Starting a new week and the training is going well
Day 36
Topped the 2 end so she van develop 4 main cola's .
Day 37
Defoiled her from the rest of the grow point so the 2 ends get all the energy
Day 40
Topped the 2 ends to make the plant produce 4 cola's .
Stretched Them a bit so they grow away from eachother . The stems cracked a little from stretching hope this Will heal , not sure since this is my first mainline grow.
Day 42
The leaved starting to come back very well
This time i let then grow a bit bigger so i can make the topping cut further away.
@GreenBeanGrowMachine, just started using the h202 myself. Find helps water penetrate the seed. Can sit the seeds in water for days while cracks and build a a tap without getting any rot . Don't see any benefit after planting, just helps getting the seeds to crack.
@Fusion, the only thin i can say is that it does actully really boost the build of my root structere . tried it on pepper plants too and does an amazing job. But should i give h202 a try ?
@MrJones, Thanks mate! gonna check them out!
Question: Does the damage from stretching recover with photo periods or will this affect my bud outcome big time??