
G13 Haze quarantine grow :^]

Approved by Barney's Farm
4 years ago
Room Type
weeks 5-7
weeks 7
weeks 7
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 14
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Distilled Water
1000 ml/l
Commented by
Medicanna Medicanna
4 years ago
Day 95: the pot was mostly dry so I watered 600ml of distilled water pH 6.3. this was probably this plant's last watering as I'm gonna leave it dry out until harvest in 6 days. Day 94: The pot is slowly drying out, thats a good sign. Also I hereby declare this plant FINISHED. I unfortunately have to wait until the liberty haze is done, too, so I am going to harvest in exactly 7 days, which will be day 101 and flowering day 63, which means two more days of darkness and cutting & hanging on day 66. Hope the plant stays sort of alive until then. The smell is literally orange lemonade. Incredible !!! Day 92: Pot didnt get lighter, so no reason to water. Also the plant seems to have stopped growing at all. Some pistils are still forming and or decaying but not much is happening. I call this girl ripe if not already overripe. Breeder recommends flowering time of 65-70 days so that would really make sense. But considering the stress it went through in the end it might just fight for its life against gnat larvae instead of producing more flowers. Lots of trichomes on the sugar leaves (like 60%) are amber. On the calyx, its like 20% which is perfect but I want to wait 10-12 more days for the Liberty Haze to finish and then its chop chop time :) BTW the smell is still this incredible fruity, tropical sweet lemony smell. SWEET TROPICAL FRUIT PUNCH would be the smell if I had to name it :)
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Grow Questions
Medicannastarted grow question 4 years ago
Greetings to all growers out there. So I heard that the G13 Haze would stretch quite a lot, as well as the Liberty Haze I got in my tent, too. What veg time would you recommend considering my 160cm height minus carbon filter and LED (lets say 110cm are available)
Other. General questions
OutForRealanswered grow question 4 years ago
Sativa typical stretch is x2.5 /x3 so 35cm should be good as 3x 35 = 105 so near from the height you can work with. If you are training them then you can switch around 50 cm because you will try to keep the canopy lower from the start of the training
Medicannastarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey guys, so I dont 100% know what's wrong with this plant. Any suggestions on what to do / what to change / what not to do? It's not looking really happy and the starting leaf burn starts to worry me now. Oh and please read the diary first theres some info there... Cheers :)
Leaves. Tips - Die
Leaves. Curl down
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 4 years ago
hey there medicanna you have pH related symptoms due to your high pH. The soil buffers to 6.5 pH, right now you're watering at 7.5 pH you should be watering around 6.0 6.5 pH. I guess you do need pH - to make it right. Hope this helps ! 🚀
Medicannastarted grow question 4 years ago
Hey people, this is not an important question, I just want to hear everyones opinion on the training I did today (supercropping, LST and defoliation). Does it look good in your eyes, was it too much, not enough or maybe too early / too late? And what should I do next? Thanks :)))
Techniques. LST
Techniques. HST
Techniques. Defoliation
Bongkhananswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey mate ; i think you did just fine and it could not have been better. Just keep on LST it till the 2nd week of flower. Make her spread her nodes as far as possible and try HST too. The best buds shall be on tops ; so try getting mpre tops rather than long tops. Your training is on point 👍
Medicannastarted grow question 4 years ago
Heyho :) since she has progressing leaf tip burn and curled tips which I'd almost certainly say is a nitrogen toxicity, would you recommend going down to 50% general strength or maybe leave out the grow supplement at all and just feed Bloom? Cheers guys :)
Leaves. Tips - Burnt
Leaves. Curl up
1 like
Ttrichomeanswered grow question 4 years ago
I personally do not see nitrogen toxicity. Actually I believe ur going to hard on the bloom. Overloading ur plant with too much potassium to early.

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HazeyBobbyweek 6
This is a real wonderful strain to grow. I would let it grow at least a couple of more weeks (get to double its current size) then switch your lighting to start flowering. It will be great any which way 👌
@HazeyBobby, yeah well the problem was especially for the g13 I stunted it in the beginning for a week at least. That's why I didn't top at all. But I definitely will top an mainline next time because I really want to try that out. Thanks alot for your suggestions and support mate!!! Let's see how this one turns out and I'll do better next run :) Cheers
@Medicanna, you will always be the best judge mate for your grow space. Sativas will stretch a lot and these two strains will take a long time to finish hence my suggestion to grow the plant bigger so your yield is better for the long grow period. I see the space you have is 60x60 which is very small - so you're probably making a good call with the timing. Maybe look into training a single plant next time (like mainlining) in that space just to experience a bigger plant and its yield. Enjoy and good luck :)
@HazeyBobby, thank you so much for your comment I really appreciate it. So if let's say I let it grow another week which should be enough for it to really take off, the liberty haze is gonna get really big in that time. That's why I plan on switching in a couple of days already, I don't have that much space and I've never grown photo sativas before - I don't want to get problems with grow space...
CRiSPrGrowweek 3
hey there , hope i answered your question, anything else you need, just let me know 👊
@Medicanna, yeah different gens and different phenos have different sensitivity , same for watering, the top part and the bottom part can have variations, same with microclimates inside the grow box. over time these all add up. BioBizz might work ! depends how well it plays with your tap water though ! hope this helps ! 🚀
@CRiSPrGrow, Hey man, thanks for your ultra fast answer. I don't have any pH - solution here right now so I might just have to leave it be until I'm gonna feed with BioBizz as they regulate the pH pretty well. You reckon its gonna be fine or is it a bit risky? But just out of curiosity - the Liberty Haze seems to be very happy in the exact same environment... so even though these plants are basically relatives, pH influences the G13 Haze this much and leaves the Liberty Haze completely untouched? Never grew 2 strains next to each other but its really interesting to see their genetic differences. Thanks anyways man :)
Ydarnik87week 1
Бро, сорт очень живучий. У тебя всё получиться, только теперь уже не быстро. Недели на 2-3 от срока по паспорту.
@Ydarnik87, Hey man I do appreciate your comment a lot. I know that its living and its not doing particularly bad, it just got overwatered and sort of mishandled really badly and it takes a lot of time to recover which is perfectly fine. I am really looking forward to seeing this baby once it starts to take off after it recovered <3 Cheers my man and keep doing what youre doing ;)
Complicateweek 11
Hope these problems don't hold you back too much, good luck!
54degreesnorthweek 12
I am growing tangerine dream which is a G13 cross, you can really smell the G13 and kinda smells like sour apples :P
@@54degreesnorth, Wow awesome, that's the smell I had so far but now it turned into a citrussy creamy smell... I'm so excited :D
decamweek 13
sieht echt gut aus 👍👌