D 106. Fed.
Spec A is doing great. Not as tall as the others, but still very big.
Spec B is way bigger than I anticipated her to be. Very healthy.
Spec C is the tallest by far. Very beautiful and healthy.
D 107. Watered. Added bud ignitor.
Spec A very healthy.
Spec B very healthy. Needs minor defoliation.
Spec C healthy as ever. Need a ladder to get to the top of plant.
D 108. Fed.
Spec A is very healthy, I believe her veg height has pretty much been maxed. She hasn't grown quite as tall as the others.
Spec B is very healthy and very huge. It now towers over me. Tons of colas on her. Last I counted was around 20 tops.
Spec C is very tall with many many tops and secondaries.
D 109. Fed.
Spec A looks very healthy. Very nice growth still. Lst upwards.
Spec B is very healthy. Lst upwards.
Spec C very healthy and beautiful. She is way taller than her support may need to rig something up if weight gets to be to much at the top. Lst upwards.
D 110. Watered. Added bud ignitor.
Spec A is very healthy.
Spec B is very healthy. Just a monster of plant. Very pleased with her so far.
Spec C is a monster now, very huge tops. Definitely too big for her support.
D 111. Dry out day.
Spec A looks very healthy except for one single branch which is wilting and droopy. Looks like it might have some root problems starting. Will add beneficial bacteria and trichoderma bacteria to try and resolve the problem before it gets worse. Will cut back on watering to help roots dry out.
Spec B is healthy and huge. No problems this far. Will be adding same treatment as A.
Spec C is very healthy. Huge now, starting to get to big for the supports. Nice light through the middle. Will add same treatment as A and B.
D 112. Fed.
Spec A is still healthy except for 1 branch still. Waiting on treatment to arrive.
Spec B very healthy and very big. No signs of any problems.
Spec C is loving life way up there. Very beautiful very healthy.
Only problem this week was the look of a root problem starting. One branch was affected so far. May have been watering too close to the stalk too and it softened it up, they are well over 6 foot branches. Will treat soil as if it is root problem. Will now water well away from stalk.