First day of Week 2, Day 8 since sprout. Still be on cruise control, just been giving it some distilled water with a dropper right around the stem area and out to the edge of the cup every 2-3 days. The Roots Organics 707 should have enough goodies to keep them fed until I start giving them nutrients next week and probably move them to 2 gals. These all seem to be growing a little slower than I'm used to, but it's probably just a mental thing. It seems every grow I have is going to be different until I start cloning. No mutants yet, and look healthy and like they should. No complaints yet!
End of Week 2 and they have really started to take off. The B plant has a curving stem so I've been trying to get it to straighten out, but it will be much easier to do when I repot them here in a couple of days. They already have roots sneaking out the runoff holes so I'm going to repot them this weekend when I have some time off work. I'm also probably going to acquire my Irie Leonardo clones to add to the mix. I have given them a little bit of a recharge(microbes) watering with their spring(A) and dechlorinated tap water (B), so no more distilled just to keep things damp. Also have been giving them a few squirts of Overgrow (Foliar spray) before lights out and spraying them with distilled water a few times a day based on if the humidifier is doing good enough or not. Going to have a full 2x2 here in a few days!
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, Thank you sir! I just rolled a 2g King palm with a few tops for my YT channel review after a month cure. Definitely my favorite plant I've grown yet.