Week one with these beautiful babies is done! 9 more to go! I'm planning on doing leaf tucking, and maybe some defol but mainly letting them keep their natural shape.
White crack has been the biggest, most vigorous so far. Hopefully it will be the large pheno. No problems with this babe. Wish I'd given her a larger pot but 3gal should be fine.
Pink Panama had such a tiny seed I was really concerned at first! But she's doing okay. Had a little leaf twisting so I adjusted the pH. She's in a 5gal. Kind of looks like a dandelion.
Double grape has been the smallest and slowest. I'm really excited for her though and tell her she's going to be a happy little tree with all her friends. She's in a 3gal.
Northern lights 2 is apparently variegated? Please correct me if I'm wrong here but that's what it looks like to me... I've read that the variegated babies that survive will have a reduced yield, but I'm going to let her have a chance. She's in the 5gal.
Northern lights 1 is still a baby, the seed that was supposed to be in that pot didn't come up so I popped this one in. She looks like she's doing okay, but is obviously behind. She's in the 1gal.