35 / 5 Days - Looks good headed into 6th week. Rotated cup as the leaf against wall wasn’t looking as happy as could be.
36 / 6 Days - Looks excellent given space. Slight stretch on first internode above lollipop on the higher axillary shoots. They have taken dominance much faster than expected. Hopefully, the nugs fill out on the lower axillary shoots.
37 / 7 Days - Not sure how much more height it’ll gain, but still growing. Think the current ebb and flow of watering I’ve reached is working well. I don’t think it’ll gain enough mass to require enough to impact the routine.
38 / 8 Days - Still no sign of stopping vertical growth. Upto 10” on the two tallest, maybe 9” on shorter too. But, only top 5-6” is the bud zone at moment. Another 10 days of growth, so I should get close to a 12” zone if it’s capable of that much vertical growth -- possibly more if it surprises me - 5-10” more wouldn’t be crazy in a regular-sized pot. Due to position, 3 shoots would have been better. One is being smooshed by wall. This contest came out of nowhere, and wasn’t sacrificing a ~75-100g plant for it. Trimmed off some leaves that were pressed against wall. Removed an outward facing shoot with the same problem. 10-13 days of vege growth left given experience with this strain.
39 / 9 Days - Wow, another 24 hours of excellent growth. Top 2 nodes are no doubt larger, but node spacing is better on the lower two. Both have about 4-5 bud-bearing nodes plus a terminal (i.e. not pruned off). Should have a week left of vegetative growth, but I doubt it’s vertical height continues the entire time. I don’t see it getting over 14-16”. That’ll be about a 12” bud zone. Any surprise will be a good surprise. Plant is as healthy as it’s ever been.
40 / 10 Days - Still think it’s getting taller. Lower 2 shoots aren’t doing much anymore as the tallest two have dominance. I’ve made a couple notes of this so it burns into memory.
41 / 11 Days - Healthy and happy -- as tall as I ever expected it to get after seeing a rootbound Durban Poison clone swap dumpster fire I got stuck with. I think it’s still growing taller, too. Has at least another 7 days of vegetative growth before blooming full-bore.
Another surprising week for the solo cup. Leaves are great. Growth is beyond expectations for such a small root zone. I see no problems on horizon. The only drawback is that it is cramped. It is impacting the symmetry of the plant at this point. 10-14 days and it can likely slide into GB’s gap.
@@NobodysBuds, just in awe brother 👏 your bench system with the fans on the bottom are genius as well! Thx for amazing idea. Love the Solo Cup btw, we have something in common 😉 🌱🔥🤤