
Sunshine Budz 1st Gro

4 years ago
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Blue Cookies
Avg. success
Crop King Seeds - 87%
Blue Cookies - 65%
Crown Royale
Avg. success
Crop King Seeds - 87%
Crown Royale - 84%
Commented by
SunshineBud SunshineBud
4 years ago
So, this is my first grow, just starting out. After NJ passed recreational weed, I was like you know what... Went on an amazon spending spree and got some seeds from cropkingseeds and this is it! I let the seeds soak for 18hr in deer park spring water w/ 1 drop of Organic Liquid Seaweed and Kelp Fertilizer Supplement by Bloom City. At the end of soakage, it didn't look like any had cracked maybe one did not so sure. So I did up the papertowels according to the video and have to say I feel a little nervous/anxious that there is too much water/weight on the seeds and feer drownage. I'm going to keep it on there though. I check the towels a few times throughout the day and am surprised they're very moist throughout the day and next morning still somewhat damp. 24 hours in the towels I check my babies and one had cracked but the rest were still sealed up tight, unwilling to share the goodness that we all so desire, cmon babies crack that shell for papa! 11/12 looked like 1 seed popped, yay! I remoistened towels a bit but didn't wanna soak them. I also put some rapid rooters in water to soak overnight gunna throw the seeds in them in AM... I was going to do it tonight but figured I should wait see if some pop out more. 11/13 OMG upon checking seeds at 07:10 I found the papertowels like bone dry OMG WTF!!! Panic sets in but I just set up the little terrarium with 6 plugs and put the seeds in and tore some plugs off bottom of a plug to cover seedhole with. 11/14 Got a sprout! YES!! The plugs look nice and moist just going to let it go! 11/15 Woke up this mornin, saw a new sprout peeking thru and then another about to! I got ansy and took off the little top plugs and found all the sprouts were coming up! Leaving the top plug off, hopefully thats not a bad idea.
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Grow Questions
SunshineBudstarted grow question 4 years ago
The stem on this plant appears to be narrow at the bottom growing beefier up higher. Any ideas on strengthening it up or will this hurt me further along?😲 I think this plant got knocked over once so perhaps thats it, just hope it doesn't choke the plant further along. Ideas?
Plant. Stem - Weak
Plant. Stem - Red or purple
sacredgeometryanswered grow question 4 years ago
It seems to be genetic or that there wasn't enough light during the early seedling phase. Either way, it looks like you have room in your pot to add more soil. You can bury the lower part of the stem and roots will grow from it. I would do it just in case the plant tips over because it can break, being that it is a weak spot. I also noticed you are feeding the full dose of fox farm nutes. I know the feeding chart says to use that but it is an easy way to nute burn your plants. I start off with 1/4 dose then go up to half dose the next feeding. Since you started the plants in a large pot, the roots haven't colonized that large space so nutrients and water are collecting in the soil not being used. You can see discoloration and leaf tip necrosis already.

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DreamOncommentedweek 04 years ago
Good luck with the grow mate! 🌱😎
Ferenccommentedweek 04 years ago
Good Luck! @SunshineBud
homerjgangiacommentedweek 34 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Ferenccommentedweek 34 years ago
Good Luck @SunshineBud
heizencommentedweek 44 years ago
Nice grow mate, plants are looking good, keep it up, imma follow this one upclose.
SunshineBudcommented4 years ago
@heizen, thanks Heizen! Can’t wait till I’m smoking them!
jeffhespokecommentedweek 24 years ago
Looking good!
SunshineBudcommented4 years ago
@jeffhespoke, Thanks man! I appreciate it! Worried bout #5 :(
DreamITcommentedweek 24 years ago
Enjoy growth 👊👽🍀
homerjgangiacommentedweek 44 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
SunshineBudcommented4 years ago
@homerjgangia, thanks homee!!
DoDrugs420commentedweek 113 years ago
Spectacular my dude.
BloodSweatBeerscommentedweek 114 years ago
Great work, shes looking good :)
jeffhespokecommentedweek 64 years ago
How's the grow going?