to make afeeding solution... 2 for grow 1 for bloom
the end.
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Fast CheeseFast Cheese
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