Ganjalfcommentedweek 107 years ago
well done man, youre almost there! have you thought about giving straight water for the remaining time? I guess theres much debate on the color of the trichomes, one says to harvest directly when shes 80% cloudy 10% clear and 10 amber, another (just last week) told me to flush for two weeks once it's at this stage because the crystals dont turn super fast. So I guess, just go with intuition, or as they say 'if you think its ready, give it another week'. Your lady is looking might fine :D has she stopped swelling? The reason I ask is because I thought she would get super fat buds especially with 1000w LED's, but then again you have more buds on the stalk so I guess that could compensate :p you could even harvest at different intervals, experiment a little haha nevertheless she looks like she'll be an easy trim, not many leaves sticking out 👌
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