What's Good GrowDiaries Community!
(Be sure to spread those Good Vibes and Cannabis Love whenever and wherever you can)
Back at you on this Expert Seeds Amnesia Haze Auto 1 at the start of Week 7!
My entire house smells like "Sweet Baby Jesus beer by DuClaw Brewing" (A sweet chocolate peanut butter porter) and not a one of us are complaining lol 😍
She has finally shut down the stretching completely and slowed her drinking down to about .5gal per day. Just out of curiosity I carefully dug down to check on roots and found that the entire BioBizz Light-Mix Substrate is colonized by roots! Man do I like this substrate!
Fed her BioBizz's Week 6 nutrient schedule: Bio-Grow, Bio-Bloom, Top-Max, Bio-Heaven, & Alg-A-Mic. She is super happy with zero deficiencies or burns. Just follow BioBizz's Nutrient Schedule and you will not have any problems! One note on these organic nutes: They feed the bacterium in you growing medium which then both manages the PH naturally and feeds your roots with activated high-grade organic nutes - Much better than chemical nutes if you plan on consuming your Medicine 👌
Checked on Trichomes and am finding a huge burst over this last week! Buds are swelling nicely too and am guessing another 2 - 3 weeks before we start seeing amber Trics. I am just astounded by these genetics, There is probably 100+ good sized Bud nodes and 10 or so main cola nodes and all of them are looking choice! Highly recommend Expert Seeds Pheno of Amnesia Haze Auto... Just be aware that without specialized training (like in my Amnesia Haze 2 GD) this pretty Lady will grow massive and take over your whole Grow Room!
She has been under the Mars Hydro Reflector Series 720w LED (around 300w from wall) the entire grow and as you can see, It is well worth the money! On a Side Note: I've had my Mars LED for a long while now and have had no LEDs burn out and zero issues at all - I love this light! They even have an official rep here on GD - @smokevera who can help you out if you run into any problems.
Refreshed my DIY CO2 Generators (I re-do them each week when I update this GD). They are recycled 2liter pop bottles that I poked a hole in cap and fed through fish tank line, and then ran it to an air-stone above my Girls. After washing the bottle out; Filled 3/4 with warm sugar water and added a teaspoon of bakers yeast before putting back into Grow Room. This setup provides broken down CO2 as the yeast consumes the sugar to multiply, and applies this CO2 down over your plants (CO2 is heavier than oxygen). You can really get a lot from adding CO2 to your Grow Room (especially if you also control other important variables like temp, humidity & light density).
At this point, This sexy Girl is growing herself and all I do is sit back and drool over how gorgeous she is!
Thank you so much for following along and for all the Good Vibes you send our way! It is the reason we are excelling!!!
Until Next Week, Cheers!
Expert Seeds - Amnesia Haze Auto
After Haze genetics (Thai, Cambodian, Lao and Jamaican and Hawaiian Haze strains) arrived in Holland they were crossed among themselves resulting in several hybrids. An American expat blended one of these hybrids with a male derived from seeds of an old school Haze to create Amnesia Haze. They guys at the Expert Seeds laboratory set about crossing this super plant with Ruderalis genetics to give it the autoflowering gene without losing any of the characteristic taste or smell of the original. By crossing and re-crossing up to nine generations, we came up with Amnesia Haze Auto; a second generation automatic plant that grows taller than its predecessors and has fewer automatic characteristics while losing none of the sweet sativa taste and preserving the resin and flower yields of the original Amnesia Haze. In northern climes, this is an excellent option for early summer harvests while in a Mediterranean climate, two or even three crops a season are possible.
Genetic Background: auto sativa
Lineage: Amnesia Haze x Ruderalis
Yield: Indoor: 450-550g/ m2
Yield: Outdoor: 60-80g/plant
Flowering Time: 60 days
Harvest Month: 80-90 days from seed
THC: 21%
Taste: sweet Haze, floral
Odor Level: fruity, floral
Effect: euphoric, relaxing after a while
BioBizz Nutrient Line Info:
Root-Juice allows an optimal development of the roots of the plant. It moreover stimulates the growth of the plants that are already rooted because Root-Juice imitates the natural life of the soil in the surroundings of the rooting. Through the strong growth of the roots, the plant is better prepared to absorb nutrients.
Bio-Heaven improves the effects of all foliar sprays and fertilizers used to feed the plant. At the same time Bio-Heaven rids the plant of toxins, it repairs the chlorophyll production and restimulates the plant. By using Bio-Heaven the plants’ energy will be increased! Use during the entire grow and flowering period of the plant. Besides, it can be used on every substrate, on coco and in hydrosystems.
