AuldKeltcommentedweek 115 years ago
Sounds like you're pretty well on track for your harvest in approximately 10 days; my Northern Lights grows usually need 7 or 8 weeks in flowering mode.
Regarding drying time, that's dependent on your set-up. I use an 8' x 8' closet without a window and keep the temperature at 75F and the humidity at 50%-55%. Under those conditions, with sugar leaves removed and stems kept short, I can usually get them dried in 2 to 4 days. When the small stems crack with moderate pressure but the large stems still bend, plus you can click a small bud off easily with very slight pressure, your buds are probably at the sweet spot range to start curing. Keep a close eye on the buds in the jars; if after the first couple hours they seem moist on the outside, take them back out and spread them out on a clean, dry surface for another few hours, then try them in the jars again. When you've done this once or twice it'll seem like second nature.
BTW, your Lady looks great!
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