I did some fimming earlier in the week and topped one branch on the reaching Snowman. I also removed just a few of the lower fan leaves on a few plants. The plants were fed and watered on Tuesday and Saturday. All look very healthy and the presence or pistils can be seen in the axillary buds, confirming that they are all females (and all are in the 'pre-flowering' stage of development). The pH is 6.8 with nutes on the way in, and pH reads 5.8 on the way out (drained water). I will increase pH slightly next time I feed. Fed again on Weds and increased the pH. There is currently rapid growth!
Thank you, Jon. My son is doing an identical grow, though he is using the standard MH and HPS lights. I'm using LEC (CMH) for veg and flower. It will be interesting to see if the difference in lights makes a difference in yield for our identical clone sets.
First grows are exciting, but scary!
Your plants are quite healthy and look ready to yield well under those lights!
Let us know if you have any questions =)