Dec 26/Day 16.25 @5pm: LST begins and at 8pm 1 top leaf defoliated for light penetration.
Dec 26 @10pm: Turned bloom lights off (cobs) and left veg lights on. Lowered lighting to 12". Broke her main stalk and taped it. EEEE Giving her a short break from the heat and time to stretch while I LST her. Her humidity levels are up around 54-60% with cobs off and humidifier running.
Dec 27/Day 17 @4:20pm: Both cob and veg lights are on again and the light hangs 12" above.
Dec 27 @9:30pm: Watered her with 2.5L at a PH of 6.56, soaking the whole pot through for the first time. PH runoff was 6.71
This week, I started watering daily with 0.4L and by week end about 0.75L at PH 6.6-6.7