Decided to switch to 12/12 to start my Northern Lights photo flowering, not worried about slight yield loss, more about getting the experience of my first grow.
9/9- White pistils started emerging on all 3 plants looks like photo switch was at a good time.
9/10 bought a dehumidifier as the plants are getting bigger humidity became harder to control even with ac in the room. I was getting 70% rh recently at night and 59-65% daytime (meaning in plant time since I'm running lights at night that's their daytime). going to try and maintain 40%-50% throughout the rest of the grow.
Looks like it could be thrips. Check the underside of the leaves for little pests, they can be hard to see sometimes. Since you're in flower, we don't want to get the buds wet. If you spot any pests on the leaves treat those area's with neem oil or an oil based soap (1-2 drops) with water in a spray bottle.
Good luck!
I see you changed the light schedule for the photo plant on there. I'm gonna make a separate tent for my I think, I feel that my auto is gonna be a monster anyway 😁
I see you changed the light schedule for the photo plant on there. I'm gonna make a separate tent for my I think, I feel that my auto is gonna be a monster anyway 😁
@daybreaksky, I honestly didn't expect all 3 to survive after failed germination and my last plant died after 2 weeks looking like this one did on day 2 lol . If I had another light I would do the same or better yet, in hindsight done all photo or auto.
@nafa23, It's not bad it's getting better as it cures flavor and effect, kind of a mellow but energetic feel to it. It wasn't bad to grow maintenance or time wise I'd grow it again 👍
@Donnectar89, It definitely went faster after transplant! I'm glad I planted multiple...didn't know how fast they grow would be so different even with the same seed batch
Looks great! I harvested half of the 2 of my plants, leaving the bottom half to get more light. I had thirps. I used Dr. Bonner's soap, its a hemp soap. It has the mixture to use on the side of the bottle you can get it many places. I was spraying the underside of the leaves and topsoil, seemed to take care of that minor issue. I choose that over neem because my issue wasn't that bad and just made more sense to use a product that was made form hemp. I'll update my page tomorrow so you can check it out! Looks great though!
@djelektra, That's great! let the drying and curing begin, Were you able to see any of the thrips, I've gone around my plants with a 30x loupe and haven't seen any besides the damaged leaves. I have spinosad which I was going to spray with, essentially a soil bacteria/microbe that kills fruit flies, thrips, leaf miners etc and can be used up to a week before harvesting. Looking forward to the update 💪