My tallest plant is the Lemon Kush, which was cloned on 3-16. It is now 30” tall and has eclipsed the 1 month older plants. It is, however, slender and spindly. The second tallest, also very slender, is the Snowman. If I were to grow either of these strains again, I would consider growing them outdoors or with much more aggressive trimming. FWIW: all along the Blue Frost has stood out as a nicely shaped and vigorous specimen. I sure hope the clone I took from her takes.
Thank you, Jon. My son is doing an identical grow, though he is using the standard MH and HPS lights. I'm using LEC (CMH) for veg and flower. It will be interesting to see if the difference in lights makes a difference in yield for our identical clone sets.
First grows are exciting, but scary!
Your plants are quite healthy and look ready to yield well under those lights!
Let us know if you have any questions =)