Noticing some weird brown spots on the upper leaves and yellowing of lower leaves and I’m scared! Look rusty and I’m not sure what to do. Suggestions welcomed :)
@Kazbrownthumb, thank you! I just started a dark period for my 4AM and they’ll be getting chopped in a day or two. This part is scary 😅I’d hate to mess up my beautiful babes!
Here's an observation action for you: It appears that the plant on the right-wing is the disapportionedly lanky one? If so, can you reposition your grow light to be directly above the plant on the left? If so, do that, then GENTLY bend the lanky plant to the extreme right away from the light and hold it down with some twine. This type of very low-key LST may help to correct the discrepancy. In a few days you should be able to correct the situation.