I missed an update because i got that winter time saaaaaaaadness..
nah it's chill, i was just lazy to take photos let alone even check on them haha..
Which did make one plant unhappy, I should have done a feed sooner I had dental work done and felt like a POS.
The ladies stacked on some masssss.. I did a really big haircut on them, took all fan leaves off unless on main colas, they still so bushy dang.
I included some photos of them with no light and so purple!!!!
I saw first amber trichomes so time is coming up here! it's a hybrid so i'm not going to go super amber, last feed was today then I start the flush!
Got some lil seedies germinating also! Excited for new things! :)
Hope ya'll been good n staying safe during another dumpster fire year lol.
keeeeep it sleezy👻
@xbabybitchx, I get the same thing with some of the girls. About 3 hours before lights off, a couple do droop, but it's been a non issue. Always back up in the morning. I'm not exactly sure why these nastic movements occur and have read into it... Its natural unless accompanied by other symptoms or problems. If you feel you over watered, gently punching 1-2 inch deep holes (small screwdriver/pen etc ..) and gently till the top soil w/ increased circulation, the water will disperse much quicker and things will be dandy👍👍. That being said, I do see it as natural when they dip out at night and I only care if they're droopy throughout the day. Then I probably have a pH issue or nute issues. So no worries if they're up in the day and droop at night before lights out. When flower hits and we cut that additional 6 hours and go to 12/12, you won't be seeing that droop anymore, or at least shouldn't be. Looking good BB. Keep it up and good things are a coming 😀
@xbabybitchx, ohh ya, it's definitely a non issue, just an observation. I just fed mine a higher volume and they dropped too. Back up in a couple hours, gaurenteed ☺️. Kicking ass BB. Keep on er'!