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ViparSpectra XS1500 LED Grow Light

4 years ago
36"x36"x60" Tent
Room Type
weeks 5-6
weeks 5-6
Sphagnum Peat Moss
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
11 l
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
9+ conditions after
Commented by
NobodysBuds NobodysBuds
4 years ago
Well, they sure are loving their new home. #1 and #2 7 days - ~5 cm 14 days - ~7 cm 21 days - ~11+ cm -- within fractions for both 1 and 2. #3 7 days - 3cm #3 should outperform the others. Mixed up imperial and metric earlier if you read this before the correction. It is a bit shorter, but can attribute that different to stretch at this point as it has same number of nodes as others at this time. After 21 days i expect it to be as tall and have more nodes than #1 and #2. The plants are very happy as you can see. Good shade of green. Veins are looking good. Leaves are perky. Internode space is exactly what i want at the moment. I will allow it to continue to grow into the light -- allowing vertical growth to cause increase in intensity of light until i observe anything that requires a change in behaviour. The problems are in the past for #1 and #2 as the plug is a small portion of the total, and i was over-irrigating the solo cups to help shift pH -- 30-40% runoff - while maintaining some sort of wet-dry cycle in the substrate too. Current week notes about light -- With ambient CO2 -- Currently running at 75% power and 18-20" from canopy (i don't mesure, tbh - area of coverage needed and resulting blanket of light dictates the height that i use - a light meter helps figure this out in an intellligent way). So, i'm covering about 7.5ft^2 with 120watts right now. As you can see from growth, it is more than sufficient. ~16 watts per sq foot. It doesn't take much with a fairly efficient light, like the XS1500. I'd like to see about 25% more diodes per watt for a top-tier efficacy, but this is still excellent as you can see. * "Lux" always means realtive to 1 fixture. You would need notes per light on LUX for various stages, but it'll be roughly the same the next time. Temp and RH will have something to say about this. In a less controlled environment, more 'observe and adjust' required, if you want to ride that upper edge of what light you can provide without hurting your plant. Suggestions for XS-series -- they have same ratio of diodes - white - 660 - 730 etc:, so this should translate for all as measured by a URCERI MT-912 lux meter -- not a phone camera lens made for a variety of things not related or loosely related to measuring lux. 8-10k lux for seedlings, early vegetative. 10-12k lux simply allowing them to grow into the light. The vertical growth will take care of intensity. 13-16k lux for a plant that looks like #1 and #2 this week. I'm at ~12-14k for each of the 4 larger plants pictured. Internode spacing is good. ** This last one is more of an estimate at this point. I'll make any final determination based on observances this week as the plant is matue and robust. Clones -- Initial 7-10 days with ambient light - a standard cfl or led bulb is fine early on. AFter that i toss them in or near vege area at 1000-1500lux. Seems fine for initial acclimation, but watch for wilt. Some needed to be removed and 2nd attempt worked out after recovery. Continue to increase intensity of light over several days until they can handle 13-16k Lux**. Any wilt, simply pull them back or raise light etc.. reduce intensity any which way that works for your context. ** this value may change slightly with observances over next week or two as it is the first time with this light. (see above ** note) Overall, i've got the proper use of this light mapped out. I can simply use the light meter to see what the resulting intensity is and start in a good ballpark. Again, since i don't tightly control environment, i always have some fine-tuning to hammer out. Internode leghth as well as behaviour of leaves will out the truth quickly. Check out the "G"ermination week for more info on light. _________________________________________________________________________________________ About Lights (Portion copy and pasted from Germination week comment) Hello, folks... This light was sent to me by ViparSpectra. It looks like an excellent light for the price point. They used the most efficient 'white' LED diodes (LM301). They come in both 3000K and 5000K varieties. The average is around 3600K, so it should do you well in both vegetative phase and bloom phase. The 5000k will promot branching early and 3000k will promote bud development late. It also includes diodes for 660nm and 760nm wavelengths (far red and infrared). Meanwell drivers are a well known brand with good efficiency. It has a quality heatsink, too. This is an excellent light that can take you from seed to harvest and produce high quality buds. 8% Coupon Code - XSNobodyBud Note, my screen name is slightly different. Use any code you find for that matter. There are several out there. There are no commissions invovled with this particular code, but I did receive a free light. Nonetheless, I'm an honest guy about this stuff. Amazon US: XS1500 XS2000 XS4000 Amazon CA: XS1500 XS2000 XS4000 Official Website: How to use the light based on its specs: See germination week for more information. An effort to shorten these posts.
