This is beautiful, a lovely smell, out of this world lemon,the smoke is very potent, it will make some paranoid,i say this to inexperienced tokers, this is top shelf weed,I cant fault it, but you need to know its VERY strong.I really like it , at present there are three autos on the top of my list - BDM,CB, and ULH -This was everything i hoped it would be, and more.
loved this one... :)
I am now running Shogun nutrients , the plants loved them ,they were ph stable , the boost creates the best froth I have ever seen , that is ideal for nutrient uptake , the flavour and colour of the finished product is exceptional , and the katana roots is fantastic , I have never seen roots so white . The plagron was ok as a base nutrient but as you can see , they need a cal mag additive .
Congratulations on your harvest mate can I ask why the low rating on the mammoth microbes and What did you yield or have you still got it drying very frosty weed I like the look of it looks puka
@420_liquidsun,Bestva s are amazing ,with the right strain you can easily get 1 gram a watt , I'm not sure if the stretch is nutrient or genetic, I am trying two new feeds , although Plaigron didn't send me the green power but 😜