Welcome to week 2 of flowering , Im sorry I havent had time to update like I should , These are assorted photos of week 2 . I will be updating again tonight once I have time after work. I'm trying to keep the diaries as current as possible so people dont miss out on any of the action ! Thanks for your patience folks :)
I'd like to thank everyone for their continued support ! Keep on keeping on !
Happy Growing!
@Growingkitten, it's already been harvested between the last pictures posted and harvest day theres 11 days . I will be posting pics of some of the nugs as well as the what it looks like chillen in jars tonight :)
Thanks for taking the time to stop in !
@Ferenc, Thanks man , yeah its been a while . I just been super busy having a building being built for me and stuff to explore the cannabis world in the sense of breeding and create my own genetics !
I will be posting a diary tonight with my breeding project in it , I wont be giving any strain information for my male but I will give my females its going to be cool to watch and see.
Thanks for leaving such positive vibes man !
Happy Growing!
@Rojif, Thanks man ! I'm going to be looking to transplant these ladies either in their AM , or the following one . I can't believe the rate of growth I'm getting from the coco and MANTIS combo . The Great White is a super root booster well worth the money spent on it thats for sure !!
Thanks for stopping in and checking out the diary and leaving a comment!
Many more updates to come so stay tuned !!
Happy Growing!
@MarsHydroLED, She's all done now , I will be posting the final results today.
Thanks for taking the time to come check out the diary!
Happy Growing!
Long time no see!! Still looking great tho... Question: How are those air pots??? I've wanted to try them. I've just been using fabric pots but I hear those are better for outdoors and I'm growing in a tent.
@Itzjusbizniz, Thanks for taking the time to stop in , I just posted an update and seen your comment !
Yes they are air pots these ones are 3 gallon ones , I also use 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 gallon versions. They can be used indoor or outdoor , I really like them in both scenarios.
I tried the fabric pots didnt really like them so I got these instead and absolutely love THEM !!
Happy Growing!