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Polaskiscommentedweek 24 years ago
Best of luck with the grow my friend 🍻
Ferenccommentedweek 14 years ago
Happy Growing @@NobodysBuds
MrJonescommentedweek 24 years ago
💯👍Hope you have an awesome weekend, Looking great nice, and healthy!👍💯
MrJonescommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I have not been able to master one thing and that is patience, so we do not get a fast forward :) Would be Oh so Nice!
Tryhardcommentedweek 14 years ago
Look forward to this diary should be very interesting. I’m wanting to run some auto asked fastbuds but they avoided the question and tried to get me to sign up for some thing to try make them sales
Tryhardcommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds,oh I know mate a bit of miss communication lol this is autos I was just saying I want to do some from fast buds didn’t mean these were fast buds my bad my terrible writing try to bare with me
DeaneRcommentedweek 04 years ago
"Observe and adjust to reality" - NobodysBuds, week GER ......Great advice👍....✌️🌻🔛🔥!
Polaskiscommentedweek 04 years ago
congrats on the sponsor!
deFharocommentedweek 44 years ago
Hola, últimamente he cambiado mi concepto de riegos con macetas de tela y otras similares, ahora las mantengo más húmedas y alterno muchos riegos suaves para disolver el exceso de nutrientes en el sustrato y mantener muy funcional todo el sistema radicular, apoyando la movilidad de las raíces con sustratos ligeros y porosos y con microorganismos. Mi objetivo es poblar completamente de raíces la maceta definitiva, en las más o menos 3 semanas de crecimiento vegetativo. También para mi la única espera larga para el siguiente riego es después del primer riego profundo desde el trasplante, aproximadamente una semana para maceta cuadrada old scholl, 4 días para las de tela y 5 días para las air-pot. El mayor riesgo que le veo a la humedad es que esté parada en la maceta mucho tiempo, es que pierde el oxígeno, y creo que sólo por el mero hecho de disponer de macetas de tela o aireadas no es suficiente, la costumbre de dejar secar mucho el sustrato, antes del siguiente riego, aduciendo que así se oxigena, para mi tiene varias inconvenientes: la escasa humedad afecta a la vida de los microorganismos y las pequeñas raíces adventicias; la movilidad del oxígeno en capas profundas del sustrato se consigue con agua muy oxigenada... yo ahora estoy calculando la cantidad de riego inicial en maceta, multiplicando por 3 la media del consumo diario, dejando consumir dos partes y regando de nuevo, me va bien. Disculpas si me extendido o aburrido... fumo mucho!! Saludos 👊
Ned_Growscommented4 years ago
@deFharo, Interesting approach, I understand your point of view and I admire that you are independent of the industry. Thank you for sharing 👍
deFharocommented4 years ago
@Ned_Grows, estoy totalmente de acuerdo que el entorno influye en la materia prima, animal o vegetal, a la hora de crear fertilizantes orgánicos y en relación a los metales pesados que mencionas, en mi caso, busco fuentes donde no haya tocado el hombre, vivo en un entorno natural sin polución y procuro proveerme de materia prima virgen, empezando por el agua de riego. De todos modos, yo no tengo datos al respecto. Los fertilizantes de síntesis química se basan en sales minerales y además sus costos de producción con relación también al medio ambiente son poco sostenibles. Mi concepto de cultivo se basa principalmente en la acción de los microorganismos del sustrato imitando al bosque, sin renunciar a la tecnología y dado que queremos la máxima producción para nuestros cultivos, elaboro mis propios fertilizantes solubles con materia prima que tengo cerca, algunos bastante complejos, de esta manera además, me independizo de la industria y me entretiene mucho. Yo creo que las plantas necesitan de todos los minerales de la tabla periódica, aunque sea sólo una pequeña presencia de muchos de ellos, creo también, que en cuanto más variedad de minerales contiene un ser vivo más posibilidades de evolucionar tiene y más complejo es... al final las plantas son los minerales animados. La industria agro química ha simplificado mucho el tema de la fertilización y prácticamente distribuye nutrientes básicos nada más: NPK, Ca, Mg, Fe, Si... y poco más.
