xbricocommentedweek 24 years ago
Day 12....So...had a bit of time on my hands! Expected bereavement happened earlier in the week and needed to put my mind somewhere else (RIP ma!!!)! So I gave the (hopefully) girls a bit more attention this evening. As they all seemed to take to the topping, and there was plenty of fresh green sprouting nodes, I decided they needed some light too so began a bit of LST and defoliation. Was feared of doing too much due to the chlorosis on a few leaves but I believe now (thanks to Ed Rosenthals book - Marijuana Garden Saver) I'm potentially looking at more of a Ca/Mg deficiency than a nitrogen OD (I live in an area with water that tops out CaCO3 @ 19ppm!!!).
During the week, thanks to some honest and well informed advice from @GMSgrows, I upped my Ca/Mg a bit as I was using lower end of the recommended scale (Plus my nute provider sent me Hard Water variant of A/B rather than the soft water variant I asked for so Ca is a great candidate for the deficeincy!!!). Seeing no real progression now from the chlorosis so hopefully caught up to it all (says the amateur!!!). Think (before I speak too prematurely) I am dialed in this week. Water dropping in volume, EC staying put at 1.1 and pH only has a drift of about 0.1 towards neutral a day (working at 5.8 as my starter). Today I reset the pH to 5.8 as it was @ 6.1
So defoliation, basically, the single and 3 fan leaves got it!!! After pinning stuff down, I was worried the top leaves touching the lower ones could allow any fungus/infection to start so they got gone (In all fairness, I was also worried the leaf spots were Septoria potentially as well so they did get a bi-carb/oil/fairy liquid spray too so was to minimise transposition)!!!
Also got a bit better airflow into the room...as much as I am in a @Budbox tent, the grow is in a cabin...the wall is SW facing so gets some fair heat so that's a hard one to manage and her indoors will not let me drill vent holes all over the place to make shit obvious!!! Got a good hidden window venting going on so temps down from 90F+ at peak to a more respectable 74 (24C in new money!). May need to invest in a swamp cooler/humidifier or turn off my dehumidifier (even though its set to 60) as the tent stays sub 50%RH (closer to 40%) even with side vent open and a gap in the zip to allow more fresh in!!!
Finally, added a milk jug CO2 generator. Don't know how much it puts in but hopefully more is better than ambient (As I cant drill holes, the vent goes back into the room...at least blowing on the ballast it keeps it very cool!!!)! Basic setup was the generator, and expansion tank/bubble counter and aquarium tube to the back grille of the oscillating fan. Generator ingredients were about 3pints H2O in a 2L (4qt) milk jug, a handful of raisins as a slow burn sugar, a cup of granulated sugar and a table spoon each of NaHCO3 (Sodium Bicarbonate, Bicarbonate of Soda, Baking Soda) and Yeast.
BTW, I hope this is helpful to new growers, been that long since I grew anything and totally 1st solo run AND 1st run at hydroponics, I hope it comes in useful and always willing to share info or accept greater wisdom!
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