Not gonna lie, she's AWFUL 😂 but let's take this as an experience and an experiment. I read some diaries here on GrowDiaries about this strain and I'm not the first grower having problems with her. Many people had mutant leaves or very slow growth and they were not newbies like me. Nonetheless, I surely should have read some reviews before buying her. I will be happy even with a single gram since it is my first time ever so it's ok. She was very slow from the beginning so I suppose she's suffering from both her genetics and my inexperienced cures.
Today I noticed that she has some new "normal-looking" leaves coming out. The older ones are even more twisted than yesterday.
Ok just kidding she surely is some kind of mutant plant. Her new leaves look healthy but they are sooo weird. Actually, I couldn't even understand how many and how shaped they were... Let's call her Frankie Frankenstein!
Anyway, a friend of mine gave me some mysterious seedlings. He found the seeds in a bud he bought (yes, very low quality product, but hey that's what you have to smoke where weed is illegal). So for the moment I dropped the idea of germinating the second CBD seed.
She's showing some more leaves but she's staying very short. I mean, she now has some pairs of leaves but there's no space between them. Anyway, she's growing and seems healthy overall.
Still a dwarf, but the new leaves seem to be doing ok. Moreover, she grew faster this week. Maybe she will be fine, let's see...
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Ciao, complimenti. Anche io adoro stare a guardarle. La sera le guardo e sento una pace allucinante.penso che riuscire a fumare il primo raccolto (Se mi verrà fuori qualcosa) intanto che guarderò la seconda crescita andare, sarà ancora più bello. 😁 buona fortuna. ✌️