#3 has beautiful pink buds very happy with these girls, hopefully the other two show some colour as the Temperature comes down.
Have swapped the 250 red CFL for a 150 blue. May turn it off for the last week to get every last bit of pink possible! Pots have a nice wet dry cycle, have tried to hold back and not over water so I've been watering with a spray bottle. I use a 1L hand spray bottle and fill it up three to four times depending on the weather. Although it seems impossible to overeater with the breathable fabric pots. Which are awesome if I haven't said already. Perfectly fit 11 in my small cupboard which is lucky as I ordered ten as soon as he free one arrived without measuring them! Stoners eyes never lie! 👁️
Buds should be huge if they keep going at this speed! Haven't topped them for the natural look, been a few years since I've done it can't wait to see a big fat cola bud at the end!
Not on the ball at all, the brown dots are spider mites. Had treated with cannacure already before noticing webs and black dots running around. Gave an extra treatment after a few hours, going to repeat up to harvest just to be sure!