Ned_Growscommented4 years ago
@deFharo, There appears to be a misconception that inorganic or synthetic fertilizers contain higher levels of heavy metals than organic fertilizers. In my experience, this is most often not the case. First off, it is important to state that pretty much all fertilizers will have some amount of heavy metals. Even if the amounts are below the minimum detection level of the analysis, there are likely still trace amounts present. What I’ve noticed is that granular organic fertilizer products will, more often than not, have higher levels of heavy metals and generally higher levels than their liquid organic counterparts. On the other end of the spectrum, the water-soluble and concentrated liquid inorganic or synthetic fertilizers almost always have the lowest amounts of heavy metals with many clocking it at the non-detectable level. The reason for these differences is the source. The granular organic fertilizers that are derived from animal matter tend to have the highest levels. This is likely linked to the type of diet they consume. Plant-based organic fertilizers come in next in regard to heavy metals. The levels will vary depending on the plant because not all plants take in metals in the same amounts. I think almost anyone would be surprised at the arsenic levels of a standard sea kelp extract. Basically, anything that is alive and consuming food and nutrients from the surrounding environment will begin to accumulate heavy metals. This is all very natural. On the other hand, inorganic or synthetic fertilizers usually come from specifically mined mineral sources where heavy metals are found in much smaller amounts. The levels found in these fertilizers are often a direct reflection of the purity of the mineral source. Food and pharmaceutical-grade inorganic minerals have a much higher purity level than cheaply-mined sources and such quality will come at a price but the difference will be extremely noticeable. In turn, they will be more soluble in water and have better uptake into plant roots. It is also important to keep in mind that some heavy metals, such as zinc and manganese, are essential plant nutrients as well.
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FreshCoastOrganicscommentedweek 24 years ago
The girls are looking good!! I noticed a Ph drop on the tap in my area too... used read around 8.0+ now it’s between 6.9-7.0.
FreshCoastOrganicscommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I don’t blame you for not checking after 2 years of consistency! I wonder what’s with the sudden change...?
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 04 years ago
Nicely laid out bunch of info there man 👍
Inganjawetrustcommented4 years ago
@@@NobodysBuds, It will be fun to watch how they all turn out. Garlic
MrJonescommentedweek 114 years ago
👍They Are looking Great Ody-Wan!👍
CanadianFillmorecommentedweek 104 years ago
Nice looking plants
Ferenccommentedweek 74 years ago
Nice garden they grow very well :) @@NobodysBuds
MrJonescommentedweek 34 years ago
Looking good - what are the clones?
MrJonescommentedweek 14 years ago
💯👍Good Luck looking Forward to Following Along With You!👍💯
Tryhardcommentedweek 04 years ago
Thanks bro for the read up on the light a lot of information i didnt know
Jef79commentedweek 04 years ago
Excellent start as always buddy.. Keep up the good work.. Stay safe and best wishes for all your grows.. 😁👍🍀
MrJonescommentedweek 04 years ago
💯👍Good Luck looking Forward to Following Along With You!👍💯
AsNoriucommentedweek 114 years ago
Feel same with autos , but still will do two mass grows just to use all seeds away and for Heather not to be mad ;)) Till i started to preload epsom salt to soil and use calmag during flower even if they look , that they don't need it i bumped up into troubles, LEDs are very calmag burning out stuff.
AsNoriucommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, i used peroxide bath, soda bath , natural lemon juice bath and pure water last, even bud rot that i missed , dryout perfectly without infecting other buds. I use it for two years in a row for my outdoor grow, heavy smokers were noticing smoothness of smoke the most, maybe its mold spors in air you can smell ? In my youth in soviet union we had sulphur smoke "granades" to disinfect greenhouses, that was wiping PM any bug or any fungus, toxic tho, google maybe there is morden days alternative. My caravan was having mold issues in grow room till i started never cool him down, dry air helped to sort shit in area. Still took couple years and only third reinstallement and tent helped to sort it out.
AsNoriucommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, you will see how smooth taste is after peroxide, you loose smell, but no harshness at all pays it off. Should be not bad , especially if its back up "in case" only ;)))
dreambombercommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, Yep, hope you will tell us about cured stuff bouquet 😉
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dreambombercommentedweek 34 years ago
Hey, pal! I've got an eye on that light panel! What if I put it in my 1x1 ft tent? 😋
dreambombercommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, I actually have a bit more space, cause it is 40x40 cm. Anyway, I get that I have enough lighting power for my set.
dreambombercommented4 years ago
@@@NobodysBuds, Here in Russia I have such benefit as broken... electricity consumption meter, or how you call them... Energy supplier company does not care and I pay fixed around $12 monthly and don't care. I actually thought of replacing my TS 600 by TS 1000, which is also 150 W and 22000 lumen. And with dimming it could be even ok. And yes, It is suitable for more space, so I will leave it as is.
WolverineGreenscommentedweek 114 years ago
Cough cough sell out cough cough lmao
WolverineGreenscommented4 years ago
@@NobodysBuds, was jokin cause u pumpn up the free light lol...sold a piece of your soul wit that haha jp tho if its legit its legit