Hi dear!
Looking absolutely fantastic now, great that after the defoliation it's bouncing back so quickly (and still looking healthy! - Remember that removing damaged leaves only removes visible reminders that they exists and not the deficiency or issue causing it. Though it does divert energy to healthy growth if you've fixed the issue causing damage)
Definitely do not recommended the GardenSafe product for cannabis - I use it to GREAT affect on my roses, hydrangeas, and non-edible garden items. However I hate that it's active ingredient is neem oil and you CANNOT know what the other 97-99% of the solution is.
HOWEVER: There is a solution. Just get organic neem oil and you can use it as a mist (follow directions, tsp per 36oz water [Ph!] plus tsp of soap for emulsion) and you can also safely use it as a soak.
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