Bio-Grow is a liquid growth fertilizer which can be applied to most types of soil and substrate mixtures. Bio-Grow activates the bacterial flora in the substrate thanks to it basis of 100% Dutch organic sugar beet extract, commonly known as vinasse. Vinasse is syrup that contains sugar.
Fish-Mix enables substrates to stimulate bacterial flora and accelerate growth. It is an infusion of organic fish emulsion from the North Sea mixed together with extract of Dutch sugar beet. Fish-Mix boosts growth of all living organisms in the substrate, as well as improving and stimulating production of microorganisms and useful bacteria in every type of soil and coco-based substrates.
Alg-A-Mic ensures green leaves, by stimulating the absorption of chlorophyll. Alg-A-Mic contains a low level of NPK, therefore it is impossible to create an Alg-A-Mic overdose.
Bio-Bloom is a complete liquid organic fertilizer which contains a small amount of nitrogen and enough phosphorous and potassium to ensure exuberant flowering. Trace elements and hormones of vegetable origin are also added to improve the flowering process. It also contains enzymes and amino acids, which work in harmony with the soil to promote flowering and fruit production. Potassium helps the forming and flowering of petals and bulbs. Phosphorus gives the nutrients that are necessary to make the calyces and the petals grow.
Top-Max is a 100% organic flowering strengtheners which has the threefold purpose of increasing the actual size and weight of clusters of flowers, leaving a sweet, smooth taste in the finished product and facilitating the uptake of nutrients by the plants. Top-Max liberates ions like calcium, iron and magnesium, which stimulate the metabolism of the plant.
Cant recommend BioBizz Nutrients more!! They work well every time 👌
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, I will definitely keep that in mind... I really had nothing to lose on giving this a try, nor did I do any kind of research at all on if it would work or not lol! I had a cutting I was already going to remove, had rooting compound on hand, so here we are.
@biggreens420, I wish they had an Official Rep on GD, but alas they're not here yet. I email their support email right from website. A guy named Devin always takes care of me!
@BudKingsGrow,nice are they on here I'll have to have a word see if they could sort some samples I'v been interested for a while but hesitant to change what I Know works lol
@biggreens420, You have no idea how much I am looking forward to this Harvest!!! On so many levels!
1st Harvest on GrowDiaries, 1st grow utilizing this specific training regime , 1st grow of Expert Seeds genetics, 1st Haze grow, and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to implement this batch making Her my most anticipated Lady ever!!
Stay Tuned!
these are looking good man! do you always top your autos mate? and if so have you ever done a side by side experiment of one being topped and one with just low stress training? just curious to see how much it makes a difference.. i was told not to do anything with autos other then low stress training because they are too fragile and cant really handle it but looking at this i guess that advice was obviously incorrect
@ganjaman94, Thanks Man! I'm very impressed with Her and the genetics. I'd say to not worry too much about training until you are comfortable... Autos are so fast that you can let them go as so many others do and have a good harvest! Or you can just experiment some and see how it goes 😀! A good starting place is to wait until She gets to about 3 - 4 nodal set high and then tie Her top as far over to the side as you can without damaging stalk/roots. This will expose those lower nodes to more light and triggers Her to invest more energy into their growth. This simple training method will get you more main nodes that produce large colas instead of 1 main cola on middle node without training. Cheers!
@BudKingsGrow, fair enough man, i think once i have bit more experience and find my self more comfortable with the whole concept of growing i may try it, i guess seeing it for myself is enough to sway me towards giving things a chance. i look forward to seeing how this rewards you though mate i am quite a fan of the ol' amnesia. i get that mate if i could sit with mine all day i think i would, i just find it harder to resist temptations the more i spend time with her in her later stages haha, especially with how nice she smells. and no worries man i think she looks great
@ganjaman94, I generally do both LST and FIMing on all my Ladies (Auto or Photo). With Autos I generally do not do any stress inducing elements once flowering has kicked on, but will occasionally defoliate if there is too little light penetration to parts of the tree. I have grown a couple of Autos with no training just some defoliation here and there, and found they grew great! I guess the point is that I love Growing and being in my Garden and being active with my Ladies so I cant help but want to mess with them as they grow 😉! Thanks for commenting, following and growing! Together we can make a difference!
@Rtush, Yeah, Shes a strong one! Its 3 weeks from full germination, but still impressive. Fastest startI've ever grown. Just hope we can keep it strong the whole cycle!
