Well this has all been a mayor fail 😔 The plants had suffered a bit from being in the apartment, they had got a little draw and the temps got a little low from time to time, but nothing to bad. I decided to repot then before putting them in the flower room, but what a mistake. First of all the roots had like grow into the fabric pots making it a nightmare to remove them. Then i realize that the diameter of the pots are almost identical 😨 at that point i knew i had fucked up majorly.. In the end they got transplanted, but it was a rough treatment they absolutely didn't like which you can probably tell from the pics (which is taken two days after repotting). At least they have been so resistant all a long so i don't doubt they will survive it, I'm just a little worried how they will turn out in the end atm 😓
@@ShotGunBob, Your plant seems alot like mine, very fast growing and handling training like it didn't even happen 😊 i just can't flower them before 2 weeks time so I'll probably end with two monsters 😂 but they can probably handle some training in flower to 🤔
@HazeyBobby, Thinking back now i don't how i ever thought i would be able to keep these two girls in that room for such a long time without getting trouble 🤔
@Fruitgrower, I'm looking very much forward to tasting these girls. Mainly because I'm pretty sure you won't be able to tell it's the same strain and they smell so sweet and sugary ☺️ i haven't had sweet candy like smoke in a long time so it will definitely be nice with some 😁
I've worried myself about transplanting from a fabric pot to another. I think next time go with your final pot from the very beginning. Apartments are also tough too! My fingers are crossed for you! Lets hope the girls are resilient!
@xbabybitchx, I only feel it makes sense to go for the final pot size from the beginning with autos. If feel repotting makes my plants grow way faster + it makes it easier to water them 😉 in the future I'll just stay away from those fabric pots 😊
@Fruitgrower, I'm pretty sure they are supposed to smell like that 😁 Mine just seem completely off, I'll bet the genetics is nowhere near true Runtz genetics 🤔
@ZhugeTsuki, Yes they were planted the same day and number #1 seems to have been a little ahead the whole time 🤔 Number #1 has the organic food mixed in with the coco aswell, so it might be that 😊 even though I'm leaning more toward genetic differences too