Day 22
There is a hulkster in the mix. It is pushing out tall frosty rockets and remains in good health. Although this just like all of the others in this run is a clone, this particular plant is growing with greater vigor than any of the others including its parent. I don’t know exactly why but I am certainly pumped.
The plants that were deficient before have turned around and are continuing to push out green new growth and very purple (I assume because of stress) bud sites. They still have a lot of yellow leaves because I’m choosing to not defoliate the damaged stressed growth. I’m hoping that they’ll still push out good looking nugs despite the tough times.
The other people plants are looking like the parent plants. They’re bushy and green with consistent lightly purpled colas that fill the canopy.
That’s the report for this week.
Thanks for cruising along and happy growing ✌️🏼🌱
@Dr_Doobie, I know him, I like him a lot. I have a bit of a science background so I really appreciate the burden of proof he places on the recommendations he makes.
That pretty much seals it. Even Shane from Migrow said it was a great light. Literally just ordered one there, so Thanks Dr 😂