@biggreens420, Im really hoping the colors come out well from flush! Im going to do a 2 day dark-period too this round. I also did a Bud Coloring test on my last harvest with some organic food colorings that turned out super amazing, so Im going to be trying a few of these for this round to add some interesting aesthetics 😍
This looks fantastic man, she has certainly grown into a nice sized plant for an auto.. And they look like some nice long colas man, Looking nice and frosty too bro excited to see how this ends for you mate
@BudKingsGrow, fair play man.. If mine turn out ok I would definitely recommend it, only thing I worried about was the extra heat but as the leds don't get to hot adding a 4inch intake fan at the bottom managed to sort the temperature out in no time, I will most certainly check them out mate I am quite interested to see how well you get on, and which methods work out best! Good look bro, and thank you!
@ganjaman94, Yeah, I've thought a lot about adding an HPS for Budding (most articles I've read say HPS provides better flowering), but haven't got around to it yet! As for training an Auto, You do want to be more careful and especially keep it to as early as you can. Once in Flowering you'll want to keep the stress as low as possible. I am working a bunch of different training regimes currently and all on Auto, so you can use me grows as a reference for what you can/cant do with Autos. Good Luck with your 2 kinds of light man, Bet it works great!!!
@BudKingsGrow, she looks great man you have done good by her for sure! In your opinion would you say auto's are as fragile as people make out? I am always being told not to do anything but low stress train them as they can't really take much stress,yet I have seen a good few grows now that seem to make that advice sound wrong.
have you considered adding another light bro? Maybe like a small hps or something, may do something to add to the bud size, I have just done it with my auto's today man putting them under the two types of light.. Hoping the led helps with trichome production and the hps adds the weight, could be worth giving it a try man may just give it that boost your looking for
@BudKingsGrow, just bought @1200w bestva lol hope it work out now the weathers changing! I need a switch from hot lights. It seems the best for its price plus a 3 year warranty! Can't grumble at that can you! Haha
@CAMOGROWN, Thanks Camogrown! The Mars Hydro Reflector Series 720w that this Girl is under can easily fit 2 large profile full grown Trees, or 4 smaller profile Autos. In a SOG, you could do up to 5 but that'd be tight. The Maravi Reflector Series 300w I have next door to my Mars Hydro can take 2 Girls, and the Meihzi Reflector Series 300w in my Grow Room 2 can support 3. It's also how big your grow space is and how reflective the walls are also. If you're not afraid to spend some money, the Electric Sky ES300 is a killer LED but it'll run you around $700.
@TeflonDonFarms, To be honest, I'm a pretty big fan of smaller Buds usually. Don't get me wrong, a nice, fat, beautiful, big Bud is sexy, but it's almost a travesty when you have to break it up for consumption lol! I do see a difference with CO2 in my Grow Room - Now a lot of GD growers will tell you that there are variables like temp, humidity, and PPMs of CO2 that will either make or break the effectiveness of adding CO2, but I find that this simple rig of warm sugar water with yeast hooked to fish tube and an air-stone does give my Ladies a boost without too much focus on getting the science just right. And with how cheap and easy the rig is, Why the heck not!!! I usually wash out the containers and re-do them once per week.
@BudKingsGrow,Ran into the same thing with the pineapple I just grew. I left them and she rewarded me with atleast an once of smaller nice buds. She’s lookin hella fine! She’s a monster. That red neck CO2 maker is fuckin awesome. Can you see a definitive difference having it in there?
@TeflonDonFarms, I'm shocked by this Lady's Bud formation so far! I left a lot of lower Bud sites vs. trimming to focus Her on main top colas so I'm not sure how big they will get... But there will be lots of them 😉 Thanks for the support TeflonDonFarms!
@TOTEM, Me too Totem!! This training regime really does produce tons of Bud sites and large profile size - Need to have a big Grow Room though lol! This is the best part of being a Grower is watching your Ladies give us their best in Flower... Love Cannabis 😍
@BudKingsGrow, Hey bro! Yap is because many of us make autos, I personally mix the cycles for the sake of variation. LST is the only advisable tecniche for autos and cloning autos is generally known as not worth the work, 👌👍 , though you don't see a lot of experiences in this field! Hope for a successful outcome, happy growing! 👊 Cheers!
@CANNASIM, Wow! I'm surprised by all the "clone" comments! I guess I blundered in my attempt to utilize the cutting I had taken from this auto lol!
I'll know for next time that cloning is for photo plants 😀
@Tistou, They were free seeds fro my last Auto purchase from Herbies Head shop. Found this strain to be fairly easy to grow, but very sensitive to light cycle (So no variations from 12-12 when in flower or it will revert to veg)