
My Second grow: RQS Royal Dwarf Auto

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
4 years ago
Room Type
Grow medium
60 L
Pot Size
0.5 L
Grow Conditions
Week 6
17 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
Fetanq Fetanq
4 years ago
Allright! So I'm back from a three week holiday. Bob stayed at home. I've tried top put him in a strategic place outside underneath my carport with the intention that it is able to catch as much sun as possible while still being covered from the rain. The rain usually comes from the west so I've put him on the south-eastern side of the carport about 30cm from the edge allowing him to catch the morning and midday sun while being mostly covered from the rain. My grandmother in law came by every few days to water all plants inside and outside the house. I didn't make it too complicated for her and just said "If this guy is dry, give him water. If he's wet, don't give him water. If he's moist, give him a bit of water" and didn't bother with nutrients. The weather these past three weeks were off and on, but mostly sunny and warm with one week of cloudy weather and some rain here and there. I was pleasently surprised when I got home. Bob grew very nice! From 3 to 23cm in three weeks. I did a thorough inspection and gave some nutrients, but that's all I had to do. I'm also happy the new leaves at the top look normal. The leaved at the bottom are misformed due to the difficult sprouting. But this is a sign of nice recovery! I didn't notice any bugs or sign of disease. It is going to take a longer time than usual to flower obviously but that's totally fine! Bob will also stay outside during the nights from now on. The carport is not an option since my car is there, but I have a doghouse with one open side where I will put him with the same idea as underneath the carport during my holiday. I am going to keep a close eye the following days since he has been alone for three weeks. See you next week!
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Grow Questions
Fetanqstarted grow question 4 years ago
When sprouting there was a brown film over the leaf. This has been removed manually. Since then he has grown some small beginnings of leaves. But I'm worried if he can recover from this, Can he recover from this and are there any special things I can do to help?
Plant. Other
Loulou84answered grow question 4 years ago
I'm a newbie so probably not much help but My first attempt ended up like this and it didn't make it. Probably more than one mistake if I'm honest. Maybe she wasn't buried deep enough. There is a membrane that covers the inside of the seed and sometimes it remains when the shell falls off. Looks like you've done a good job in removing it. Give it a few days and she'll recover. Yours looks healthier than mine did at that point. My second attempt is going well given my lack of knowledge. Good luck with the grow. 👍🏻

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Ferenccommentedweek 134 years ago
Nice plant man @Fetanq
CheckThoseTrichscommentedweek 114 years ago
Looking healthy so far! Keep it up
Onandoncommentedweek 104 years ago
Looking good 👍🏻 The plant has such a different look to mine.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 143 years ago
You rock that Royal Dwarf, BELIVE THAT!!!