Diary Lemon Potion CBD
Welcome to my diary! My goal is to grow my first plant ever in the most stealthy way possible. Also, I'm trying to keep it simple and (as far as I can) organic. I will grow outdoor.
Any advice is welcomed! :) please feel free to comment ^-^
Enjoy my journey!
Together with Lemon Potion CBD auto I'm growing her friend Auto Amnesia, which has her own diary on my page.
Today I put my seed in wet paper towels. I closed it in a small plastic box which previously contained raspberries and put it in my closet. The temperature here is about 26 C during the day and about 14 C during the night and humidity is naturally very high (~55% in sunny days, ~80% when it rains).
The seed didn't crack, but sadly the paper towel started to mold a bit today so I had to change it. I don't know why this happened, I've never heard of anything similar and damp paper towel was the most recommended method on GrowWeedEasy. Any advice? Anyway, it doesn't seem to have affected the seed so let's hope everything's fine.
This evening the temperature dropped a bit so I put a homemade heating source near to my seed. It's a sock full of rice, heated in the microwave.
She sprouted! Can't be happy enough! I don't know if it was just her time or if the heated sock helped. Anyway, I put her in a jiffy pellet. Then I poked holes in the bottom of a plastic cup, filled it with soil and put the jiffy at the centre. The cup is on my window.
She's out! She still has her shell on, like a tiny helmet. I read that if the shell doesn't fall on its own in few days time it's necessary taking it off very gently with some tweezers.
She naturally lost her shell but the thin membrane below was still wrapping her cotyledons so I gently cut it and freed her. Today she sunbathed for few hours inside of her little greenhouse (which I made with a plastic bottle). I think she enjoyed the sunbathe because she stretched her cotyledons out and rise a bit.
приветствую! зайди в свой дневник, нажми на неделю которую хочешь изменить. Нажми в правом верхнем углу три вертикальных точки и выбери в списке "редактировать неделю". в появившейся странице редактирования под номером своей недели выбери "вегетация" или "цветение". Все просто! 👌😇👍 Удачи!
Ciao, complimenti. Anche io adoro stare a guardarle. La sera le guardo e sento una pace allucinante.penso che riuscire a fumare il primo raccolto (Se mi verrà fuori qualcosa) intanto che guarderò la seconda crescita andare, sarà ancora più bello. 😁 buona fortuna. ✌️